I. Introduction to Thymeleaf
Thymeleaf is a Java XML/XHTML/HTML5 template engine that can be used in both Web and non-Web environments. It is better suited to provide XHTML/HTML5 in the view layer of mVC-based Web applications, but it can process any XML file even in an offline environment. It provides full Spring Framework integration.
I don’t see any specifics on Spring’s recommendation of Thymeleaf, except that JSP and Thymeleaf compare JSP to JSP, and Thymeleaf is a proxy for other templating engines.
In addition to ease of use, a vibrant community, and a healthy and rapid growth of a great template engine, performance is very important. How does Thymeleaf 3 compare to FreeMaker’s performance?
Two, Thymeleaf basic use
The use of Thymeleaf consists of two parts: tag + expression, tag is the syntax structure of Thymeleaf, and expression is the content realization in the syntax.
Through tag + expression, let the data and template combination, and finally converted into HTML code, returned to the user.
The basic use of Thymeleaf is divided into three parts:
- Label use
- Expression usage
- Set IDEA to complete Thymeleaf code
1. Label usage
1.1 TH :text Displays basic information
HTML code:
<! DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8"< p style = "max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em"${name}"></span>
Copy the code
Java code:
public ModelAndView index() {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/index");
return modelAndView;
Copy the code
End result: Lao Wang
1.2 TH: UText HTML content output
Use “th:text” to output the content as-is, use “th: UText “to output HTML tags.
Java code:
public ModelAndView eat() {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/cat");
modelAndView.addObject("data". );
return modelAndView;
Copy the code
HTML code:
<h4 th:text="'th:text '+${data}"></h4>
<h4 th:utext="'th:utext '+${data}"></h4>
Copy the code
Display effect:
1.3 th:if, th:unless
<span th:if="${age > 18}"<span style = "max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em"${age > 18}"< p style = "max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em;Copy the code
Th :if is the business process that meets the condition, th:unless is the opposite, which means remove.
1.4 TH: Switch, TH: Case Multi-condition judgment
<div th:switch="${age}">
<span th:case="18"<span style = "max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em;case="19"< p style = "max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em;case="*"> Other </spa> </div>Copy the code
Note: The default option is specified using th:case=”*”.
Th: 1.5 each loop
HTML code:
<div th:each="name,item:${names}">
<span th:text="${item.count}"></span>
<span th:text="${name}"></span>
Copy the code
Java code:
public ModelAndView index() {
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/index");
return modelAndView;
Copy the code
The access effect is as follows:
Where item is the detailed value of each line, and key is as follows:
- Index index, starting at 0
- Count is the x number, starting at 1
- Size Specifies the size of the collection
- Current Indicates the value of the current row
1.6 Th: Fragment, TH: INSERT, TH :replace, th:include code fragment reuse
- Th: Fragment tag is a declaration of code fragments, used to solve the problem of code reuse, just like the common code written by Java programs, each needed place can be directly called;
- Th :insert references fragment code, keeping its own main tag;
- Th :replace references the fragment code without retaining its own main tag;
- Th :include is similar to th:replace. Thymeleaf3.0 is not recommended.
<! DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8"<div th:fragment= </title> </head> <body> <div th:fragment="copyright"<div th:fragment= <div th:fragment="about"> </div> <div th:fragment="links">
Copy the code
Two code snippets are declared, copyright and About.
Cat.html page code:
<! DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8"> <title> </head> <body> <div th:replace="footer :: copyright"></div>
<div th:insert="footer :: about"></div>
<div th:include="footer :: links"></div>
Copy the code
The first div refers to the copyright snippet of footer.html, and the second div refers to the About snippet of footer.html.
The “::” double colon is used to refer to page fragments, much like PHP syntax, which uses double colons to refer directly to static properties and methods of a class.
The execution effect is shown as follows:
Summary: The difference between th:insert, th:replace, and th:include is whether to keep their own main tags. Th :include is not recommended after 3.0, and can be replaced by th:replace tag.
Upgrade class – Fragment code pass reference
Using fragment, we can pass parameters in HTML code. For example, we define a top. HTML with a prompt of “welcome XXX”, and the name XXX needs to be passed dynamically, so that we can maximize the reuse of the code, which is a good use scenario. We need to do that.
Page main.html code:
<! DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8"> <title> </head> <body> <div th:replace="Footer :: webcome(' Lao Wang ')"></div>
Copy the code
Top page. HTML
<! DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8"<div th:fragment= </title> </head> <body> <div th:fragment="webcome(about)">
<span th:text="' Welcome: '+${about}"></span>
Copy the code
The end result:
1.7 th:with defines local variables
Page code:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Wang Lei's blog</title>
<div th:with="sum=4-2">
<span th:text="${sum}"></span>
Copy the code
The output is as follows: 2
1.8 th:remove Deletes a label
Th :remove is used to remove HTML code, th:remove values have five:
- All Deletes all code in this section
- Body Removes all elements within the main tag
- Tag Removes the main tag and keeps all elements of the main tag
- All-but-first keeps the main tag and the first element, and deletes everything else
- None Does not delete any tags
The code for the sample index.html is as follows:
<! DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8"</title> </head> <body> <div id="all" th:remove="all">
<div id="body" th:remove="body">
<div id="tag" th:remove="tag">
<div id="all-but-first" th:remove="all-but-first">
<div id="none" th:remove="none">
Copy the code
The final display effect is as follows:
1.9 Other Labels
- Th :style defines the style
<div th:style="'color:'+${skinColor}">
- Th :onclick Event
<input type="button" value=" Click " th:onclick="'onsub()'">
- Th :href The assignment attribute href
<a th:href="${myhref}"></a>
- Th :value Specifies the value attribute
<input th:value="${user.name}" />
- Th: SRC value assignment of SRC
<img th:src="${img}" />
- Th :action Assigns the property action
<form th:action="@{/suburl}">
- Th :id Indicates the ID of the assignment attribute
<form id="${fromid}">
- Th :attr defines multiple attributes
<img th:attr="src=@{/img/stone.jpg},alt=${alt}" />
- Th :object Defines an object
<div th:object="${user}">
- .
2. Expression usage
2.1 Expression Overview
2.1.1 Simple expressions
Variable expression: ${… } Select variable expressions: *{… } message expression: #{… } link expression: @{… } fragment expression: ~{… }
2.1.2 Data type
Text: ‘one text’, ‘Another one! ‘,… Numeric text: 0, 34, 3.0, 12.3… Boolean text: true, false NULL text: NULL Text marker: one, someText, main…
2.1.3 Text Operation
String concatenation: + literal replacement: | The name is ${name} |
2.1.4 Arithmetic operation
Binary operators: +, -, *, /, % Minus (unary operator) : –
2.1.5 Boolean operation
Binary operators: and, or Boolean negative (unary operator) :! , false
2.1.6 Conditional operators
Comparison values: >, <, >=, <= equal judgment: ==,! =
2.1.7 Condition judgment
If-then :(if)? (then) if-then – otherwise :(if)? (then) : (else) default: (value)? : (defaultvalue)
All of these expressions can be combined and nested, for example:
‘User is of type ‘ + (
{user.type} ? : ‘Unknown’))
2.2 Expression Usage Examples
2.2.1 Variable Expression ${… }
The use of variable expressions, as we have seen in the previous code, is the most commonly used expression in our daily development. It is used to map the dynamic data of the background Java class to the page, for example:
Java code:
public ModelAndView index(a) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/cat");
modelAndView.addObject("data"."I am Lao Wang.");
return modelAndView;
Copy the code
HTML code:
<! DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8"< p style = "max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em"${data}"></span>
Copy the code
End result:
2.2.2 Selecting an expression *{… }
Selecting an expression is equivalent to selecting an object. Instead of using the prefix of the object, use the key of the attribute to display the content. The code is as follows:
<div th:object="${goods}">
<span th:text="${goods.name}"></span>
<span th:text="*{price}"></span>
<span th:text="${#dates.format(goods.createTime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')}"></span>
Copy the code
End result:
7999.0 the 2018-08-10 14:03:51 the iMacCopy the code
*{goods. Price} = ${goods. Price}
2.2.3 Link Expression @{… }
To convert urls, the code is as follows:
<a th:href="@{/footer(id=666,name=laowang)}"> link < / a >Copy the code
The final result:
<a href="/footer? Id = 666 & name = laowang "> link < / a >
Link expressions that can pass arguments, separated by commas.
Server root relative path: @{~/path/to/something}
2.2.4 Text Operations
Text operations are divided into two parts: text add and text replace
Text spelling:
<span th:text="' my name is' + ${name}"></span>
Copy the code
Text replacement:
Textual substitution syntax: | content ${tag} |
<span th:text=| my name is "${name}, is a development engineer. |"></span>
Copy the code
2.2.5 Ternary expressions
2.2.6 Functions of double brackets
<p th:text="${val}">.</p>
<p th:text="${{val}}">.</p>
Copy the code
Copy the code
2.2.7 Embedding text Labels
While standard tags can be used for almost any business scenario, there are some situations where we prefer to write HTML text directly, such as:
<p>Hello, [[${name}]]</p>
Copy the code
Embedded text can be written as “[[…]]” and “[(…)].” Th :text and th:utext, for example:
Copy the code
The result looks like this:
2.3 Overview of Expression objects
The objects in the expression can help us deal with the content to be displayed. For example, the dates utility class of the expression can format the time. Skilled use of these built-in classes can improve the efficiency of using Thymeleaf.
2.3.1 Expression base object
: Operates on the current context.#vars:
Manipulate context variables.#request
: (For Web projects only)HttpServletRequest
: (For Web projects only)HttpServletResponse
: (For Web projects only)HttpSession
: (For Web projects only)ServletContext
2.3.2 Expression utility classes
The utility class for manipulating templates, which contains template information such as:${#execInfo.templateName}
: URL processing tool#conversions
: methods for executing the configured conversion service (if any).#dates
: Method comes fromjava.util.Date
Object for processing time, such as formatting.#calendars
: similar to#dates
But fromjava.util.Calendar
: Used to format numbers.#strings
: methods forString
objects: contains, startsWith, prepending/appending, etc.#objects
: a common object object method.#bools
: a tool for determining type bool.#arrays
: Array manipulation tool.#lists
: Lists operation data.#sets
: Set operation tool.#maps
Map Operation tool.#aggregates
: a tool for manipulating arrays or collections.
Each class in the specific methods, click to view: www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutoria…
3.IDEA Set Thymeleaf auto-completion
First, the effect picture:
IDEA is opens the Thymeleaf plugin support by default, if you don’t trust need to verify, please visit: www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2.
The Thymeleaf namespace XMLNS :th=”http://www.thymeleaf.org” is declared in HTML. The complete code is as follows:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h2 th:text="${hi}"></h2>
Copy the code
The key code is:
This way, when you type “th:” into the code, you’ll see all the tags for Thymeleaf.
Spring Boot integration Thymeleaf
3.1 Development Environment
- Spring Boot 2.0.4
- Thymeleaf 3.0.9
- Jdk 8
- Windows 10
- The IDEA of 2018.2
Before formally integrating the Thymeleaf engine, take a look at the following directory structure:
3.2 Spring MVC directory structure
Apart from the package name, let’s explain what these directories represent:
- Common Common public class
- Controller Controller class
- Dao data interaction classes
- Service Business logic processing class
- Application.java startup file
- Resources Static file storage folder
- Resources /templates All Thymeleaf directories hold directories
- Resources/application. The properties global configuration classes
- XML Maven configuration file
3.3 Spring Boot integration Thymeleaf consists of four steps:
- Pom.xml adds the Thymeleaf template engine
- Application. properties Configures Thymeleaf information
- Create the Controller class and write the code
- Create templates and write HTML code
Next, let’s look at the specific steps.
3.3.1 Pom.xml Adds the Thymeleaf template engine
<! --> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf</artifactId> </dependency>Copy the code
3.3.2 application.properties Configure Thymeleaf information
# Enable cache: It is recommended that production be enabled
# Suggest whether a template exists
# Content - Type value
# Enable/disable
# template coding
# Comma-separated list of view names that should be excluded from parsing
# Template mode
# template storage path
# template suffix
Copy the code
Thymeleaf Common configuration description
Configuration items | type | The default value | Recommended values | instructions |
spring.thymeleaf.enabled | bool | true | The default | Whether to enable |
spring.thymeleaf.mode | String | HTML | The default | Template type, which can be set to HTML5 |
spring.thymeleaf.cache | bool | true | The default | Whether to enable cache. You are advised to set this parameter to true in the generation environment |
spring.thymeleaf.prefix | String | classpath:/templates/ | The default | Path for storing templates |
spring.thymeleaf.suffix | String | .html | The default | Template suffix |
spring.thymeleaf.servlet.content-type | String | text/html | The default | The content-type value |
spring.thymeleaf.encoding | String | – | utf-8 | Template code |
3.3.3 Create the Controller class and write the code
We create index.java in the Controller folder as follows:
package com.hello.springboot.controller;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
public class Index {
public ModelAndView index(a) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/index");
modelAndView.addObject("name"."Wang Lei's Blog");
returnmodelAndView; }}Copy the code
Key code interpretation:
- ResponseBody annotation: If this annotation is used, the return result is printed directly instead of being rendered by the template engine
- Using the ModelAndView object, specify the view name & Add the view object
3.3.4 Create templates and write HTML codes
Create index.html under Resources /templates as follows:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Wang Lei's blog</title>
<span th:text="${name}"></span>
Copy the code
To start debugging, type http://localhost:8080/ in your browser
The effect is as follows:
GitHub: github.com/vipstone/sp…
Iv. Reference materials
Official document thymeleaf thymeleaf: www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutoria…
Thymeleaf official documentation Spring + thymeleaf: www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutoria…