I. Configuration of the environment
1. Install go on the centos server
wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.16.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz Copy the code
2. Decompress the package to a directory
sudo Tar -c /usr/local-xf go1.16.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz Copy the code
3. Modify ~/. Bash_profile
# go programs export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin Copy the code
4. Configuration generation is valid
source ~/.bash_profile Copy the code
5. Check whether the installation is successful
go env Copy the code
6. Enable the mod and configure the proxy
go env -w GO111MODULE=on # configure proxy go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct Copy the code
7. Install the Supervisor
yum install supervisor Copy the code
8, if your project depends on mysql, redis please install yourself
Ii. Project packaging
Method one: direct usegit
Pull code on the server
1. Use git pull code directly on the server
2. Synchronize project dependency packages
go mod vendor Copy the code
3. Package projects
go run build Copy the code
The same waybee
Tools package
1. Install bee tools according to the official mode of Beego, and connect the address
2. Enter the project directory and package directly
bee pack -be GOOS=linux Copy the code
3. Upload the project to the centos server
This tool can be installed on a server running Windows yum install lrzsz # Macs use SCP directly Copy the code
Unzip the project on the server
tar -xvf gin-admin-api.tar.gz Copy the code
Three, use,supervisor
Deployment project
1. View the supervisor configuration address
cat /etc/supervisord.conf Copy the code
It is small enough that the xx.ini file it is creating is stored in the container it is handling
; setting can list multiple files (separated by whitespace or ; newlines). It can also contain wildcards. The filenames are ; interpreted as relative to this file. Included files *cannot* ; include files themselves. [include] files = supervisord.d/*.ini [root@iZwz9et2qekjwu8mwmxgxhZ supervisord.d]# pwd /etc/supervisord.d [root@iZwz9et2qekjwu8mwmxgxhZ supervisord.d]# Copy the code
It is designed to create a gin-admin-api.ini file in the directory it is handling. D /
# gin-admin-api indicates the project name [program:gin-admin-api] # project folder directory = /home/gin-admin-api # project executable location command = /home/gin-admin-api/main autostart = true startsecs = 5 user = root redirect_stderr = true The location of the output log file stdout_logfile = /home/gin-admin-api/logs/supervisor.log port= Copy the code
3. Run the startup command
supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf Copy the code
The container is designed for handling the container and is designed for handling the container. The container is designed for handling the container and is designed for handling the container
Just look at the process and kill it
ps aux | grep supervisord Copy the code
4. It can be seen the information on the container
supervisorctl Copy the code
View all the states
status Copy the code
Start all configuration
start all Copy the code
Update the configuration
update Copy the code
Re-read configuration
reread Copy the code
5. Check the current port number and ensure that 9090 is started
netstat -ntlp Copy the code
6. Access directly from the client (note that Ali Cloud should open the port of 9090)
7. Configure the nginx reverse proxy to port 9090
8. View logs
tail The -f filename Copy the code
9. Refer to the GIN project, which you can use to practice deployment