EditorConfig helps maintain a consistent coding style across multiple developers in the same project, multiple editors, and ides. The EditorConfig project includes a file format for defining encoding styles and a collection of text editor plug-ins that enable the editor to read file formats and follow the defined styles. The EditorConfig file is easy to read and works well with the version control system.

1, the origin

Coding style guidelines and ways to implement them are often discussed among back-end developer teams. Because programmer brothers and sisters are developers with different mindsets and backgrounds, a way must be found to execute rules in a way that works equally well with different editors.

By the way: before C# developers started using this great language, there were plenty of other languages and ides that supported it. Java is mostly taught in universities, or past developers were front-end developers, or started with PHP. .net developers typically start with VB.NET and then switch to C#. Me too: I also started as a front-end developer for HTML4, CSS2 and JavaScript.

More and more programmers are using.net Core. It also means more and more freedom to use the best editors we can. Some of us have already used and prefer VSCode for ASP.NET Core projects. Maybe in the future we’ll have a colleague who prefers VSCode on Linux or VS on Mac. This also diversifies the development environment.

When using Visual Studio alone, Style Cop is a useful tool for enforcing coding Style guidelines. As platforms have diversified, a new tool has emerged over the years that can be used by almost any editor anywhere in the world.

It’s.EditorConfig, which is the Settings file for the editor.

Almost every code editor has Settings that let you style your code the way you like it or the way your team likes it. If this editor supports &