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Project introduction

PHP program design online evaluation system graduation design

System specifications

The front desk

Home page; Announcements/news, this week’s list, last week’s list. State; Users submit records and test results. Problem; Question bank (programming, code fill in the blanks). Competition; Questions (selected from the question bank), ranking (ACM,OI) can seal the list, after the match make-up question list, bulletin board, balloon distribution. The ranking; User problem list can be queried by year/month/week/day. The background

To the topic machine; Start/stop the Linux problem solving process. Announcements/news; Visible on the home page when users visit. User management; Account permission allocation, batch account generation, blacklist. Topic management; Add and change check, open/hide, rejudge results, import and export (compatible with Hustoj). Competition management; Add delete check change, open/hide. System configuration; Modify the website name, open/close some global functions, Chinese and English switch, system online upgrade and so on.

Applicable scenarios:

Graduation thesis, course design, company project reference

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Focus on [program generation to do source sharing] public number to get more free source code!!