1. The type of JS
  • Common value types: Boolean, symbol, string, number, undefined
  • Reference types: array, Object, function, null
  1. The typeof operator
  • Identify all value types
  • Identify the function
  • Check if it is a reference type (cannot be subdivided)

  1. = =

In addition to judge = = null when other use = = =, including the if (obj = = null) is equivalent to the if (obj = = = null | | obj = = = undefined) null = = undefined results to true

  1. 0, ‘ ‘, undefined, null, NAN, false is falsely value, falsely value refers to!!!!! That is, the value returned by taking the opposite value twice

  2. Object. __proto__ is null

6. An instanceof (an instanceof Array) implementation works by determining whether a’s __proto__ refers to Array’s prototype

  1. closure
  • Function as the return value
function fn(){
	const a = 100;
    return function(){
const fn1 = fn()
const a = 200
fn1()// 100
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  • Function as argument
function print(fn){
	const a =100
const a = 200
function fn(){
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Closures are lookups of free variables that look up to the parent scope where the function is defined, not where it is executed

  1. The hasOwnProperty() method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the object has the specified property in its own properties (that is, whether it has the specified key).

  2. The call, the apply, bind

  • call
Function.prototype.mycall = function(obj){
  // Get the remaining elements
  const args = [...arguments].slice(1)
  obj.fn = this//this refers to the called fn1
  constnewfn = obj.fn(... args)delete obj.fn
  return newfn
function fn1(a, b, c) {
    console.log(a, b, c)
    return 'this is fn1'
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  • apply
Function.prototype.myapply = function(obj){
  // Get the remaining elements
  const args = [...arguments].slice(1)
  obj.fn = this
  constnewfn = obj.fn(... args[0])// this is equivalent to the package array
  return newfn
function fn1(a, b, c) {
    console.log(a, b, c)
    return 'this is fn1'
fn1.apply([1.2], [3.4.5])
fn1.myapply([1.2], [3.4.5])
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  • bind
Function.prototype.mybind = function(){
  // Get the remaining elements
  const t = [...arguments].shift()
  const args = [...arguments].slice(1)
  self= this
  return function (){
function fn1(a, b, c) {
    console.log(a, b, c)
    return 'this is fn1'
const fn2 =fn1.bind([1.2].3.4.5)
const fn3 =fn1.mybind([1.2].3.4.5)
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  1. Asynchronous Application Scenario
  • Web requests, such as Ajax image loading
  • Scheduled task, setTimeout

Promise was invented to solve the problem of callback hell

  1. eventloop

Asynchronous: Ajax and setTimeout both use callbacks based on eventloop and DOM also uses callbacks based on Eventloop

  1. Promise Three states Pending Resolved Rejected

Pending states do not trigger THEN and catch

Then and catch, anything that does not return an error is resolved promise

const p = Promise.resolve().then(() = >{console.log(1); throw Error('Err')})//rejected
        p.catch(() = >{console.log(2)}) //resolved
        .then(() = >{console.log(3)})	//resolved
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const p = Promise.resolve().then(() = >{console.log(1); throw Error('Err')})//rejected
        p.catch(() = >{console.log(2)}) //resloved
        .catch(() = >{console.log(3)})
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Async encapsulates a promise, executes async functions, returns a promise object, await = promise. Then try… catch… Exceptions can be caught instead of the catch of promises

! (async function fn1 (){
            const p= Promise.reject('err')
            const res = await p
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! (async function fn1 (){
            const p= Promise.resolve(100)
            const res = await p
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  1. for.. of..(for in) andforEachInstead, he must wait for one callback to end before pulling the next, meaning that 2,4, and 6 occur one at a time
const arr =[1.2.3]
        arr.forEach(async (i)=>{
            const p = await add(i)
function add(num){
            return new Promise((resolve) = >{
                setTimeout(() = >
                resolve(num+num),1000)})}const arr =[1.2.3]
        !(async function fn1(){
            for(let i of arr){
                const p = await add(i)
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whyMacro taskThe execution time ratio ofMicro taskstoOn the evening ofbecauseMacro taskIs in theAfter DOM renderingTriggered, andMicro tasksIs in theBefore DOM renderingTriggered microtasks are specified by ES6 and macro tasks are specified by the browser