Low audio wx. CreateInnerAudioContext based library 1.6.0 began to support (), low version has to be compatible. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Create the InnerAudioContext object within the audio context. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. setInnerAudioOption(Object Object) base library 2.3.0 support, earlier versions need to be compatible processing. Call in Promise style: support; Applets: support, requires applets base library version no later than 2.10.0; Sets the playback options for the InnerAudioContext. This setting takes effect globally for the current applet. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx.getnetworktype (Object Object) is called in the Promise style. Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Access to network type developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. onNetworkStatusChange(function Callback) base library 1.1.0. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: not supported; Monitor network status change event developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. OffNetworkStatusChange function (the callback) based library 2.9.3 began to support low version has to be compatible. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 2.9.1; Cancel listening for network status change events. If the parameter is empty, cancel all event listening. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Wx.getSystemInfo (Object Object) called in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; System information developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx.getsysteminfosync () is called in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Wx. GetSystemInfo developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram synchronous version…
● Performance Wx. onMemoryWarning(Function Callback) base library 2.0.2 support, earlier versions need to be compatible processing. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: not supported; Listen for the low memory alarm. This event is triggered when iOS/Android sends a memory warning to the applets process. Triggering this event does not mean that the applets are killed, but in most cases it is merely an alarm. Developers can reclaim unnecessary resources after receiving the notification to avoid further memory strain. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Interactive wx.showModal(Object Object) invoked in Promise style: supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; According to modal dialog box developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx.showtoast (Object Object) is called in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Displays a message prompt box developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx.hidetoast (Object Object) is called in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Hidden message prompt box developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. showLoading(Object Object) Base library 1.1.0 is supported. Compatibility processing is required for earlier versions. Call in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; The Loading dialog box is displayed. Need to take the initiative to call wx. HideLoading to close the tooltip developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. hideLoading(Object Object) base library 1.1.0 is supported. Earlier versions need to be compatible. Call in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Hidden loading prompt box developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Update wx.getupDatemanager () base library 1.9.90 to start support, earlier versions need to do compatibility processing. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: not supported; Gets a globally unique version update manager for managing applets updates. For details on the update mechanism for applets, see the runtime mechanism documentation. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Wx. createAnimation(Object Object) is called in the Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Create an animation instance animation. Call the instance’s methods to describe the animation. Finally, the animation data is exported to the animation property of the component through the animation instance’s export method. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. NavigateBack (Object Object) with Promise style call: support; Page permissions required: Applets cannot call this interface from plug-in pages, and plug-ins cannot call this interface from plug-in pages; Applets: Support, requires applets base library version no later than 2.1.0; When used in small program plug-in, can only be called in the page of the current plug-in to close the current page, return to the previous page or multi-level page. You can use getCurrentPages to get the current page stack and determine how many layers you need to return. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. navigateTo(Object Object) called in Promise style: support; Page permissions required: Applets cannot call this interface from plug-in pages, and plug-ins cannot call this interface from plug-in pages; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 2.2.2; When used in small program plug-ins, the current page can only be called in the page of the current plug-in to jump to a page in the application. But you cannot jump to the Tabbar page. Use wx.navigateBack to return to the original page. The page stack in the applets is up to ten layers. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. redirectTo(Object Object) called in Promise style: support; Page permissions required: Applets cannot call this interface from plug-in pages, and plug-ins cannot call this interface from plug-in pages; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 2.2.2; When used in a small program plug-in, it can only be called in the page of the current plug-in to close the current page and jump to a page in the application. However, jumping to the Tabbar page is not allowed. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. switchTab(Object Object) called in Promise style: support; Page permissions required: Applets cannot call this interface from plug-in pages, and plug-ins cannot call this interface from plug-in pages; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 2.3.1; When used in small application plug-in, can only call in the current plugin page jump to tabBar page, and close all other non developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram tabBar page…
● Network Wx. request(Object Object) invoked in the Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Initiates an HTTPS network request. Please read the instructions before use. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Wx.getLocation (Object Object) is called in Promise style: support; User authorization: scope.userLocation; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Gets the current location, speed. This interface cannot be called when the user leaves the applet. If high-precision positioning is enabled, the interface time increases. You can specify highAccuracyExpireTime as the timeout period. The coordinate format used for map correlation should be GCJ02. High frequency of calls can cause power consumption, use the continuous location interface wx.onLocationChange if necessary. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Set wx.openSetting(Object Object) base library 1.1.0 to support, earlier versions need to do compatibility processing. Call in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, requires applets base library version no later than 2.10.3; Turn up the client applet setting interface and return the operation result set by the user. The Settings screen will only show the permissions that the applet has requested from the user. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. getSetting(Object Object) base library 1.2.0 support, earlier versions need to be compatible processing. Call in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, requires applets base library version no later than 2.6.3; When used in applets, the interfaces differ as follows:
- Invalid withSubscriptions (plugin has no subscription message yet)
- The authSetting field in the return value is the permission for the plug-in (such as user information page authorization)
- 2.14.0 Since the return value has miniprogramAuthSetting field, the content is equal to the result of the current small program getSetting (excluding the subscription status)
Gets the user’s current Settings. Only the permissions that the applet has already requested from the user appear in the return value. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● WXML wx.CreatesElectorQuery () base library 1.4.0 support, earlier versions need to be compatible processing. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Return an instance of SelectorQuery. In custom components or pages containing custom components, use this.createsElectorQuery () instead. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Scroll wx.pageScrollTo(Object Object) base library 1.4.0 support, earlier versions need to do compatibility processing. Call in Promise style: support; Page permissions required: Applets cannot call this interface from plug-in pages, and plug-ins cannot call this interface from plug-in pages; Applets: Support, requires applets base library version no later than 2.1.0; When used in small application plug-in, can only call in the current plugin page will scroll the page to the target location, support the selector and two ways of positioning developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram rolling distance…
Wx. setNavigationBarColor(Object Object) base library 1.4.0 support, earlier versions need to do compatibility processing. Call in Promise style: support; Page permissions required: Applets cannot call this interface from plug-in pages, and plug-ins cannot call this interface from plug-in pages; Applets: Support, requires applets base library version no later than 2.1.0; When used in small application plug-in, can only call Settings page in the current plugin page navigation bar color developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
NavigateToMiniProgram (Object Object) base library 1.3.0 start support, low version need to do compatibility processing. Call in Promise style: support; Page permissions required: Applets cannot call this interface from plug-in pages, and plug-ins cannot call this interface from plug-in pages; Applets: not supported; Open another small program developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● File wx.getFilesystemManager () base library 1.9.9 support, earlier versions need to do compatibility processing. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: not supported; For globally unique file manager developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Account Information Object wx.getAccountInfoSync() Base library 2.2.2 Support for earlier versions. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 2.2.2; Obtain the current account information. The online applets version can be obtained only from the official applets, but cannot be obtained from the development and experience versions.
● Wx. login(Object Object) is invoked in the Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 2.3.1; When used in applets, it needs to be invoked after obtaining user authorization from the user information feature page. Otherwise fail is returned. For details, see Invoking interface to Obtain Login Credentials (Code) on the User Information function page. Exchange user login status information through credentials, including the unique identifier of the user in the current applets (OpenID), the unique identifier under the wechat open platform account (unionID, if the current applets have been bound to the wechat open platform account) and the session key (session_key) of this login, etc. The encryption and decryption communication of user data depends on session key. See applet Login for more details. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Data cache wx.setStorage(Object Object) call in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Stores the data in a key specified in the local cache. The content corresponding to the original key will be overwritten. Data is always available unless deleted by users or cleared by the system due to storage space. The maximum length of data stored by a key is 1MB, and the maximum length of all data stores is 10MB. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Wx. getStorageSync(string key) called in Promise style: supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Wx. GetStorage developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram synchronous version…
Wx. removeStorageSync(string key) called in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Wx. RemoveStorage developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram synchronous version…
Wx. clearStorage(Object Object) called in Promise style: support; Applets: not supported; Clear the local data cache. For details about cache policies, see Storage. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● User information wx.getUserInfo(Object Object) is called in the Promise style: not supported; User authorization: scope.userinfo is required. ; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 2.3.1; When used in applets, it needs to be invoked after obtaining user authorization from the user information feature page. Otherwise fail is returned. For details, see the User Information page. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Clipboard wx.setClipboardData(Object Object) base library 1.1.0 support, earlier versions need to be compatible processing. Call in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Sets the contents of the system clipboard. After the success of the call, will pop up the toast prompt “content has been copied,” continued developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram 1.5 s…
Authorization WX. Authorize (Object Object) Base library 1.2.0 is supported, and compatibility processing is required for earlier versions. Call in Promise style: support; Applets: not supported; Initiate authorization requests to users in advance. Immediately after the call, a popup window will ask the user whether they agree to authorize the applet to use a certain function or obtain some data of the user, but the corresponding interface will not be actually called. If the user has previously agreed to authorize, no popup window will appear and success will be returned. See User Authorization for more usage. > applet plug-ins can use wx. AuthorizeForMiniProgram developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Image wx.getImageInfo(Object Object) called in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Get picture information. Network images take effect only after the Download domain name is configured. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Low menu wx. GetMenuButtonBoundingClientRect based library 2.1.0 began to support (), low version has to be compatible. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version is at least 2.15.0; Gets the layout location information for the menu button (upper right capsule button). The coordinate information starts at the top left corner of the screen. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● WX. VibrateShort (Object Object) Base library 1.2.0. Earlier versions require compatibility processing. Call in Promise style: support; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Make the phone vibrate for a short time (15 ms). Only 7/7 Plus above on the iPhone and Android models effective developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Recording wx.GetRecorderManager () base library 1.6.0 support, earlier versions need to be compatible processing. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.94; To obtain globally unique recording manager RecorderManager developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Call wx.uploadFile(Object Object) with Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Upload local resources to the server. The client initiates an HTTPS POST request with the content-type being multipart/form-data. Please read the instructions before use. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Canvas wx.createCanvasContext(String canvasId, Object this) From base library 2.9.0, this interface is not maintained, please use Canvas instead of Promise style call: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Create canvas graphics context object CanvasContext developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Wx. createVideoContext(String ID, Object this) is called in the Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Create the Video context VideoContext object. It is recommended to use wx.createsElectorQuery to get the context object. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Download wx. DownloadFile (Object Object) is called in the style of Promise: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Download file resources to the local PC. The client sends an HTTPS GET request and returns the local temporary path (local path) of the file. The maximum file size allowed for a single download is 200MB. Please read the instructions before use. Note: Specify a reasonable Content-Type field in the header of the server response to ensure that the client handles the file Type correctly. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Call wx.uploadFile(Object Object) with Promise style: not supported; Applets: Support, applets base library version no later than 1.9.6; Upload local resources to the server. The client initiates an HTTPS POST request with the content-type being multipart/form-data. Please read the instructions before use. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
Low applet wx. OffAudioInterruptionBegin (function callback) based library 2.6.2 began to support low version has to be compatible. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: not supported; Cancel the listening audio is halted due to system occupies developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram start events…
Wx. ArrayBuffer to Base64(ArrayBuffer) base library 1.1.0 support, earlier versions need to be compatible processing. As of base library 2.4.0, this interface stops maintenance calls in Promise style: not supported; Applets: support; The ArrayBuffer object into Base64 string developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…
● Debug wx.getrealtimelogManager () base library 2.7.1 support, earlier versions need to do compatibility processing. Call in Promise style: not supported; Applets: not supported; Gets the real-time log manager object. Developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…