Using Git in Eclipse

– Step 1: Use Git to import the project

Menu -file-> import->Git->Projects from Git

– Step 2: Select the clone URL

This means using a Git resource on a server

– Step 3: Enter git parameters

– Step 4: Whether to provide a password prompt

When you ask if you want to provide a password prompt, you usually select No

– Step 5: Select the branch

– Step 6: Local storage location

Depending on the local location of the individual project

– Step 7: Whether to provide a password prompt

Select Import Existing Eclipse Projects

– Step 8: Locate

Project pull success !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Using GIT to push a project in Eclipse

– Step 1: Disconnect the project

No branching

– Step 2: Share Project

Project – > Team – > Share Project

– Step 3: Whether to provide a password prompt

– Step 4: Select Git to continue next

– Step 5: Select Git RepoStory and click Finish

– Step 6: Push the code up to the specified repository

– Step 7: Fill in the remote warehouse address

– Step 8: Select the branch and click Add at the point Next

Click on the add

Click Add and the effect looks like this

– Step 9: Click Finish to complete

Project push !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!