Author: Cola

Source: Coke’s path to data analysis

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In the previous postWill there be a big drop in births in 2020? Interpreting demographic dataUsing a bar char race of the total fertility rates of four countries, many people ask how to do this. Today I will talk.


I made it online, and the website is app.Flourish. Studio

If you don’t have an account, click the “Sign up” button below to register. After registration, you can log in.On the home page you can see the project I did before, forget it, here we directly click on New Visualisation in the upper left corner to create a new project.You can see there’s a bunch of nice charts here, so if you’re interested you can click on it and try to do it, so let’s go down here, find bar Char Race, click on it.Once inside, click Create Visualisation on the leftTo see its own example, click on Data, import the data we have prepared, and make your own bar race chart.Next, we will prepare the data, click the upload Data on the right, select the form to prepare, and then clickThe GDP data of each province from 1949 to 2019 are prepared. Click Preview to preview after importingSome parameters can be configured for fine tuning in the back, and the final effect is shown in the picture. Oh, I forgot to add the unit, RMB 100 million

Bar chart race generator

There’s also an online versionFabdevgit. Making. IO/barchartrac…


You can also create bar race charts in Python. The usual way to do this is to use the Matplotlib library. This post is full of details.

You can also use the bar_chart_race library, which is an open source project on git hub. You need to install FFmPEG before using git Hub.…

Personally, I think it would be easier to flourish the online version, don’t you?

Official account: The road of data analysis of Cola

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