Capture every frame of the video

Requirements: Extract video frames and process the extracted video frames, such as resizing or turning them into grayscale images"""Function: convert video to picture (extract every frame picture of video) 1. Can set how many frames to extract a frame picture 2. You can set the size and gray scale of the output picture. Figure 3. Manually set the naming format of the output picture.""
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Def ExtractVideoFrame(video_input,output_path): # If output folder does not exist, create output folderif not os.path.exists(output_path):

    times = 0Frame_frequency =10The frequency of video extraction, one image per frameFrequency frame, complete video frame extraction set as1
    count = 0Cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_input) # print('Start extracting', video_input, 'Picture of video')
    while True:
        times += 1Res, image = # Res indicates whether an image has been read, and image indicates each imageif not res:
            print('End of image extraction')
        if times % frame_frequency == 0: # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray) # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray)368.640Img_name = STR (count).zfill(6) +'.jpg'
            cv2.imwrite(output_path + os.sep + img_name, image)
            count += 1Print (output_path + os.sep + img_name)Copy the code

Captures the specified frame in a video

Need: Cut the specified frame of the video. Like cutting video from100The frame to the first200The picture of the frame"""Function: Cut the specified frame of the video. For example, cut video from frame 100 to frame 200 of the picture 1. Can set how many frames to extract a frame of picture 2. You can set the size and gray scale of the output picture. Figure 3. Manually set the naming format of the output picture.""
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def ExtractVideoBySpecialFrame(video_input,output_path,start_frame_index,end_frame_index = -1If the output folder does not exist, create an output folderifnot os.path.exists(output_path): Op.mkdir (output_path) cap = v2.videocapture (video_input) Float (start_frame_index)) # Read file from specified frame times =0Frame_frequency =10The frequency of video extraction, one image per frameFrequency frame, complete video frame extraction set as1
    count = 0Cut from start_frame_index to the last frame without a given end frameif end_frame_index == -1:
        print('Start extracting', video_input, 'Video from the first',start_frame_index,'Frame to last frame of picture!! ')
        while True:
            times += 1Res, image = #if not res:
                print('Image extraction finished!! ')
            if times % frame_frequency == 0: # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray) # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray)368.640Img_name = STR (count).zfill(6) + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(output_path + os.sep + img_name, image)
                count += 1Print (output_path + os.sep + img_name) #else:
        print('Start extracting', video_input, 'Video from the first', start_frame_index, 'Frame to first',end_frame_index,'Frame the picture!! ')
        k = end_frame_index - start_frame_index + 1
        while(k >= 0):
            times += 1
            k -= 1Res, image = #if not res:
                print('Image extraction finished!! ')
            if times % frame_frequency == 0: # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray) # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray)368.640Img_name = STR (count).zfill(6) + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(output_path + os.sep + img_name, image)
                count += 1Print (output_path + os.sep + img_name)'Image extraction finished!! ')
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Displays a frame of a video

Requirement: Get the specified frame of the video and display it"""Function: Get the specified frame of the video and display it"""
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def ShowSpecialFrame(file_path,frame_index): Cap = cv2.videocapture (file_path) # Cap.set (cv2.cap_prop_pos_frames, float(frame_index))ifCap.isopened (): # if rval isOpened properly, frame = cv2.imshow()"image:"+frame_index,frame)
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Code integration

Put the appeal code together

import os
import cv2

"""Function: convert video to picture (extract every frame picture of video) 1. Can set how many frames to extract a frame picture 2. You can set the size and gray scale of the output picture. Figure 3. Manually set the naming format of the output picture.""Def ExtractVideoFrame(video_input,output_path): # If output folder does not exist, create output folderif not os.path.exists(output_path):

    times = 0Frame_frequency =10The frequency of video extraction, one image per frameFrequency frame, complete video frame extraction set as1
    count = 0Cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_input) # print('Start extracting', video_input, 'Picture of video')
    while True:
        times += 1Res, image = # Res indicates whether an image has been read, and image indicates each imageif not res:
            print('End of image extraction')
        if times % frame_frequency == 0: # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray) # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray)368.640Img_name = STR (count).zfill(6) +'.jpg'
            cv2.imwrite(output_path + os.sep + img_name, image)
            count += 1Print (output_path + os.sep + img_name)"""Function: Get the specified frame of the video and display it"""def ShowSpecialFrame(file_path,frame_index): Cap = cv2.videocapture (file_path) # Cap.set (cv2.cap_prop_pos_frames, float(frame_index))ifCap.isopened (): # if rval isOpened properly, frame = cv2.imshow()"image:"+frame_index,frame)

"""Function: Cut the specified frame of the video. For example, cut video from frame 100 to frame 200 of the picture 1. Can set how many frames to extract a frame of picture 2. You can set the size and gray scale of the output picture. Figure 3. Manually set the naming format of the output picture.""
def ExtractVideoBySpecialFrame(video_input,output_path,start_frame_index,end_frame_index = -1If the output folder does not exist, create an output folderifnot os.path.exists(output_path): Op.mkdir (output_path) cap = v2.videocapture (video_input) Float (start_frame_index)) # Read file from specified frame times =0Frame_frequency =10The frequency of video extraction, one image per frameFrequency frame, complete video frame extraction set as1
    count = 0Cut from start_frame_index to the last frame without a given end frameif end_frame_index == -1:
        print('Start extracting', video_input, 'Video from the first',start_frame_index,'Frame to last frame of picture!! ')
        while True:
            times += 1Res, image = #if not res:
                print('Image extraction finished!! ')
            if times % frame_frequency == 0: # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray) # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray)368.640Img_name = STR (count).zfill(6) + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(output_path + os.sep + img_name, image)
                count += 1Print (output_path + os.sep + img_name) #else:
        print('Start extracting', video_input, 'Video from the first', start_frame_index, 'Frame to first',end_frame_index,'Frame the picture!! ')
        k = end_frame_index - start_frame_index + 1
        while(k >= 0):
            times += 1
            k -= 1Res, image = #if not res:
                print('Image extraction finished!! ')
            if times % frame_frequency == 0: # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray) # picture_gray = cv2.cvtcolor (image, cv2.color_bgr2gray)368.640Img_name = STR (count).zfill(6) + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(output_path + os.sep + img_name, image)
                count += 1Print (output_path + os.sep + img_name)'Image extraction finished!! ')

if __name__ == "__main__": # Video_input = r'G:\zzzz2\001.mp4'Output_path = r'G:\zzzz2\output'# ExtractVideoFrame(video_input, output_path) # show video first100Frame image # ShowSpecialFrame(video_input,1500) # get the video first100The frame to the first200The picture of the frame # ExtractVideoBySpecialFrame (video_input output_path,100.200)
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