Hello everyone, I am xiaobian South wind blowing, every day to recommend a small tool/source, full of your favorites, let you easily save development efficiency, do not work overtime do not stay up late do not lose hair!

Integrated host management, host batch execution, host online terminal, file online upload and download, application release and deployment, online task planning, configuration center, monitoring, alarm and a series of functions.

Open source licenses

Use the AGPL-3.0 open Source license

The link address

[Github navigation station] [spu] get git address


  • Batch execution: Host commands are executed online in batches
  • Online terminal: The host supports online login from a browser
  • File management: Upload and download host files online
  • Task planning: Flexible online task planning
  • Release deployment: Supports custom release deployment processes
  • Configuration center: Supports configuration in KV, text, and JSON formats
  • Monitoring center: monitors sites, ports, processes, and customization
  • Alarm center: support SMS, email, nail, wechat and other alarm methods
  • Elegant and beautiful: Ant Design-based UI
  • Open source free: The front and back end code is completely open source

Runtime environment

  • Python 3.6 +
  • Django 2.2
  • The Node 12.14
  • 16.11 the React

Demo screenshot

Host Batch Execution

Host online terminal

Upload and download files online

Application management

Release application

Task management

Configuration management (support KV, TXT, JSON and other formats)

Monitoring alarm

Role authorization

At the end

This issue is to share here, I am xiaobian South wind blowing, focus on sharing interesting, novel, practical open source projects and developer tools, learning resources! I hope to learn and communicate with you together. Welcome to follow my official account ** [Github navigation station] **.