1. Download the ElasticSearch

1.1 Official Website Download address


1.2 Remote Download

Wget HTTP: / / https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-6.4.3.tar.gzCopy the code

2. Copy the elasticSearch compressed file to the specified directory

Create user “es”, “es”, “es”, “es”

adduser es
Copy the code

2.2 Specify the User password

 passwd es
Copy the code

2.3 Creating An ES group Create an ES group

groupadd esgroup
Copy the code

2.4 Setting the owning user of the MODIFIED ES Compressed File in the Root Directory

Chown -r es elasticsearch - 6.4.0Copy the code

2.5 Changing the Owning Group of a File

The CHGRP -r esgroup elasticsearch - 6.4.3Copy the code

3. Decompress and install the ES

3.1 Switching users to ES

su es
Copy the code

3.2 Decompressing Files

The tar - XZVF elasticsearch - 6.4.3. Tar. GzCopy the code

3.3 Enter ElasticSearch-6.4.3 and start ElasticSearch. If the started command is displayed in the log, the ElasticSearch is started successfully

Copy the code

3.4 Verifying startup Success Enter curl localhost:9200

3.5 Only the local ElasticSearch service can be accessed. To access the ElasticSearch service from the Internet, modify the configuration file config/ Elasticsearch. yml

3.6 The following errors may occur during startup after modification

Open the elasticSearch. yml configuration file and change the value to

Host: is changed to the local IP address the code

3.7 The following three errors may occur during startup after modification

[1]: max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536]
[2]: max number of threads [3802] for user [esyonghu] is too low, increase to at least [4096]
[3]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

Copy the code

Solution: Switch to user root

A The first error requires that the current user’s soft and hard call limits be increased

Switch to the root user, then execute the vim/etc/security/limits the conf note es add the following code at the end of the file name for the user Please modify according to actual situation

es soft nofile 65536
es hard nofile 131072
es soft nproc 2048
es hard nproc 4096
Copy the code

B. the second mistakes need to modify the vim/etc/security/limits. D / 20 – nproc. Conf file

Add to the file

esyonghu soft nproc  4096
Copy the code

C The third error requires modification to /etc/sysctl.conf

Run the vim /etc/sysctl.conf command to edit the sysctl.conf file and add the following content to the file

Combined with the vm. Max_map_count = 262144Copy the code

To make the change take effect, run sysctl -p

sysctl -p
Copy the code

4. Start the es

Switch to esyonghu again and go to the ElasticSearch file directory to start ElasticSearchEnter your IP address in the browser. If the following page is displayed, the server is successfully started