1. Cultivation of three views for architects

2. The architect’s ninety-eight Difficulties

3. The real Architect-seller Show 4. Detours on the architect road

5. How to learn from each other and plan your own path as an architect

7. Strategies-business architect

System Architect & Enterprise Architect

9. How to improve the architect’s personal vision – technical roadmap and evolution planning

10. How to improve the architect’s personal vision – thinking about technology ecology

How to promote the implementation and implementation of the project 13. How to disassemble technical difficulties – syllogism

14. The way to break the game on Tmall line – the twin-engine regression testing framework

15. Architect’s Mind game – Problem solving begins with a mind shift \

16. How to cultivate the business knowledge of the technical team in the new retail department of Ali

17. How to make technology development route based on business characteristics – Alibaba and Douyin cases

18. Supply chain system of Alibaba business – how to evaluate outsourcing and procurement of subclass business

19. How to plan the short, medium and long term technical architecture roadmap

21. How to correct deviations in the implementation of the roadmap

22. How to land the Road Map – Case study – Ali is the Agile model under the rough and fast 23. Architect Core Competencies interview guidance and assignments

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