Recently, I began to try the front end of the recruitment market, but also began to write something, record and review the interview process, to check the gaps, improve their skills, park on the other hand also share, and we discuss, improve the technology.

A, peace front 1

1. Talk about your understanding of the virtual DOM. How do you interact with native apps? 4. How do you do mobile adaptation 5. Rem do you know its implementation principle? 6. Flex layout mentioned, do you use it a lot? What are the common attributes? 7. How to achieve the layout of the upper, middle and lower grail, fixed height up and down, and self-adaptation in the middle? 8. You mentioned using Flex: 1. What does flex: 1 mean? 9. You mentioned the problem of one-pixel border. Some devices display thicker, how do you make compatible? 10. How to use js to determine whether it is an iphonex? Besides using JS, how can CSS be judged? 11. Have you ever done CSS animation? How to do? 12. What's the difference between animation and Transition? 13. How does saas define a variable in a preprocessor? 14. Can we talk about Es6 promise? What's the difference between it and async await? 15. Do you understand the method? The race? 16. How to deduplicate an array? 17. Have you ever written JS tool classes? 19. Have you ever encountered cross-domain? How is it solved? What fields should be added in cORS mode? 20. Is TS useful? What's the difference between TS and JS? 21. If the project uses TS, what does compilation and packaging do? 22. What is a Babel? What is his principle? 23. What is Webpack? 24. What are the commonly used Loader plugins? 25. How do you optimize Babel? Have you done any performance optimization? 27. What are the status codes of HTTP requests? 28. What does 304 mean exactly? 29. Do you understand HTTP2? 30. What state management was used before? Git git What is the difference between Reset and Reveal? 31. I didn't major in computer science in college. How did you change your career? 32. How do you learn front-end technology? 33. You used React development mostly, while we mainly used VUE technology stack. What do you think? 34. Do you have any other questions?Copy the code

Ii. Ping An Front End 2 (another project group)

1. How is the project run positioned in the browser? 2. MVC MVP MVVM? Please have a chat. 3. The principle of vUE's responsiveness? Vue. Defineproperty and proxy 4. React setState, what happens? 5. What are the similarities and differences between SetTimeout and Promise uses? 6. In conjunction with the main thread, talk about the event loop mechanism. 7. Talk about depth traversal and breadth traversal? What is the difference between call and apply? What is the difference between call and apply? 11. What is the difference between a constructor and a normal function? 12. Anti-vibration and throttling, explain? 13. When inputting a form, Chinese characters will be printed into the form and the interface will be triggered. How to achieve this? 14. Var let const what is the difference? 15. Talk about claim promotion. 16. How about the three-way handshake and the four-way wave? Why three and four? 17. The difference between HTTPS and HTTP? Why is HTTPS more secure? 18. When the version went online, I found that the resources were not updated. What's your idea? LocalStorage and SessionStorage and cookies. 20. How to sort arrays? Which one do you use most? To talk. 21. What is the space complexity and time complexity of fast sorting? 22. Double layer for loop, inner loop 100 times, outer loop 10 times, and inner loop 10 times and outer loop 100 times, what is the difference in performance? 23. Deep copy shallow copy understand? 24. What is your Git workflow like? 25. How long does it take to write a popbox in VUE?Copy the code