Android Studio is a powerful development tool from Google based on IntelliJ that has everything you need to build great Android apps. With the powerful functions based on IntelliJ IDEA, plug-ins are very rich.

Using plug-ins correctly can help you be more productive, smarter, and faster. But the ever-growing list of plug-ins can also be overwhelming. With that in mind, HERE’s a list of Android Studio plug-ins to ease the selection hassle. The same is true for developers using other ides, such as WebStorm.

Let’s get started!

1. CodeGlance

Like Sublime or Xcode, this plugin inserts thumbnails of code into your editor. As you can see in the image below, a thumbnail of the code is on the right, with a larger scroll bar. Preview code patterns with Codeglance, allowing you to quickly navigate to the parts you need.

2. Rainbow Brackets

Nesting parentheses can be a pain for programmers, especially if something is missing, and they can be a real pain in code reviews because it’s hard to see which parentheses match.

This plugin adds nice rainbow colors to your code for parentheses, square brackets, and braces. This can be a lifesaver for developers just starting out, or for those who find themselves bogged down in a lot of code.

In addition to Java and Kotlin, the plugin supports over a dozen other languages such as -Objective-C, Scala, Python, HTML, SQL, and more.

3. SQLDelight

SQLDelight is a well-known Kotlin multi-platform database library. It generates the Kotlin API through SQL and is responsible for creating the database based on the schema itself.

SQLDelight comes from Square (plus, Square has many powerful popular libraries open source, such as: Retrofit, Okhttp, Picasso, etc.) with IntelliJ and Android Studio plug-ins for syntax highlighting, code completion, and navigation through SQL queries.

4. ADB Idea

This is a plugin for Android Studio and Intellij IDEA to speed up your daily Android development. ADB Idea provides one-click shortcut commands to start, uninstall, terminate an application, revoke permissions, and clear application data.

To invoke this plug-in, you can navigate to the Tools -> Android -> ADB Idea menu or search for commands from Find Actions.

5. ADB Wifi

Unlike iOS developers, Android developers generally have to make sure that USB is never disconnected while debugging on the device. Although there is a set of ADB Shell commands to establish a connection over WIFI, it is much easier to use GUI shortcuts. Simply install the ADB Wifi plug-in.

Make sure your computer and phone are connected to the same network, then go to “Tools” → “Android” → “ADB WIFI” → “ADB USB to WIFI” to start the connection. Now you don’t need a USB connection to run the application.

6. Material UI Theme

Android Studio has a lovely Dracula Theme for dark Mode enthusiasts, but sometimes it’s not a bad thing to make a few changes, and the Material UI Theme was designed to do just that. The plugin features an impressive theme palette, beautiful color schemes, and support for most programming languages, as well as Material ICONS, padding, and a range of custom Settings.

7. JSON To Kotlin Class

Using this plug-in, it is easy to convert JSON strings into Kotlin data classes. In addition, it supports:

  • A series of JSON annotation libraries –Gson.Jackson.Fastjson.Moshi.LoganSquareEtc.
  • Initialize properties with default values and make them null.
  • Rename attribute names to hump style and generate classes as internal or single classes.
  • If the JSON string is valid, the JSON is loaded from the local file/Http URL.

8. Vector Drawable Thumbnails

To preview the vector Drawable XML file, we usually have to rebuild the project. With the Vector Drawable Thumbnails plugin, we can preview all Vector drawables with one click.

9. Codota

Codota is an AI-based code completion plug-in that uses machine learning to suggest completion of millions of snippets of code (Java, Javascript, Python, etc.) based on your context. It also allows you to embed generic code snippets directly to improve development skills and reduce the chance of errors.

As shown in the figure below, it shows the probability of completion for each code in the autocomplete suggestion list, with the most likely code highlighted in the editor (just press the right arrow).

10. Name That Color

If you find the naming of colors in the Android code base annoying, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Although coding is often called art, not all developers are good at naming colors, especially different shadows. In this case, enter a mysterious name such as RED1, blue_lighter, or RED2.

Fortunately, there’s a great plugin that can help you with that name. All you need to do is paste the hexadecimal code into your Colors resource file, which will suggest the best matching Material color palette name for you.

11. String Manipulation

Next, we introduce String Manipulation, a plug-in that provides various String Manipulation. Switching from Toggling cases to Camel, Snake, Kebab cases to incrementing duplicates, sorting, escape/unescape HTML, Java, SQL, PHP, XML strings and performing filter operations (like grep, string operations) are all at your fingertips.

12. Gradle Killer

Often, you regret starting Gradle builds or just want to shut them down immediately. You could run the ps command or poke around in task manager looking for java.exe, but that would be cumbersome. Now, to the delight of developers, we have a plugin that adds a Kill Gradle icon to your Android Studio run menu. To reclaim your RAM, just click it! The diagram below:

13. Kotlin Fill Class

A common requirement is to quickly create Kotlin classes with default attributes. This IntelliJ plug-in is used for this purpose. It provides intent operations for empty constructors and functions, allowing you to quickly initialize parameters.

14. TabNine

This is an autocomplete plug-in (code hints) that uses deep learning to suggest intelligent completion situations, allowing you to write faster.

It supports 20 programming languages and has been trained on about 2 million files from GitHub. To predict the next token, it looks for patterns found in the training data set. This makes TabNine especially useful for idiomatic programming.

15. Key Promoter X

This is an IntelliJ IDE plug-in that helps you learn basic shortcuts at work. When you are in the IDE and you mouse over the Key Promoter X, you will be prompted to use the shortcut keys.

It also displays a list of previously used mouse actions and their corresponding keyboard shortcuts in the side pane. For buttons that don’t have shortcuts, Key Promoter X will prompt you to create a shortcut.

16. Clear Cache Plugin

In general, when developers need to clear the cache, they must traverse the. Gradle directory. That takes a lot of time. You can create Gradle scripts to speed this up, but why recreate the wheel?

Using the Clear Cache plug-in, we can retrieve all packages with a given prefix and remove packages that are no longer needed. The demo is as follows:

17. FCM Push Sender

By giving Firebase a Registration ID, we can use this plug-in to send push notifications directly from Android Studio. The plugin also has the ability to automatically search for Firebase Registration ID Token in-app sharing preferences using the Stetho Dumpapp plugin.

The most prominent feature is the ability to send notifications to multiple debuggable devices. We can choose to send a data message or a complete message, as follows:

18. SQLScout

This is excellent SQLite support for Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA, allowing you to manage databases in real time. This makes it easy to execute SQL queries in real time to update tables while debugging the application.

It also supports Room persistence libraries – automatic generation of Room entities, DAO, Migration, and Database classes from existing Database schemas. Database chart, SQL editor with syntax highlighting tool, can export schema to Excel and other different formats.

All of these functions can be achieved using the SQLScout plug-in.

19. Material Design Icon Generator

This plugin helps you add Material design ICONS to your Android applications. Importing assets and specifying colors, sizes, and densities is very simple.

20. NyanProgress

The last plugin -NyanProgress, a fun colored progress bar.

We have a nice progress bar that will keep you company throughout Gradle builds and rebuilds. Endless waiting times can be frustrating for any developer.

Luckily, NyanProgress has brought our favorite NyanCat to the colorful progress bar to make waiting times even more fun. No longer wonder if Gradle versions are frozen!


Keep in mind that having too many plug-ins in your IDE won’t really improve your productivity and, on the contrary, can significantly degrade Android Studio performance. Finally, I recommend selecting some of these plug-ins and incorporating them into your daily development routine.

Of the 20 plug-ins we covered at 👆 above, three of my favorites are: Name That Color, SQLDelight and CodeGlance. What about you? Which ones do you like? Leave a comment in the comments section.

Author: Anupam Chugh, dilute the west still fantle address:

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