An overview,

Figure 1: VUE template rendering process

As can be seen from the figure, template rendering process goes through data processing (initState), template compileToFunctions to generate render, render function to generate virtual DOM, virtual DOM mapping to real DOM (patch) to mount to page. These functions play a key role in the data rendering process. Therefore, this paper starts from these functions, in-depth research on the principle of VUE data rendering to the page.

What is the Virtual DOM?

2.1 Causes of virtual DOM

Figure 2: DOM element attributes

Figure 3: Browser rendering flow

Figure 4: Virtual DOM instance

Figure 5: Virtual DOM mapping to real DOM

2.2 Main ideas of Virtual DOM

Figure 6: Schematic diagram of Vitual DOM generating DOM

Figure 7: Schematic diagram of virtual DOM update

Figure 8: Vitrual DOM in vue

Data rendering process

3.1 Data Binding Implementation Logic —- initState

Figure 9: The Vue constructor

Figure 10: instance

Figure 11: initState function

Figure 12: Proxy functions

Figure 13: Data binding process

3.2 Render function —- render

3.2.1 Treatment of EL

Figure 14: $mount function

Figure 15: The Query function

3.2.2 Template content extraction

Figure 16: Handwritten Render function

Figure 17: Template processing

Figure 18: The first form of template

Figure 19: idToTemplate function

Figure 20: The second form of template

Figure 21: El element content extraction

Figure 22: The getOuterHTML function

The real example we originally provided fits into category (3). After the above logic, the template variable should ideally be a template string as shown below at this point, which will be used to generate the render function.

Figure 22: Extracted template strings

Figure 23: Template extraction

3.2.3 Template compiles into render function

Figure 23: Compilation process

Figure 24: parseHTML pseudocode

Figure 25: Advance function

Figure 26: Advance function execution diagram

Figure 27: Parse flow chart

Figure 28: AST tree structure

Figure 29: Optimize process

Figure 30: CodeGen process

Figure 31: The render function generated after compilation

Figure 32: Compiling the Render function

3.3 Render to VNode generation

Figure 33: initRender function

Figure 34: createElement function

Figure 35: VNode instantiation

Figure 36: Generated VNode

Figure 37: Flow diagram of the createElement function

3.3 Mapping virtual DOM to real DOM —- Patch

Figure 38: _update function

Figure 39: nodeOps

Figure 40: modules

Figure 41: patch function

Figure 42: patch function

Figure 43: createElm function

Figure 44: Creating child nodes

Figure 45: Insert node

Figure 46: Delete the original node


  1. New Vue, performs initialization, binds the incoming data to the current instance, and accesses the incoming data as this.message. This is done by executing the initData() function.
  2. Mount the $mount method and generate the Render function with custom Render methods, template, el, etc. If a template is passed in, compile the contents of the template into the render function, otherwise compile the contents of the element corresponding to the el into the render function. Compilation is done by calling compileToFunctions. You can also write the render function by hand to reduce compiling. The render function has the highest priority, followed by template, which needs to be compiled into a rendering function. The outerHTML can be compiled and rendered only when the element corresponding to the mount point EL attribute does not exist.
  3. After the render function is generated, the _createElement function is called to generate the VNode.
  4. Map the virtual DOM to a real DOM page.