Technology, business, job-hopping, interview, all chat, share to everyone!

Hello, I’m fish skin.

Want to return to Shanghai, in the car originally wanted to close eyes to rest, did not expect to encounter a technology Leader level of Ali big guy. As a junior, there are a lot of questions to ask the big guy, on the chat, talk very happy.

We talked about a lot of topics, such as technology, business, job hopping, working overtime, interview, etc. Part of the conversation was very helpful. Let me share what I can think of with you.

Dialogue with Q

I just get on the car, Q very warm of say hello: “brother, see you quite young, do what occupation?”

Me: “Internet, small development.”

Q: “Where do you work?”

Me: “Tencent.”

I thought the chat ended here, after all, I am not very good at chatting.

Unexpectedly, Q directly took out her phone and said, “Brother, please add a wechat. I’m in Ant Financial service and I’m hiring recently.”

Boy, I didn’t expect that, on-site digging!

In the chat, I gradually learned that he is my senior student, graduated from the university in 2015, worked 5 years earlier than me, is also the IT RESEARCH and development direction, and now he is also the technology Leader of Ant Financial.

I immediately came to the interest, in addition to my leadership, this is my first time so close and big guy communication, so asked a lot of questions.

Me: “I want to ask, five years after work, your usual work is mainly doing what? Do you still spend a lot of time typing code?”

Q: “No, I spend less than a third of my time typing code every day. I spend more time on requirements, coordination and communication.”

This is to be expected, after all, writing code in business development is not the main thing, it’s more important to identify the requirements, define personal responsibilities, and figure out how best to implement them.

Me: “Ali’s Java technology is very powerful, in the work, do not have to build their own wheels, write repeated code?”

Q: “Although our company’s programming language is more Java-oriented and we have various Java infrastructure (wheels), we still occasionally write repetitive wheels. After all, every technical framework has its advantages. There is not one wheel that can eat the world, there are just some wheels for cars and some wheels for big trucks. How can you innovate if you rely entirely on the existing wheel?”

Me: “Now a lot of people’s work is to write business code, repetitive, feel that writing for a long time there is no room for progress. Will there be many new things and challenges in ali’s work? How can I improve myself?”

Q: “First of all, many of our groups will assign two outsourcing students to do simple business work for them, while we focus more on the optimization of technology and business of the practical system. Repetitive work is inevitable, and what needs to be done still needs to be done. However, after work, we should think and learn more about things outside of work. We should not relax just because the work is repeated and can be easily completed.”

Me: “What about Ali’s hours?”

Q: “It depends on the specific department, we are busy at this time, follow the business, about four months a year will be very busy, is 996, the rest of the time is normal double holidays. I have to say, the single rest is really painful. It’s just a day’s sleep at home.”

Me: “just begin you say recently you are in recruit person, ant financial service still worry recruit less than person?”

Q: “Ah, you don’t see a lot of resumes, but most of them are unqualified, or washed, so I now run to the pulse of the recruitment.”

Me: “Ha, ha, I often receive some technical students on the interview invitation, did not expect that big factory recruitment is also difficult. Would you like to ask if you should send your resume directly to the interviewer or give it to the HR first?”

Q: “Most of them go directly to the interviewer, who filters them.”

Me: “That you look at the resume of time, biased which aspect, why many resumes do not meet the requirements? What do you mean when you say a lot of people have their resumes washed?”

Q: “We are social recruitment, I mainly value two aspects, education and work experience, the education must be a 211 bachelor’s degree starting, work experience mainly depends on the business in the past and the technology used. These two have any pass, even if the resume passed, I will not directly use the degree to card people. But the harsh reality is that most resumes are basically blank sheets of paper and there’s no way to get him to come in for an interview. “You might see a lot of people on the Internet, but it’s a small percentage of people.”

Q: “To wash a resume is to have previously applied for a position at Alibaba through a headhunter or other interviewer, but failed. Every interview has a file, and the more times you fail, the less likely you are to pass later. So I value a clean resume when I apply to Ali for the first time.”

Me: “What do you think about job-hopping?”

Q: “Job-hopping is normal, and every company has its own bottleneck. If appropriate, job-hopping can lead to opportunities for promotion and salary increase. However, if there are plenty of opportunities for advancement in your current company, it is not advisable to move. For example, you have only worked for less than a year now, and you will not be very high in Alibaba. It would be a loss to change jobs now. When you can bid to a higher level in other companies, you will consider it.”

Me: “Ha, ha, yes, my sister thought about job-hopping. What kind of questions do you ask candidates as an interviewer? Algorithms?”

Q: “In fact, the social recruitment business development post does not have high requirements on the algorithm, which is a method of screening people. I usually start from the candidate’s resume, ask him about the projects he has done, and tell him about his work experience. If a technology involves algorithms, like MySQL’s underlying data structures, then I’ll ask. As for the difficulty of the algorithm question, it depends on what the candidate says on the resume. If it’s ‘proficient in databases’, then I’ll go further. It’s possible for the candidate to hand-write various trees. If you just “know the database”, the problem is much easier. So it’s important to have a resume and a clear picture of your skills. In addition, every company has its own culture, and we value candidates’ understanding, insight and pursuit of technology and business.

Me: “No wonder an interviewer asked me before, besides MySQL, which databases have you used? What are their differences and application scenarios? It seems to be important to be well informed.”

Q: “Right.”

Me: “thank big guy, I realize!”

Q: “Come to me for your resume.”

Ok, I can only remember these questions and answers in seven seconds, I don’t know what you feel, welcome to comment section ~