There are two major problems programmers face in their careers: 1. How to protect hair 2. How to name variables. Sometimes seeing a weird variable name can make you laugh for the day.

There is an enumeration called FiveLine. What is FiveLine

enum FiveLine { Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth };

@ Chen Daxia

Variable name FiveLine is the blend of Chinese culture and western culture collision, the polyphonic word “xing” reflects the broad and profound Chinese!

Two arrays are named array and brray

One image is img, the second is JMG, and then KMG

Temporary variables TMP, TMQ, TMR, TMS

@ hzwer @ paladin

At this rate, no more than 26 objects will be instantiated.

When I was doing Android development, I had a colleague who named two buttons on the interface

One is left and one is you


double kill;

@ Karen wang

Old league players…

For a guy who likes to name fields with pinyin abbreviations, JXKP is fine. Even more excessive is the use of JXKP, JXKC, JXKH (performance appraisal, performance review, performance appraisal) in different tables/different pages/different peers on the same page.

@What’s for lunch

Usually anyone who writes Java knows that

StringBuilder sb

But I found out the other day that someone had defined a variable

JsonObject jb

I’m too embarrassed to ask her to fix it. I’ll just leave it there.

@Rain is raining

By definition, JsonObject should be Jo, which is intentionally looking for a bit of fun in tedious code.

JButton JB pain

@ the monk

The picture below is the project I just took over…

Refer to the link:…


The body of the

Seeing these weird variable names really makes people laugh. However, variable naming is a real annoyance for some programmers, and sometimes it is hard to remember a name that conforms to the specification.

Here is a tool to help developers solve variable naming problems: CodeIf, which unearth the names of other projects from Github, Bitbucket, Google Code, Codeplex, Sourceforge, Fedora Project, GitLab, etc.

It supports the major editors: VS Code, Atom, Sublime Text


Installation: Very simple

Search for Codelf in VS Code’s plugins pane and install it.


Based on using

Find the variable name you want to change, right click on CodeIf to start the search.

You can filter languages


Other features

Star library management is currently unavailable, but the author says it will come Soon.

As mentioned earlier, codeIf has several other tutorials, not to mention all of them, but the project author is definitely better off than going through them all the time, as detailed in his official Repo:

Project address:…

Unbug.github. IO /codelf/