LoadRunner- Summary (III)


  • 1, the General Options

  • 2, Recording Options

  • 3. Create Controller Scenario

  • 4, the Parameter List

1, the General Options

Virtual User Generator —> General Options

(1) the Parameterization

This tag provides the setting of parameterized boundaries

In VuGen, the variables used by the system are called parameters, and parameters’ boundaries can be set directly, using left and right curly braces by default (different protocols have different parameters’ boundaries).

The following option was set to support older scripts. In earlier versions of LoadRunner, parameterization used global tables with all parameters stored in a single file, which is no longer used this way.

(2) the Replay

This label is used to set up script playback

Animated run

This option is often used. Because VuGen playback is protocol-based, scripts can be executed very quickly and may not even have time to see what is going on. In this case, you can help with debugging by slowing down the script.

In Animated Run, you can specify the wait time, in milliseconds, between one function and another, to slow down the script. This feature needs to be used in conjunction with another feature, open the View menu and select Animated Run so that when the scripts run, the scripts run will be shown in reverse colors.

The Only animate functions in Action sections option Only animates code in the Action module, not the init and end modules.


If you turn on Animated Run, the script will run slower.

Prompt for results directory

Whether to prompt the name of the directory where the test report is saved. By default, it is saved as result1. With this option selected, a dialog box will pop up each time the script is run asking for a new directory name to save.

After Replay

There are three options for the system to perform operations after the script is executed.

View before replay: Returns the state before replay.

Replay Summary: Directly opens Replay result statistics in the wizard.

Visual Test Results: Automatically open the Test report after the script runs.

(3) the Environment

This TAB provides some simple Settings for the development environment

Auto Recovery

Save the recovery information periodically. Sometimes VuGen will crash. If you want to save automatically, turn on this option and set a reasonable save time.


Editor options.

(4) the Display

This TAB sets the script when and after playback

(5) the Correlation

This tag contains options for associations

2, Recording Options

Virtual User Generator —> Recording Options

(1) Http Properties

Advanced: This is where you can set some Advanced options for recording HTTP

Reset Context for each Action: Whether the context needs to be Reset between actions during recording. Context stores data after the request is sent and returned, such as HTML, cookies, and session returned by the server. If this option is selected, the actions will be cleared, and the behavior simulation based function web_link() will not run without the preceding text, and the system will automatically record the data request based function web_URL ().

Save snapshot resources locally: Saves resource snapshots locally. When the script is recorded, LoadRunner will automatically save the elements in the HTML interface to the data directory of the current script, and use the snapshot property value (T digit.inf) as the main file corresponding to the operation. When we switch to Tree mode, we can see the prototype of the recording interface. While Snapshot can help us visualize the return of a request, it is more important to understand the code put back than the interface during performance testing because dynamic client technology does not work well with Snapshot.

Generate web_reg_find functions for page titles: Whether web_reg_find checkpoint functions need to be automatically generated for each page to check for title changes. If this option is selected, a rule for checking titles is automatically generated. When the script is played back, it verifies that each title is the same as when it was recorded. Generate web_reg_find fuctions for sub-frames Generate checkpoint functions for sub-frames. Since most page titles are dynamic, it doesn’t make much sense to check that the title doesn’t change, so this option is generally left unchecked.

Add comment to script for HTTP errors while recording: If an error occurs during recording, Add a comment.

Support Charset: When recording Chinese characters, Chinese characters in links or requests become garbled characters. Use conversion functions to solve this problem. LR itself provides a solution to this problem. If you select this option before recording, all request encodings will be processed in UTF-8 mode, and the conversion function can be omitted. Do not check this option when accessing a page that is not utF-8 encoding, otherwise it will cause errors due to incorrect decoding.

Recording Engine: This is a compatibility option. You can use the previous Recording Engine to record scripts. Note that after selecting this option, you need to restart VuGen to switch new scripts to the old Engine.

Recording Schemes: Here you can filter recorded content.

By default, HTTP Headers are not recorded. If some data is stored in Headers, you can set what to record.

2.Content Types: Recorded body Content is filtered. By default, all body Content is recorded and stored in the EXTRARES of each request, which will be read and verified when the script returns. If you do not need to record images, you can filter out unnecessary content in the following rules.

3. Non-resources: Set the format of the request to be recorded. Here we need to analyze the principle by which VuGen records the web_URL () request. By default, VuGen considers text/ HTML to be a non-resource body that needs to be recorded. If you want to record requests in other formats as web_URL (), add the corresponding Content Type here. For example, add image/ GIF, and when the script is recorded again, all GIF image requests are handled as a single web_URL () function. The file types of various HTTP requests can be determined by scanning HttpWatch first.

Correlation: Whether to turn on the automatic Correlation option for script recording


(2) Data Format Extension

The main function of this function is to convert some common coding formats, and then facilitate our post-processing


3. Create Controller Scenario

Virtual User Generator —> Create Controller Scenario

Open the Create Controller Scenario option on the Tools menu

Mapping between the values of parameters in scenarios

4, the Parameter List

Virtual User Generator —> Parameter List

By default, only 100 records are displayed. If more than 100 records can be manipulated but cannot be displayed in VuGen. Change MaxVisibleLines under the [ParamTable] property in the VuGen.

File format Indicates the File format, including the following two formats.

Column: Column formats include Comma, Tab, and Space, which help us separate columns. The default option is Comma, which is also the industry standard CSV file format.

First data: The row is recorded at the beginning of the row, set to the beginning of the row as data, not counting the title. When First data is set to 2, the First record changes from A to B.

Select Next Row contains the following options:

Sequential: specifies the Sequential value.

Random: Indicates a Random value.

“Unique” : indicates a Unique value.

1) Abort Vuser

When the parameter value exceeds the number of entries in the parameter table, the current virtual user is ignored.

2) Continue in a cyclic manner

When the value of a parameter exceeds the value recorded in the parameter table, the value is specified in circular mode.

3) Continue with last value

When the parameter value exceeds the parameter table record, the last value in the parameter table is used.

Same line as: Peer of a specified parameter.

Update Value on contains the following options:

Each Iteration: Updates Each iteration.

Each occurrence: The value is updated every time.

Once: Updates only Once.

Parameterized values when the Sequential option under Select Next Row is selected

Parameter values when Random under Select Next Row is selected

Parameterized when selecting Unique under Select Next Row

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