Laravel Passport: Every time you deploy it, you have to look at it again, and when you deploy it online, you get confused about what commands to execute.

Commands are:  php artisan passport:install php artisan passport:keys php artisan passport:client php artisan passport:client --password PHP artisan Passport :client --client PHP artisan passport:client --personal I don't know which one to execute. Direct view source: vendor/laravel/passport/SRC/Console / *. PHP probably learned: Passport :keys - Oauth-public. Key and oauth-private.key are generated by default in storage/ passport:client - Oauth2 client access token Passport :client -- password-password authorization token Passport :client -- client-client credentials authorization token Passport :client --personal - private access token Passport: Install - The first command given to us in the documentation, which actually consists of the following three commands: Passport :keys Passport :client --password Passport :client --personal Passport :keys passport:client --password PASSPORT_CLIENT_ID= PASSPORT_CLIENT_SECRET=Copy the code