The route already uses the cache

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When the page jumps, click the back button to find that the scroll bar of a list element in the previous page automatically returns to the top because the element has a fixed width and height and the CSS has overflow: Scroll; In this case, the scrollbar is not page-level and is not logged, but the component is cached, so encapsulate a component to record the scrollbar position and set it back to its previous position if the page changes.

Custom Components

    :style="{ height:height, width:width, }">
// Scroll container components (solve the problem of not recording the component roll east bar during page switching)
export default {
    name: 'ScrollElCp'.props: {height:String./ / height
        width:String./ / width
    data() {
        return {
            const ScrollElCp = this.$refs.ScrollElCp;
            if(! ScrollElCp)return;
            ScrollElCp.scrollTop = this.scrollTop; }},mounted(){
        const ScrollElCp = this.$refs.ScrollElCp;
        ScrollElCp.addEventListener('scroll'.() = >{
            this.scrollTop = ScrollElCp.scrollTop; }); }},</script>
<style scoped lang="scss">
.scroll_container {
    overflow: scroll;

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Method of use
<template> <div> <ScrollElCp height="100px" width="100px"> <h1 v-for="(item,index) in 100" :key="index"> {{item}} </h1> </ScrollElCp> </div> </template> <script> import ScrollElCp from "@/components/public/ScrollEl"; Export default {components: {ScrollElCp,},} </script> <style scoped lang=" SCSS "> </style>Copy the code
This is only if the component is already cached. If not, the component’s scroll position can be recorded globally, but this is cumbersome, please Google if necessary.

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