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Hi, I’m Yunqi.

Today in Zhihu, I saw a reply that I really like.

Among them, touched me a few points, decided to share with you, the beginning of the text 👇

What are your daily personal growth tools?

A few daily habits are simple and easy to implement. Practice them deliberately every day and your life will begin to blossom.

1. Watch more movies and practice more.

B station is a great treasure, documentaries, TED, open classes, teaching videos, watch more and practice more, will gradually crush their peers.

The first point need not say more, I agree with both hands, tired of learning can also see eating pepper cat sauce, this is not double happiness.

2. Be sure to turn off push notifications from mobile apps.

Our attention is constantly fragmented by these apps. Turn off push notifications and your time is worth something.

3. Clean your favorites regularly.

Wechat, Zhihu collection work articles should be cleaned up regularly, it is recommended to clean up once a month, do not let it accumulate dust. Many articles review again, and there will be profound comprehension.

Write these precious insights down. They are the result of your cognitive development and growth.

4. Don’t get too obsessed with other people’s circles of friends.

If a person posts thousands of screenshots of his income every day on wechat moments, or frequented expensive places and clocked in expensive cars.

Trust me, there’s a good chance you’re looking at someone’s instagram, and the person behind the screen is probably just scratching their feet.

What you see is what someone else wants you to see.

And unknown truth of the small white was cut leek, do not believe you look at the micro blog douyin burst those news, is not to confirm this point?

Focus on one area and make your own long board.

Everyone has heard of the barrel principle, that how much water a barrel can hold depends on the shortest piece of wood.

Many people learn everything and understand everything, spend a lot of time, but they are not proficient. Such a “wooden bucket” can not hold much water.

For individuals, what is really useful is the “long board thinking”, the deep cultivation of a field, have their own expertise.

“I won’t worry about my weak points,” Ren said in an interview with CCTV. “I’ll just do my long board well, and then put together another long board of others, and it will become a big barrel.”

So don’t go for the bells and whistles. Learn from the fire.

Just focus on one area and there will be a niche for you.

The more you escape the problem, you will become a problem.

Escape is always the easiest option, just enjoy it.

But your problems don’t go away. They grow from small problems to big ones, and eventually your life breaks like a dam because of a small nest.

7. Examine yourself often.

Take a look at all the stupid things you’ve done in the past. If you don’t realize it, you’re not getting smarter, you’re not growing.

One’s growth is the process of constantly finding oneself stupid.

8. Develop skills.

Bai Yansong said, “A person’s income is directly proportional to his irreplaceable, the more irreplaceable, the higher the income, the more replaceable, the lower the income.”

If you look closely, people who have no skills are very mobile.

Because their substitutes are so high that they leave one day and are replaced the next, their wages remain low.

When you are young, you must master a skill that makes it difficult for others to replace you, so that you can have enough leverage to negotiate your salary.

Learning from good people is always the fastest way to grow.

Share a growth tool, find a great person in your field, spend a lot of time studying how he went from bronze to king, and then copy his formula.

Because his method has been proven to work, you can simply “template”.

Want to let oneself become self-discipline, remember a point: standardized implementation.

In short, it means doing the same thing at the same time, and that’s normalization.

The period with most self-discipline of majority person is 3 years, at that time, all your plans have been arranged, when do what thing, this is standardization.

Normalizing builds habitualization into your biological clock, and at some point, the biological clock in your brain pushes you to do it.

These are some of the habits I’m going to share with you. They may seem trivial or even boring, but compound over time, they add up.

Finally, I hope you benefit from this article in your life.


I am “Qi Yunqi”, a big data development ape who loves technology and can write poems. Welcome your attention!

YunQi QI

Life, sea sea, break the waves forward.