1. What is Java

Java is a complete platform with a large library of reusable code and an execution environment that provides services such as security, portability across operating systems, and automated garbage collection.

2. Object oriented

Object – oriented design is a programming technology. It focuses on data (that is, objects) and their interfaces.

3. Architecture neutrality

The compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format, which is compiled code that can run on many processors as long as a Java runtime system is available.

The Java compiler implements this feature by generating bytecode instructions that are independent of a particular computer architecture.

The Java interpreter can execute Java bytecode on any machine that has ported the interpreter.

4. There is no “implementation-dependent” place in the Java specification

In Java, data types have fixed sizes, binary data is stored and transferred in a fixed format, and strings are stored in the standard Unicode format.

5. Differences between Java, HTML, XML and JavaScript

  • Java is a programming language

  • HTML is a way of describing the structure of a web page

  • XML is a way of describing data that can be processed using any programming language

  • JavaScript is a scripting language used in web pages