Activity is introduced

The annual 1024 Programmers’ Day is here. A month ago, our nuggets team got together to talk about how this year’s 1024 Programmers’ Day will be different. In 2019, the Nuggets experienced a lot of things, the team and fellow diggers ushered in a new owner — Leap Earth; The pamphlet was suspended because of a security breach, but was eventually put back on the shelves amid appeals. The station master also fulfilled his promise to wear women’s clothes and find my own.

Thank you, Digg, for laughing and crying with the Nuggets in 2019. We thought, this year’s 1024, what do we do for diggers? We opened the water paradise boiling point, the most lively boiling point is the emotion and blind date, the original everyone is lamenting that there is no object, worry how to chase girls. Why don’t we do a video series on finding friends called “How to Get Off the hook”? In order to ensure that the creativity can let dig friends like, we quickly to consult leap soil, leap soil after listening to say: “wonderful!”

“Digs the friend to take off the single guide” to watch address

  1. Digg Friends out of the single guide trailer
  2. 1. Image management is the prerequisite of getting off the hook
  3. Your world is so wonderful. I want to see it
  4. 3. Modesty and politeness are the correct conversation posture
  5. Digs the friend to take off single guide (4) how humorous chat
  6. Be a noble male god
  7. Building trust is a necessary condition for upgrading a relationship
  8. Get out of the friend zone and take your relationship to the next level
  9. Conclusion of digg’s Guide to getting off the sheet

Douyin search “gold mining technology community” or douyin scan the code ⬇️


  • Entry to the event: The comments section of this article, douyin (account: Nugget Tech Community), weibo
  • Lucky draw rules: comment article, douyin video message + thumbs up, micro-blog forwarding dig friends have a chance; Three channels independent lucky draw; Multiple comments count as a lucky draw; Brush comments to cancel the chance to draw.
  • Drawing time: 12 PM, Friday, October 25
  • Specific prizes:
The prize type Comments section Douyin video likes + comments The microblogging forwarding
Nugget notebook 10 this 10 this 5 this
Nuggets mouse pad 10 10 five
The nuggets cup 10 10 five
The nuggets T-shirt 5 pieces 5 pieces 2 pieces
Gift Package (All) 5 5 2

Appendix: Gold mining previous 1024 activities inventory

  • 2018:1024 Nuggets debate: Should Programmer’s Day be a public holiday
  • I don’t work overtime today. Programmers need freedom, too
  • In 2016:1024. Xitu. IO /

Draw the public

1. Nugget review draw

  • Drawing code:…
  • Draw video:…
  • Express information:…
  • Inquire logistics: zto express small program, binding mobile phone number can find the express bill.
Get the nuggets of notebook friends is: movecss nuggets notebook dug a friend: looking at the stars for the nuggets 0404 laptop dig friends is: djping notebook dig friends get the nuggets is: clam seed Get the nuggets of notebook friends is: restart the nuggets notebook dig friends is: F: I get the notebook: Krupp: I get the notebook: Cotyledon: I get the notebook: fish jam: I get the notebook: Nauss: mi mound: I get the mousepad: GuoYFnice: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad: I get the mousepad Qdkfahz get the nuggets mouse pad dig friend is: Baizhou don't want to talk get the Nuggets mouse pad dig friend is: QAQ green orange get the nuggets mouse pad dig friend is: don't say anything get the nuggets mouse pad dig friend is: wrap up in air conditioning get the nuggets mouse pad dig friend is: Moment gets a nuggets pad: orange. Moment gets a nuggets pad: beef soup. Bowl of Brokenbones Gets a nuggets cup. Hj gets a nuggets cup. Turaiiao, JackyWongmm, IMAlex, 983674707, JOJODuck, 983674707, Turaiiao, JackyWongmm, IMAlex, 983674707 StephenWu gets nuggets T-shirt: dream cloud, little w gets nuggets T-shirt: baby nuggets. C gets nuggets T-shirt: August string gets nuggets T-shirt: flying moment gets nuggets gift package: LQ Wood to get the nugget gift package dig friend is: ring ring comrade to get the nugget gift package dig friend is: Wang Tingting this honor to get the nugget gift package dig friend is: UserInfo to get the nugget gift package dig friend is: conscious code farmerCopy the code

2. Tiktok comment draw

  • Drawing code:…
  • Draw video:…
  • Express information:…
  • Inquire logistics: zto express small program, binding mobile phone number can find the express bill.
1024 trill to participate in comments is: 498 1024 activities trill as follows: the total number of 230 for the nuggets notebook dig friends trill user name is: omega meters His comment: little brother hurriedly assigned me a programmer Get the nuggets of notebook friends trill user name is: white down his comment as follows: Here comes the winning insulator!! [his face] [his face] [his face] get the nuggets of notebook friends trill user name is: Buddha youth his comments content is: to win friends ah [and] to obtain the nuggets notebook dig trill user name is: the islands of the river His comment: the two are gay? [laughter] [laughter] get the nuggets of notebook friends trill user name is: small apes classmate of his comment: give me the cup The nuggets father dug friends [rose] to obtain the nuggets notebook trill user name is: often from the bead His comment is: don't want to win, want to girlfriend [his face] get the nuggets of notebook friends trill user name is:while(true"I'm definitely not here for a prize," he wrote. "I'm not here for a prize."letHis comment reads: koi is my [rose] Digger who got the gold digger's laptop Tiktok goes by the username: Wake up and his comment reads: Late, any more [tears]? Get the nuggets of mouse pad friends trill user name is: Y. His comment is: don't take off a single, I want to get the nuggets winning/cool drag mouse pad dig friends trill user name is: feather his comment is: want to take a package to send his girlfriend Get the nuggets of mouse pad friends trill user name is: youth his comments content as follows: Lucky draw [applause] Digger friend Tiktok, who won the Nuggets mouse pad, goes by the user name: Oermet, and his comment reads: [stunned] Take off what? Hair loss? User 6426851002062 gave up two of his two daughters, one of his two daughters, one of his two daughters, one of his two daughters, and one of his two daughters, one of his two daughters, gave up two of his two daughters, one of his two daughters, one of his two daughters, and one of his two daughters, one of his two daughters, gave up two of his two daughters, and one of his two daughters gave up two of his two daughters. Snow_213084008 his comment reads: "Smoke me smoke my friend who got the nugget mouse pad" tiktok's username is "Ha ha hee" and his comment reads: "Lucky draw is over!! Get the nuggets of mouse pad friends trill user name is: waste His comment: ha, ha, ha. [his face] [his face] [his face] useful life get the nuggets of mouse pad friends trill user name is: NGNL his comment is: how to win Get the nuggets cup dig friends trill user name is: holding the pen, writing a poem for you His comment is: Single is not good, so sweet pork Get the nuggets cup dig friends trill user name is: red fiery woman His comment as: application apologise to report to download back specially trill [applause.] after comments, point out praise is unloaded the [his face], or the nuggets community let me enrich [smiles] get the nuggets cup dig friends trill user name is: Bee ~ his comment: please take off sheet for the nuggets cup dig friends trill user name is: cloudy day of rain His comment: all I want to get the nuggets cup made friends trill user name is: jun watanabe His comment: is talking crosstalk, can be developed under the [smiles] get the nuggets cup made friends trill user name is: He wrote: "Youyouyou, [Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto][Facephoto]" Haha [who] get the nuggets cup made friends trill user name is: gentle 🌪 his comment as: excuse me, is girl friends of [his face] get the nuggets cup trill user name is: Mondo his comment: I want to get the nuggets win cups of friends trill user name is: doughnuts His comment is: I came here to win the nugget T-shirt digger friend douyin user name: Gu Shuli. His comment: not installed, began to draw Dig your friend get the nuggets t-shirts trill user name is: farmers consciously yard His comment is: the package/seduce, dig your friend get the nuggets t-shirts trill user name is: C ~ D his comment for: clothing is always a [his face] get dug the nuggets t-shirts friends trill user name is: Unruly wind his comment is: a happy holiday Dig friends get the nuggets t-shirts trill user name is: maybe his comment is: wear women's clothing for the friends of the nuggets package trill user name is: don't say in the future, I don't have his comment: I get my girlfriend's mainly to [cool drag] [cool drag] get the nuggets package dig friends trill user name is: AT his comments: "Good cooperation, good gay love, together! [Tact] The user name of the digger douyin who got the nugget gift package is: Zi Momo and his comment is:!! The user name of Digyou Douyin, who received the Nugget gift package, is xuxing 🐳 and he can comment as follows: Come on gift 🎁 The user name of Digyou Douyin, who received the Nugget gift package, is 6611433042841 and he can comment as follows: Think that year, I a little sister we together, got my little sister, ha ha, confession success [yi fang][yi fang][yi fang]Copy the code

3. Microblog lottery

  • Draw the public:…