
It’s 11:00 p.m. Is HXDM in bed? Brush the question can’t sleep ah? If you can’t sleep, get up and watch the problem solving for a while. 🐶 🐶

Topic describes

1438. The longest continuous subarray whose absolute difference does not exceed the limit

Given an integer array nums and an integer limit, return the length of the longest continuous subarray in which the absolute difference between any two elements must be less than or equal to limit.

If no subarray exists, 0 is returned.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [8,2,4,7], limit = 4 [8] the biggest absolute difference | | 8-8 = 0 < = 4. [8, 2] the biggest absolute difference | 2 | = 8-6 > 4. 4-trichlorobenzene [8] the biggest absolute difference | 2 | = 8-6 > 4.,2,4,7 [8] the biggest absolute difference | 2 | = 8-6 > 4. [2] Biggest absolute difference | 2-2 | = 0 < = 4. [2, 4] biggest absolute difference | | 2-4 = 2 < = 4.,4,7 [2] the biggest absolute difference | 2-7 | = 5 > 4. [4] the biggest absolute difference | | 4-4 = 0 < = 4. [4, 7] biggest absolute difference 4-7 | | = 3 < = 4. [7] the biggest absolute difference | 7-7 | = 0 < = 4. Therefore, the largest array that satisfies the problem has a length of 2.Copy the code

Example 2:

Input: nums =,1,2,4,7,2 [10], limit = 5 output: 4: meet the question of the eldest son arrays are,4,7,2 [2], the biggest absolute difference | 2-7 | = 5 < = 5.Copy the code

Example 3:

Input: nums = [4,2,2, 4,4,2,2], limit = 0 Output: 3Copy the code


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 10^5
  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 10^9
  • 0 <= limit <= 10^9

Their thinking

Given an integer array nums and an integer limit, to return the length of the longest continuous subarray, the absolute difference between the two elements must be less than or equal to limit.

So we need to count the maximum and minimum values in the current window, so we can also use two monotonic queues to solve this problem.

Therefore, we use a monotonically increasing queue minQ to maintain the minimum and a monotonically decreasing queue maxQ to maintain the maximum.

Then we only need to calculate the difference between the queue heads of the two queues to know whether the current window meets the condition.

Then return the result.

The problem solving code

var longestSubArray = function(nums, limit) {
  let maxQ = [], minQ = [], i = 0;

  for (let a of nums) {
    while(maxQ.length > 0 && a > maxQ[maxQ.length - 1]) {
    while(minQ.length > 0 && a < minQ[minQ.length - 1]) {

    if (maxQ[0] - minQ[0] > limit) {
      if (maxQ[0] == nums[i]) {
      if (minQ[0] == nums[i]) {
  return nums.length - i;
Copy the code

Swipe questions and punch out records

Here is the previous swipe card records, you can have a look, if you have any different views and views or feel what is wrong, welcome to leave a message in the comment area! 🙏 🙏 🙏

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Come on! HXDM!!!!!! 💪 💪 💪

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