Recently, many users reported to xiaobian the situation of accidental withdrawal and software damage of MAC software. This is because Apple deleted TNT’s certificate on July 12, so most OF THE MAC software activated by TNT could not be opened, indicating accidental withdrawal. Let’s take a look at the solution

The solution

You need to install Xcode or Apple command line tools first. If Xcode is not installed, you can use the following command to install Apple command line tools (if Xcode is installed, you can ignore it)

xcode-select –install

1. The terminal method

1. Sudo xattr-cr file location (just drag the application into it)

2. Sudo coDesign –force –deep –sign — file location

As shown below:

CodeSigner signs the crash application

1. Download and install CodeSigner

CodeSigner is free for Mac

2. Open coDesigner. app and select the software you want to fix, then click the “Deep” option

3. If Success is displayed, the repair is successful. Exit the following window