Recently, reinstall the system at a time, in order to later no longer do meaningless repetition query, will record the process of the installation and configuration, as their own after a reference, can also think to install Fedora desktop classmate a reference, is there any wrong or method can save the time of installation, you can discuss here.

First, install the system

This is easy. I use the Fedora Live CD KDE version. I like gnOME and am used to gnOME, but I don’t have one handy.

After installing the system, I tried Dolphine and Konquer at KDE. I was still not used to them. I needed gnOME

yum groupinstall ‘GNOME Desktop Environment’

After the Logout session is finished, log in again to view the familiar GNOME interface. However, many of the default gnOME software will still be different from that of the direct GnOME software. This effect is not big, not table.

Configure permissions and network connections and others

(1) Configure permissions

You need to configure permissions for frequent users. You need to modify /etc/sudoers to add:

cipher  ALL=(ALL)       ALL

cipher          ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

In this way, the user Cipher gains sudo permission and does not need to enter a password every time.

(2) Configure RPM Fusion

Due to patent license reasons, the Fedora software Repository does not include MP3, DVD, and video playback and decoding library support. Because of this, you must install that software from a third-party repository. RPM Fusion is a software repository for Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise edition that is a merger of Dribble, Freshrpms, and RPM Fusion. A wide variety of applications are included in this software repository, such as MP3, unencrypted DVD, decoding libraries for multimedia applications such as Mplayer, VLX, Xine, and closed source Nvidia and ATI graphics card drivers. RPM Fusion contains the following two major software repositories:

* One named “Freedom” is mainly open source software (as defined by the Fedora licensing Guidelines), but cannot be included in Fedora due to the US Patent Protection Act.

* The other is named “non-free”, mainly non-free software, which is all other software that cannot be non-free, including open-source software, but with restrictions such as “non-commercial use”.

sudo rpm -ivh…

sudo rpm -ivh

Sudo yum install yum-presto

Sudo yum install yum- FastestMirror

Three, install common software

(0) Input method — SCIM

Fedora 11 uses ibus as the default input method. However, after I switched the system language to English and repeated several times with yum Remove ibus and yum install ibus, I still could not switch Chinese in the terminal. So I ended up in the arms of the SCIM that I knew.

yum install scim*

(1), Firefox

Yum install Firefox is very easy to install, but I need to install some plugins later. The following plugins will help me better when I use Firefox to surf the Web.

Firefox Addons

1, Vimperator

2, Firebug

3, YSlow

4, DownThem All

5, instead

6, Greasemonkey

7, Httpfox

8 FireGesture.

9. All in one gestures

10, Easy Drag and go

To install the Flash plug-in, download the latest Flash 10 plug-in: flash-plugin-

(2), QQ

To install QQ, you need to download the Linux installation package from the…

The RPM – the ivh linuxqq – v1.0.2 – walk.. I386 RPM

Linux version of QQ has not been updated since the release to now, do not know whether this version is to block the beihang students at that time of the question, there will be no update after.

(3) Thunderbird, the mail client

Thunderbird is used as the email client, and Evolution is also available, but you will eventually find some features that cannot be supported by…

Decompress the package tar -xvzf thunderbird-

After decompression: CD Thunderbird

/thunderbird-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++. So.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Sudo yum install

Thunderbird:./ Thunderbird: thunderbird:./ Thunderbird: Thunderbird: Thunderbird: Thunderbird: Thunderbird

We can create desktop shortcuts for it

Command line mode is: ln -s ~ / Download/software/misc/thunderbird/thunderbird. / thunderbird

The graphical approach is to right-click ->Create Launcher-> select the appropriate location and icon. The advantage of this setup is that there is no shortcut key.

(4) VPN connection

# yum install NetworkManager -ppTP: yum install NetworkManager -ppTP

After the installation is complete, the VPN connection Settings must be restarted. Otherwise, the Settings will not take effect. The cause of this problem is unknown.

(5), fetion

Libfeition: Libfeition: Libfeition:…

Before the installation, the following packages are needed to ensure that the following installation takes place:

sudo yum install qt4 qt4-devel libcurl libcurl-devel kernel-devel automake gcc-c++ glibc glibc-devel openssl-devel

There are specific installation instructions, here is not redundant, very easy, so we can enjoy the service of Feishin.

(6), Office

Use the Office suite delivered with the system.

(7) MSN client

Sudo yum install Pidgin does not come with pidgin, so you need to install pidgin manually

Up to now, this system can basically meet our daily office and communication needs.

Iv. Audio-visual entertainment and system beautification

(1) Video player Mplayer

Sudo yum install libdvdread libdvdnav LSDVD

Next install livDVDCSS support:

sudo rpm -Uvh…

sudo yum install libdvdcss

Sudo yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-libs gstreamer-ffmpeg libmatroska xvidcore

Sudo yum install mplayer smplayer

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An attempt was made to build and install MPlayer, but when the build was complete, the skin was not installed properly, and the simple and crude YUM method was used

First check the official installation…

Most packages can be installed through YUM, some need to be installed separately, including:

lame…Then follow the instructions in INSTALL to compile and INSTALL.

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Audio player, Rhythmbox

The default Feodra 11 KDE does not provide Rhythmbox. We need to install it independently

Sudo yum install gstreamer rhythmbox

Sudo yum install gstreamer-plugins-good gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly

So you can use Rhythmbox to listen to Mp3 music.

There are also excellent audio players such as Amarok and Songbird, which can be installed via Yum, provided RPM Fusion has been added.

(3), Compiz – Fusion

Compiz Fusion, a cool 3D cube desktop that you’ve probably seen in many screenshots and videos, comes with Compiz Fusion, but not all of its features. You can find it by running System -> Preferences -> Senses -> Desktop Effects.

If you need all the special effects, need to check whether system support direct rendering: glxinfo | grep direct

If the result is yes, we can install compiz-Fusion directly: sudo yum install ccsm emerald-themes compizconfig-backend-gconf fusion-icon-gtk emerald compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-gnome libcompizconfig compiz-gnome compiz-bcop compiz compizconfig-python compiz-fusion-extras compiz-fusion-extras-gnome

(4) Install avant-window-navigator

The Dock, similar to the Mac Dock, removes the Panel at the bottom and hides itself, making it easy to use.

When you’re done, add 3 and 4 to the boot system.

To add a process, you can add a SESSION from the menu, or edit /etc/rc.local or ~/. Config /, depending on your preference.

(5) Install GNOME-do

This tool allows us to quickly search the tools in the menu without using the mouse to click, can improve work efficiency, very practical.

sudo yum install gnome-do gonme-do-plugins*

Finally, attach the current desktop and theme.


1.Fedora11 installation and configuration guide Chinese version           


3,Lame Install                       

4,Mplayer Compile Error               

5,Mplayer Slack Build               

6,Sun Virtual Box                   


Eight,Linux to compile and install Feisense