Hello everyone, I am xiaobian South wind blowing, every day to recommend a small tool/source, full of your favorites, let you easily save development efficiency, do not work overtime do not stay up late do not lose hair!

Today, I recommend a workflow management system based on SpingBoot2.0 and Activiti7.x. Based on active4J-JSP as the project infrastructure. Spring Framework as the core container, Spring MVC as the model view controller, Mybatis Plus as the data access layer, Apache Shiro as the authorization layer, Redis as the distributed cache, JSP as the front-end page engine, using JSTL tag library package components.

Open source licenses

Use the MIT Open Source license

The link address

[4jf] get git address

Function is introduced

  • Built-in department management, user management, role management, menu management, data data dictionary and other basic functions.
  • Online process designer, process deployment, process definition, form management, process authority management, process center, my process, waiting for my approval and other basic process management functions.
  • Support process rejection, countersign, group task, authority management, delegation, approval opinions and other common functions


  • Based on SpringBoot, it simplifies a lot of project configuration and Maven dependencies, allowing you to focus more on business development
  • Friendly code structure and comments, easy to read and secondary development
  • The use of hierarchical design, divided into DAO, Service, Controller, view layer, clear level, low coupling, high cohesion.
  • Distributed deployment is supported, and Session integrates redis
  • Flexible permission control, integrated shiro, can control to the page or button, meet most of the permission requirements, optimized permission annotations to facilitate permission configuration
  • Logging uses AOP (LogAop class) to record all user operations
  • Integrated JSP pages, using standard JSTL tag library to encapsulate common components, facilitating the transition from traditional projects to SpringBoot
  • Rich component library, common page components for code encapsulation, improve development efficiency
  • The front page is simple and beautiful, supporting mobile terminal
  • Support multiple browsers: Google, Firefox, IE,360, etc

Demo screenshot

At the end

This issue is to share here, I am xiaobian South wind blowing, focus on sharing interesting, novel, practical open source projects and developer tools, learning resources! I hope to learn and communicate with you together. Welcome to follow my official account ** [Github navigation station] **.