You can see:

  • In 10 days, a Jio native language JavaScript was created

  • Browser wars

  • Netscape’s death

  • IE6,10 years without a fight

  • Chrome came out of nowhere

  • The mobile market is booming

  • The ECMAScript standard development process
  • The rise and explosion of JavaScript
  • conclusion

— Source: Hungry Man Valley

Go to the end of everything

The original browser supported many things, such as Java, Flash, VBScript. But in the end only JavaScrip🐕 to the end. I’m going to document its journey, tears.

1. JavaScript’s biological father and its birth

When it comes to JavaScript(JS for short), we can’t help but mention its creator and biological father, Brendan Eich (Born July 4, 1961 — present), who is affectionately known as Ike. He is a brilliant programmer.

Ike actually majored in physics — that’s right — in college, switched to computer science in his junior year, earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computer science, and then a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1986. I have to say, students with high grades.

Then I worked for seven years in operating system and web development

Worked for another three years, responsible for microkernel and electronic signal processing related work

Joined Netscape in 1995 and developed JS functionality for its browser

In 1998, he helped set up as chief architect

After Netscape’s death, he founded the Mozilla Foundation, which maintains Firefox, a process documented in a documentary

Promoted to CEO of Mozilla in 2014, only to be ousted 10 days later because he had contributed to anti-gay legislation.

Founded Brave in 2015 to develop a browser that protects users’ privacy

That’s about Ike himself, but if you want to know more about Ike, you can check it out on Wikipedia,

Lessons from Ike:

As you can see, a great programmer never learns just one language, and always finds something to do without fear of being fired. Starting a business is easy, and age is not a limit. So, you know what to do.

The birth of JavaScript

The original version of JS, designed by Ike in a 10-day period in May 1995, was itself a scripting language, a helper scripting language used in conjunction with Java and somewhat syntactically similar. It was originally called Mocha, not JS, but LiveScript in September of the same year, and then JavaScript in December of the same year in order to match the programming language “buzz word” Java.

At the beginning of its birth, it is just an insignificant small function, at the same time JS has many bugs, we should pay attention to distinguish when learning

JvaScript is also well documented in Wikipedia.

2. Browser wars

Browsers have supported both Java and JavaScript since the beginning, but JS killed Java in the browser.

Microsoft following suit

The browser wars began when Microsoft released IE3 in August 1996 with support for JScript(Microsoft’s implementation of JS), as scripts differ from browser to browser

Netscape strikes back

Come, cheat, sneak my name, persuade you micro R rattail juice. Then Netscape fought back. In November 1996, Netscape submitted a language standard to ECMA. Due to copyright issues, the JS language standard was not called JavaScript, but ECMAScript.

3. The Death of Netscape

The JS standard is called ECMAScript. And then Netscape was bought by Microsoft…

Netscape: I advise you mouse… The boss doesn’t talk about 5.

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, bundled with Windows(not to mention 5), took over the market at a breakneck pace, overtaking Netscape’s Firefox browser.

By 1998, the Netscape browser was losing ground and the company was Mired in internal and external troubles. That same year, the company decided to take a gamble and open source its browser (Firefox). In the end, the market did not return to Netscape because of open source. At the end of the year, AOL announced that it was buying Netscape. After the acquisition, the programmers on the Netscape team were fired. But Braden has since helped keep Firefox running. Because of the open source browser, also caused a great sensation at the time, but also for the future development of the front-end had a profound impact.

4. IE6, no competition for 10 years

time The story
In 2001, IE6 comes with Windows XP
In 2004, IE6, however, is not compliant with W3C standards (mainly CSS, which is a pain in the head), and it is also constantly exposed security vulnerabilities (you can open a normal email and your computer is infected with a virus). Firefox is taking this opportunity to try to reinvent itself and beat IE again
In 2005, IE7 was released, but couldn’t beat IE6
In 2006, The mainstream browsers are Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox
In 2010, For years, Internet Explorer dominated the Chinese browser market, the bane of front-end developers, thanks to the popularity of pirated Versions of Windows XP in China

Chrome came out of nowhere

Microsoft slacking off

Due to the huge success of IE6, Microsoft decided it wasn’t worth the effort and there was no competition, so they just disbanded the IE6 development team.

The emergence of Firefox led Microsoft to reassemble the IE team, but not the same people, causing persistent problems with IE7 and 8

Google seized the opportunity

  • In 2004, Google hired some Firefox and Internet Explorer developers
  • Chrome was finally released in 2008 and quickly took over 1% of the global market
  • In 2011, Chrome overtook Firefox
  • In 2016, Chrome had a 62% global share

See, Google is smart enough to find people who were either indirectly or directly fired from Microsoft. Here’s an AD for The speed Chrome at the time

6. The Mobile market is booming

In 2010,iPhone 4 was released, and smartphones began to rise.

In 2011, Microsoft and Nokia teamed up to do a whole bunch of things and the next thing you know, Nokia’s phone business is dead, which means Internet Explorer is basically gone. (Microsoft indirectly contributed to The demise of Nokia, and then bought Nokia as an apology, which is a surprising outcome…)

In 2016, Taobao Tmall announced that it would no longer support IE6. At the end of the same year, IE7 announced that it would no longer support IE8, which is similar to the picture below.

The rise of the mobile market, let China’s front end out of IE ten years of terror control, since then, the front end into a period of rapid development.

7. Development of ECMAScript standard

time version
In June 1997 The first version of ECMAScript is released
In December 1999 The third edition was released and this version is the most widely used
In December 2009 Version 5 was released with some additional features
In June 2015 Version 6 is released. New browsers support this version every year after that, and the version number is named after the year

The fourth version was aborted during the reign of Internet Explorer 6.

Relationship between JS and ECMAScript

ECMAScript is the paper standard, JS is the browser implementation. The paper standard is often behind the browser, implemented first, then written into the standard

8. The rise and explosion of JavaScript

The rise in

The Killer App Gmail (like the killer app Angry Birds for smartphones then, now King of Glory)

  • When Google unveiled Its Gmail web page on April fool’s Day in 2004, it was a surprise to users and developers alike who thought the web was only for news and photos

  • In 2005, Jesse named the technology Google was using AJAX, and since then the front-end technology has come into being. Until then, web development had been done by the back end and designers

  • Released in 2006, jQuery is the longest-lived JS library in the world, and for the next decade jQuery flourished until Internet Explorer went out of business

And in the

Chrome JS engine V8(V8 is lightning fast)

  • In 2009,Ryan created Node.js based on V8
  • In 2010, LSAAC wrote NPM based on Node.js

Front-end engineers were able to execute JS outside of the browser, and Node.js quickly became popular around the world. That same year,TJ released Express.js, inspired by Sinatra. From now on, front-end engineers can happily write back-end applications. So many technologies came out during this period: gulp, Grunt, Veoman, Requireis, Webpack, Angular, React, Vue, etc. It was a burst period.

9. To summarize

Look look, JS beat Java(for browsers), Flash(“Flash is dead on smartphones, it’s bad, it’s power-hungry, it’s insecure, and Flash just died “), VBScript (” It’s a scripting language developed by Microsoft, Microsoft IE went down, will this still exist “). JS survived to the end, and JS was just a toy language at the beginning, but JS always went right, fought with Microsoft, was dominated by IE, went through so much, still stuck, and finally became JavaScript that can do anything now. Isn’t this bibo burning?

Of course, since it started out as a toy language, there were bound to be some flaws in the first 10 days of the design. Specific I will not say, because I have not stepped on but can have a look, first send a Ruan Yifeng write JavaScript ten defects, want to know friends can go to search relevant content can also click on my hair to see.

Since I was a child, I have not developed the habit of keeping a diary. In the New Year, I hope I can develop the habit of writing a blog. Well, stop here for the time being, since it is chosen by history, then learn and think and learn. I will also keep updated on my learning journey and some things worth recording. The last

Just strange