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The software industry is moving towards a future of autonomy, speed and efficiency. To keep pace with this fast-moving ecosystem, application delivery times must be accelerated, but not at the expense of quality. Quality assurance gets a lot of attention because it is necessary to achieve quality quickly. To meet the need for superior quality and faster time-to-market, automated testing will be a priority. It is essential for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to automate their own testing processes, and the most critical aspect is choosing the right test automation framework.

What is an automated testing framework? An automated test framework is a scaffold that provides an execution environment for automated test scripts. The framework provides users with a variety of advantages to help them effectively develop, execute, and report on automated test scripts. It is more like a system created specifically to automate your organization’s tests. In short, we can say that a framework is a constructive mix of guidelines, coding standards, concepts, processes, practices, project levels, modularity, reporting mechanisms, test data injection, and more to support automated testing. As a result, users can follow these guidelines when automating applications to take advantage of a variety of productive results.

These advantages can take different forms, such as ease of scripting, scalability, modularity, understandability, process definition, reusability, cost, maintenance, and so on. Therefore, in order to reap these benefits, it is recommended that developers use one or more automated test frameworks. In addition, a unified standard test automation framework is needed when there are groups of developers working on different modules of the same application, and when we want to avoid each developer implementing his or her own automation approach.

Types of automated test frameworks

Automated test frameworks on the market may vary depending on their support for different key factors such as reusability, ease of maintenance, and so on. Such as the following types:

● Module-based testing framework

● Test library architecture framework

● Data-driven testing framework

● Keyword driven test framework

● Hybrid testing framework

● Behavior driven development framework

Advantages of an automated test framework In addition to the minimal manual intervention required to automate tests, there are many advantages to using a test automation framework:

● Faster time to market: Using a good test automation framework helps reduce application time to market by allowing continuous execution of test cases. Once automated, test libraries execute faster and take longer to run than manual tests.

● Early defect detection: Software defect documentation becomes relatively easy for the test team. It improves overall development speed while ensuring correct functionality across regions. The earlier problems are discovered, the lower the cost of fixing them, and the higher the benefits of adopting an automated testing framework.

● Improve test efficiency: Testing is an important part of the development life cycle. Even the slightest improvement in overall efficiency can have a huge impact on the overall time frame of a project. Although the initial setup took longer, automated testing ended up taking much less time. They can actually run unattended, monitoring the results at the very end of the process.

● Higher ROI: While the initial investment may be high, automated testing can save organizations money over the long term. This is due to the reduced time required to run the tests, resulting in higher quality work. This, in turn, reduces the probability of failure after release, thereby reducing project costs.

● Higher test coverage: In automated testing, more tests can be performed on the application, which results in higher test coverage. Increasing test coverage allows you to test more features and application quality.

● Reusability of automated tests: In test automation, the repeatability of test cases helps software developers evaluate program responses and relatively simple setup and configuration. Automated test cases can be used in different ways because they are reusable.

Top 10 Test automation Frameworks

1. Robot frame

If you want to use the Python test automation framework for your test automation work, the Robot framework is the best choice. The Robot framework is based onPython, but you can also use Jython (Java) or IronPython (.NET). The Robot framework uses a keyword-driven approach to simplify the creation of tests. The Robot framework can also test MongoDB, FTP, Android, Appium, and more. It has a number of test libraries, including the Selenium WebDriver library and other useful tools. It has a lot of apis to help it scale as much as possible. The keyword approach used by the Robot framework is useful for testers who are already familiar with other vendor-based keyword-driven testing tools, making the transition to open source easier.

2. WebDriverIO

WebdriverIO is an automated testing framework based on Node.js. It has an integrated test runner that can run automated tests for Both Web applications and native mobile applications. It also runs on both the WebDriver and Chrome Devtools protocols, making it effective for cross-browser testing based on Selenium WebDriver or for Chromium-based automation. Since WebDriverIO is open source, you can get a bunch of plug-ins for your automation needs. The Wdio Installation Wizard makes installation simple and easy.


Citrus is an open source framework that you can use to automate integration testing for any messaging protocol or data format. For any type of messaging, such as REST, HTTP, SOAP, or JMS, the Citrus framework will be suitable for testing messaging integration. Citrus can integrate with Selenium if you need to interact with the user interface and then validate the back-end process. For example, if you have to click the “Send email” button and verify on the back end that the email has been received, Citrus can receive this email or UI-triggered JMS traffic and verify the backend results, all in one test.


Cypress is a developer-centric test automation framework that makes test-driven development (TDD) a reality for developers. It is designed to be able to package and bundle everything, making the entire end-to-end testing experience enjoyable and simple. Cypress has a different architecture from Selenium; Selenium WebDriver runs remotely outside the browser, while Cypress runs inside the browser. This approach helps to understand what is happening inside and outside the browser to provide more consistent results. It doesn’t require you to deal with object serialization or online protocols, while giving you native access to each object. When you pull your application into the browser, Cypress synchronously notifies you of everything that happens in the browser, so you have native access to every DOM element. It also makes it easy to place debuggers in applications, which in turn makes developer tools easier to use.


One of the most popular open source test automation frameworks for Web applications. Selenium can also serve as the foundation for many other testing tools because of its cross-platform and cross-browser capabilities. Selenium supports a variety of programming languages, such as Java, C#, PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. It is easy to maintain because it has one of the largest online support networks. Selenium can be highly extensible with a wide range of libraries and apis to meet everyone’s needs and needs. Selenium is the first choice for testers because it allows you to write more advanced test scripts that meet all levels of complexity. It provides a playback tool for test writing without learning a specific scripting language.

  1. Cucumber

It is a cross-platform behavior-driven development (BDD) tool for writing acceptance tests for Web applications. Cucumber is quick and easy to set up for execution and allows code reuse in testing. It supports Python, PHP, Perl,.NET, Scala, Groovy, and more, automating function validation in an easy-to-read and understandable format. A nice feature is that both specification and test documents are uploaded to an up-to-date document. Cucumber makes code easier to read for business stakeholders unfamiliar with testing because they can easily read the code because test reports are written in commercially readable English. This code can be used with other frameworks such as Selenium, Watir, Capybara, etc.


It is an open source tool-independent test automation framework for Mac, Linux, and Windows. People who work on TDD and BDD will appreciate Gauge’s focus on creating dynamic/executable documents. Specification – the gauge automation tests are written in the discounted languages of C, Java, and Ruby in existing ides such as visualstudio and Eclipse. The functionality of Gauge can also be extended with support for plug-ins. It was developed as a BYOT (bring your own tools) framework. Therefore, you can use Selenium, as well as any other tool, to drive test UI or API tests. If you want a readable non-BDD approach to automation, you should try Gauge.


If you’re looking for a Java-based framework that integrates with behavior Driven Development (BDD) tools like Cumber and JBehave, Serenity might be the tool for you. It is intended to make it easier to write automated acceptance and regression tests. It also allows you to keep test scenarios at a higher level while accommodating lower-level implementation details in the report. Serenity acts as a wrapper around Selenium WebDriver and BDD tools. It abstracts much of the boilerplate code that you sometimes need to write, which makes writing BDD and Selenium tests much easier. Serenity also offers a number of built-in features, such as handling tests that run in parallel, WebDriver management, screenshots, managing state between steps, and facilitating Jira integration, all without writing a line of code.

Carina is built using popular open source solutions such as Appium, TestNG, and Selenium, which reduces the dependency on a specific technology stack. You can test mobile applications (native, Web, hybrid), Web applications, REST services, and databases. Carina framework supports MySQL, sqlserver, Oracle, PostgreSQL and other different types of databases, providing MyBatis ORM framework to implement DAO layer amazing experience. It supports all popular browsers and mobile devices, and reuses up to 80% of test automation code between IOS and Android. API testing is based on the Freemarker template engine, which provides great flexibility in generating REST requests. Carina is cross-platform and can be easily tested on Unix or Windows operating systems.


Zentao Testing Framework (ZTF) is an open source automated test management Framework. Compared with existing test automation frameworks on the market, ZTF focuses more on the management function of test automation. ZTF provides the definition, management, driver of automated test scripts, return of execution results, Bug creation and integration with other automated test frameworks. ZTF is developed using the GO language and can support a variety of platforms. ZTF supports common programming languages, and you can develop automated test scripts in whichever language you prefer. ZTF automated test tool developed by Zen Dao can well drive 8 unit test frameworks and 3 automatic test frameworks to execute tests, and send the final results back to Zen Dao for unified report presentation. ZTF Bridges the gap between project management and continuous integration tools throughout the various stages of the DevOps lifecycle, including continuous integration, continuous testing, and continuous deployment.

Summary Most of the tools listed above are mature and popular, providing test automation capabilities using AI/ML to address the rapid delivery and quality challenges organizations now face. This list also includes tools that provide API and service testing, which are critical to a successful DevOps transformation. Emerging technologies such as ARTIFICIAL intelligence, code free, big data, and Internet of Things testing are increasing the efficiency of test automation while also creating opportunities for existing tools and new players to add value to the testing community.

The selection of automation tools should not only meet current needs, but also be aware of potential trends and improvements. Effective test automation tools should support basic optimization, data generation, smarter solutions, and analytics. So far, the level of test automation in the organization is low, between 14 and 18 percent. But the organization is working to increase automation coverage to 80 percent. API and service testing is also a future trend.

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