1. TablesGenerator, online table editor

TablesGenerator TablesGenerator is an online table code tool for LaTeX, HTML, and Markdown formats. Tables can be filled with data, modified font/background colors, and aligned. Tables can also be copied and pasted from Excel and Google Docs. And multiple HTML table styles. The Tables Generator supports four formats :LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, and TEXT. Set the Table size in Table > Set size, then fill in the data, format it, and you’ll find the code at the bottom of the page.

2, Online form editor — Smart software Smartbi

Its “real Excel” operation features, with other report software and features. After the Smartbi report tool plug-in is installed in Excel, users can directly design report formats and analyze data in Excel. Smartbi table making tool skillfully makes use of Excel’s own table, graph, function ability, can realize a variety of BI applications, but also can release the report to the Web/APP side for browsing, and the software built-in a variety of free table templates for use.

For Word/PPT analysis reports that are similar to fixed templates, Smartbi uses the Office Analysis report plug-in to change the data elements (single numbers, tables, and graphs) in the report template from static to dynamic. When needed, data analysts can refresh the analysis reports just as they refresh reports. Interpret, discuss and suggest the report data according to the input parameters so that more time can be spent on “analysis”.

3. Online table editor — FCKeditor editor

FCKeditor is an open source TEXT editor for WYSIWYG web pages. You can set up tables through CKeditor and define form elements in the table. It mainly supports text boxes, checkboxes, checkboxes, single-line text, multi-line text, lists, buttons, images, and hidden fields.

Ueditor Formdesign Plugins for Web forms

Ueditor Formdesign is an open source and free form designer, which can be applied to workflow management system, OA, etc. It is a visual Web form builder with rich HTML element components, mainly including: text box, multi-line text, drop-down menu, single box, check box, macro control, progress bar, etc., and can generate TWO-DIMENSIONAL code.

5. Online form editor — SpreadJS

SpreadJS is an online spreadsheet editor with similar functionality and look to Online Excel. SpreadJS is also an online version of SpreadJS desktop designer. SpreadJS is embedded in the product, which allows you to edit tables both offline and online.