Books, in the hearts of many people have a very sacred place, and I used to be the same.

In that image, reading often requires sitting, short of bathing and changing. Picking up a book to read is often a very expensive thing, so we often have some unrealistic illusions about reading itself, hoping that they can collect the essence of the book, or even recite the book.

Heavy psychological burden greatly increases the upfront cost of reading a book, making it extremely heavy and, as a result, reducing the amount of knowledge acquired. To see that some people can read books like eating, dozens of books a year, even hundreds of local reading, envy, but I really can do nothing.

In fact, reading is also a skill that requires a lot of practice, but only if you change your attitude towards reading.

The purpose of Reading

Why do we read books? Isn’t reading for learning? This is the long-standing impression that books give to many people, and it is also a major reason why books become heavy, but in fact, this is only one of the purposes of reading. Another purpose of reading is to get information. Through reading, I want to know something THAT I don’t know.

There are many ways to get information. In the past, people read newspapers, and today people surf the Internet. People always have a desire to know what they don’t know. It seems disrespectful to classify reading as information acquisition, along with reading newspapers and surfing the Internet.

If we have to make ourselves feel better, we can put it in a more acceptable way. In many cases, reading is not really for the purpose of applying what you have learned, but for the purpose of broadening your knowledge. Books are more systematic and a more efficient way to get information than the bits and pieces you read on the Internet.

Since we divide reading into two different purposes: learning and obtaining information, we can certainly adopt different attitudes towards different books. If we intend to learn, we need to use the energy of our brain to digest and understand the content of the book and make it part of us. If we’re just going to get some information, we can be more relaxed.

Do you force yourself to remember everything when you read news online? Of course not. But would you know something? Will be. What are the things that will stick out in your mind? Either you’ve just seen it, or you’ve seen it many times.

If we read to get information, we can adopt an attitude of reading the news and simply skim it, rather than trying to remember much. If you’re exposed to enough information, something will always stick in your head. For adults, without the pressure of learning, reading can be completely curiosity-driven. Knowing more things can help you understand the world more.

For a lot of people, reading does not get something, psychologically it is difficult to say much in the past, this browsing way of reading, there will be harvest?

Read from multiple angles

Those of you interested in astronomy have probably heard that stars have a life cycle. But a lot of people don’t think about how you get the life cycle of a star. The evolution of stars takes billions of years. How is it possible to observe the evolution of a star in its entirety, given the length of human civilization? The answer is that people look at multiple stars at different stages of their life cycles, and they generalize models of the life cycles of stars.

That is to say, look at what stages this group of stars are in, see what state that group of stars is in, and then, by connecting the states of stars at different stages, come up with a model, which is the life cycle of stars. If you do that, you have a lot of stars at different stages of life. Fortunately, our universe provides humanity with an adequate supply of stars.

Reading is the same, we know a knowledge, can completely through reading different books from various aspects to understand. For example, when talking about the atomic bomb, some books discuss the impact of the development of the atomic bomb on world War II from the perspective of history, some books discuss the mechanism of the atomic bomb from the perspective of popular science, and some books discuss the impact of the atomic bomb on human civilization from the perspective of technological development. Perhaps, when we first hear the atomic bomb, we have only a preliminary impression in our mind, but when the same information is presented to us in a different way, this impression is reinforced.

So, as long as we read enough books, there will always be something left in our minds.

As we know, to really master a piece of knowledge is not usually learned by watching it once, but often after a lot of repetition, it is possible to really master this knowledge. This is why learning knowledge needs review. Elementary school students in the first grade to learn addition and subtraction is difficult, however, to the senior and then look back at the first grade things, will feel very simple. The reason is that my ability to add and subtract has been enhanced by years of learning and repeated use of the simplest addition and subtraction methods in different calculations. Then go back to look at the first grade of addition and subtraction, of course, feel simple.

When we are at school, we study history alone, which is one event after another, and it is very difficult for everyone to recite. And when we have the opportunity to read more books and see it from different perspectives, we are better able to connect the dots. The important difference is that history books give us only one side, while more books give us more dimensions, making the knowledge three-dimensional.

It’s like when you only know a person’s name, it’s hard to remember him, and when you talk to him in depth, you know his family status, career status, and even his love life, it’s hard to remember him. People have the nature of gossip, so about people, so about all kinds of knowledge.

Reading for whom?

There is an interesting saying about reading a book, whether it is “I annotate the six Classics” or “the six Classics annotate me”, that is to say, whether I read a book for the purpose of understanding the meaning of the book, or for myself to gain something.

Those who can read a lot of books are all “six Classics note me”, that is, reading is for my own use, I learn from all aspects of nutrition, in return, I have a more comprehensive understanding of the world, this is an adult reading attitude.

If it can be adhering to the “philosophical note I” reading attitude, book becomes our tool, we don’t need that “respect”, they don’t need to read, don’t need to intensive reading, hang out, are interested in attending, no interest in calculate, as it online, one small essay, gripping read, then eat tasteless it aside.

If you are curious about history, you can read history books. If you are interested in scientific progress, you can read a popular science book. If you are unfamiliar with other parts of the world, you can supplement it with a book.

When I was a child, I often had to go to the bookstore to see what books were available, but I was afraid to buy books because of my limited economy. I could only sit there and read in silence. Later, I went to Douban to find a book review, saw a good book, and then went to the online bookstore to order, waiting for the book to be delivered to my door, which also takes time. Front cost is too high, is also one of the reasons for heavy reading.

With the development of technology, the upfront cost of reading a book has been greatly reduced. Finding a book to read has become much easier today, with all kinds of e-books on hand. Some ebook members allow people to swim in a sea of books, just type in the keywords they are interested in, and there will be a pile of books in front of them. The rest is just like processing the search results of the web page.

The age has given us such convenient conditions, if we still have the past way to read, it is not to live up to the gift of the age. Reading, from the beginning of the casual flipping!