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Blog: Si Fu, Dig gold, Zhihu, Jian Shu, MOOC, CSDN, Blog Park, DX front-end public number: DX front-end framework knowledge base contact me: public number menu click to contact me

Usage scenarios

  1. A single line of fixed height, usually containing some text and leading or trailing ICONS.
  2. When you want to give a list a list, you can do it with a ListTile, which displays the elements line by line, and you can bind events to each element, so a ListTile is a row


Component Parameter Description

Const ListTile({Key Key, this.leading, // left component this.title, // middle main title this.subtitle, // middle subtitle this.trailing, // right component, IsThreeLine = false, // whether three lines of this.dense are displayed, // Whether they are vertically dense, This.visualdensity, this.shape, // Define the appearance shape this.contentPadding, // Margin between the content and the border, Default 16 this.enabled = true, // Can you interact with event this.onTap, // Click event this.onLongPress, // Long press event this.mouseCursor, // Hover over the ListTile. This. Selected = false for the web. The text and icon will render this.focusColor, this.hoverColor, // the color of this.focusNode hovering over the ListTile, // the focus event this.autofocus = false, This. SelectedTileColor, //listTile background color, selected=false})Copy the code

Case code

Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment spaceBetween, children: [Text (' Flutter ListTile '), the Text (' Flutter components (by DX front-end) every Monday, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0,),),), body: Center(Child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment. Center, children: [ListTile (leading: Icon (the Icons. Graphic_eq), title: Text (' this is the main title), trailing: Icon(icons.chevron_right),), Divider(), ListTile(leading: Icon(icons.waves), title: Text(' this is the main title '), subtitle: Text(' this is the subtitle '), trailing: Icon(icons.chevron_right),), Divider(), ListTile(leading: Icon(icons.ballot), title: Subtitle: Text(' trailing ', 'trailing', 'trailing '), // isThreeLine: true, subtitle: Text(' trailing', 'trailing', 'trailing '), trailing: Icon(Icons.chevron_right), ), Divider(), ], )), ); }Copy the code

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