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Copy the code

I remember how happy I was to play Snake on my phone when I was a child.

I’ve been learning Golang lately and testing its limits

It’s exciting to think about recreating a classic game on a terminal

If you like it, share it with your friends and relive the happy time together

How to get:

  • Reply to “Snake” on official account
  • Or get it from my Github page.…

Core gameplay:

Up and down around the key control to eat 10 fruits to win

If you hit the wall, you will fail

【 CTRL + C 】 Exit the game

Snake Principle:

The snake moves by placing the tail element on its head.

To eat fruit, you don’t need to move it to the tail, but to add a new node to the head. This is very similar to the list structure, so I use the list to describe snake’s ontology structure. Arrays are used for rendering to facilitate random addressing.

Implementation difficulties:

  • Capture of keyboard events
  • The control of rendering granularity is related to implementation difficulty
  • Snake core gameplay, object structure design

Rely on:

  • Jroimartin/GoCUI character graphics library