The difficulty of writing is that the writing skill is like a supporting role. Without the leading role, no matter how good the skill is, the drama will be boring. Even if you can recite countless good words and sentences, you can’t write a good article without genuine talent and unique insights. Therefore, to find their own long board and develop their own advantages is the hard power of writing.

Everyone has his or her own specialty. So it’s important to know yourself.

When deciding on a topic before writing, see if it is one of your strengths. We may have heard of the short board theory and the long board theory. For our technical people’s writing ability, the short board theory and the long board theory are very important.

The short board theory says that the amount of water a barrel can hold depends on the shortest board. Writing may be your weakness. However, as a technical person, if you leave all of the writing tasks to your colleagues, you can make that person a success, and he or she may eventually become a project manager faster. If your weaknesses are too short, they will definitely limit your growth.

Long board theory says that long board determines our core competitiveness. In this age of information explosion, most of us can’t and indeed don’t need to be superior at everything. We just need to be slightly ahead of everyone else in the technology that we are best at. For individuals, when you have a long board, it’s much easier to break through by building your layout around that board. You can also complement your other weaknesses in a collaborative way. This is the importance of teamwork.

When we technologists write, our focus is to write “dry stuff” — content that provides value to others. So, before we start writing, we must discover our own long board, explore content around the long board, organize content, output value. When I was talking about writing topics in many groups, some friends said to me, I think I know a little bit about everything, but I think I don’t have a special longboard, what should I do? In fact, each of us is not born with a longboard. We all know Lang Lang, even though lang Lang was born with musical cells, without the Wolf father who forced him to practice hard, he may not be able to grow into a world-class pianist.

We need to learn quickly and deliberately. Through learning, we can make our excitement become an advantage, and make the interest board and excitement board that are not outstanding become a long board.

Let’s say you’re an average front-end engineer. Can I write articles and books? Imagine you are working with a team of friends on the front-end design and development of a new project in your company App using VUE. Front end design, can realize the function of a variety of cool in the interface, you feel very interesting, you like about the job, you also have the basis of the preliminary knowledge about the vue, but, you just work soon, you for vue, grasp and understanding, for the front-end technology is relatively shallow, far from to share experience and the extent of the dry goods. At this time, you do not lose heart, because every great god from xiaobai, from the code farmers grow up. By making myself improve myself in professional technology quickly and have a longer technical board, I can secretly accumulate more information and materials for writing. By recording the bit by bit of study and work and accumulating unique writing materials and information, I can develop my own advantages in VUE and front-end technology more quickly.

Make detailed notes on the work of the day every day. If there are mistakes, problems, bugs and other special situations in the work of the day, make a complete record in time, especially pay attention to keep pictures in the process at any time. These records that you have that others don’t have, even if they fail, are the foundation for you to be better than others in the future.

Maybe you started focusing on your long board because you wanted to improve your writing. But you’ll find out later that developing a longboard can give you lifelong benefits that go far beyond just writing.

From this point of view, writing itself is not important, but growth is more important.

This is a picture I took when I visited Bamberg in Germany. Photos have nothing to do with the subject, just be happy)