You start with the dynamic top bar and control of the dynamic menu based on what’s coming back from the back end and then you do the breadcrumb display and jump,

1. Configure the parent menu in the route. I used the attribute Cname as the Chinese attribute name here

2. The back end dynamically returns to the sidebar according to the top bar menu. Here, the page is obtained by name through **, s, so the accessUri stores the route name attribute

Ps: In this project, I also used mock interface to return, the top bar menu can use mock interface, and the control of the sidebar was directly obtained from router.js at first, but in fact, I can add a sidebar JS locally, the first level is the top bar menu, and the next level is the sidebar. The display is controlled by menLevelThe top bar menu interface of the Mock implementation

3. The path to the breadcrumb is easy to get because it will reuse many pages, so I saved the breadcrumb value in VUex to change the path name