- Head configuration and its meaning
- Flex Layout Properties
- Range of new features
- animation
- Common complex layout, picture waterfall flow
- Understanding the “Flow” of CSS
- CSS properties
- CSS Basics
- Commonly used API
- Macro and micro tasks
- Object and class
- Closure, execute stack
- Necessary algorithms
- ES new features
- Front-end modular CommonJS, AMD, CMD, ES6 module loading
- Common design patterns
- “Question of the Day” in front-end Daqo
- If the throttle
- Cross-domain solutions
- Call, apply, bind handwriting implementation
- Promise handwritten
- Throttling/anti-shake implementation
- Authentication implementation, JWT, SSO, etc
- Common front-end encryption algorithms
- Event loop mechanism
- Commonly used regular judgment
- Js compression, obfuscation, and encryption
- 1 to 1.9999999 1.2%
- The concept of class, understand, use
- Bind listening events, parentheses and no parentheses, parentheses have parameter differences
- Type determination and deep copy
- About front-end modular CommonJS, AMD, CMD, ES6 module loading
- The interview questions
- Vue source code implementation (template language parsing, data bidirectional binding, component concept)
- Vue – the realization of the router
- The realization of the vue – axios
- Componentized thinking
- vue3
- NPM common commands, vue-cli, webpack
- Package. json Configuration meaning
- Vue is a common API
- vue-property-decorator
- The life cycle
- vite
- The difference between vue diff and React diff
- Vue3 source and vue2 source
- Component communication
- decorator
- .sync This.$emit(‘update:XXXX ‘, I);
- Custom instruction
- The underlying logic of this.$nextTick()
- The principle of slot.
- Vue decorator
- Render’s model, attrs, props, staticClass
- Introduction to typeScript
- Learn how to use typeScript in practice with Simple-HTTP
- HTTP sense
- HTTP stomp records
Micro front-end
- Micro front end scheme and realization principle
- Understanding common frameworks for visualization
- Echarts sample implementation
The mobile terminal
- Faqs on mobile (1px, responsive layout)
- Interaction between mobile terminal and native
- Skeleton screen
- Common Node Functions
- React: Learn how to react.
Small program
- Introduction to small programs
The browser
- Browser rendering principles/processes
- Front-end performance optimization
- WEB security
4. Browser TAB communication
- Differences between Git and SVN
- sourceMap
- A comparison of the new generation of front-end build tools
- NPM common commands
- Use of the Monaco editor
New industry technology
- Understand can say
- vite
- uniapp
- Company project deployment operation and maintenance architecture
- Master necessary operation and maintenance skills