The constructor

Prior to ES6, objects were not created based on classes, but were defined with special functions called constructors and their characteristics.

You can create an object in the following three ways:

1. Object literals

var obj1 = {} Object()

var obj1 = new Object()

3. Custom constructors

function Student(name, Age) { = name this.age = age = function() {console.log( + 'learning ')}}Copy the code

The difference between a constructor and a normal function

1. Different writing styles. Constructors usually start with uppercase letters.

The constructor is used to create a new instance object.

Constructors need the new keyword to be called

The constructor has the same function name as the class name.

Internally we use this to build properties and methods. The constructor’s this refers to the object instance itself

6, the new constructor execution flow

    1. Create an empty object
    1. Sets the __proto__ attribute inheritance for empty objectsConstructorThe Prototype property ofInheritance constructorOn the prototype objectPublic properties and methods
    1. Call the constructor, replacing this in the constructor with this in the empty object, inheriting the properties in the constructor
    1. Returns a new object inside the function

// A concise implementation of the new operator

function new(constructor) { var obj = {}; // create an empty object obj obj.__proto__ = constructor. Prototype; // Assign the constructor's prototype object to obj's prototype contructor.apply(obj); Return obj (); return obj (); // Step 4: Return this object}Copy the code

The disadvantage is that it wastes memory when the object is instantiated, the constructor has new memory space. Constructor prototype objects are used: prototype methods are shared by all instance objects.

Instanceof checks whether an object is an instanceof a class. If it is, return true. All objects are descendants of Object, so instanceof any Object and Object returns true

Es5 inheritance

Two classes that implement Child to inherit from Parent

function Parent() {
 this.type = 'parent'
} = function () {

function Child(name) { = name;
  this.color = 'black';
Copy the code

Prototype inheritance

// Point the parent class to the prototype of the child class. Child.prototype = new Parent(); // All subclasses share the same stereotype, changing one will change the othersCopy the code

Tectonic inheritance

Function Child(name) { (this); } disadvantages: cannot inherit superclass archetypes, functions are in constructors, and cannot be shared by each subclass instanceCopy the code

Combination of inheritance

Function Child(name) { (this); } Child.prototype = Parent.prototype; Disadvantages: The parent and subclass archetypes are the same archetype, and there is no way to tell who constructed the subclassCopy the code

Parasitic combinatorial inheritance

On the basis of composite inheritance, a subclass inherits an object generated by a parent class stereotype. function Child(name) {; } Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype, { constructor: { value: Child } })Copy the code

Inherits the function

function inherits(child, parent) { child.super_ = parent; child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype, { constructor: { value: child, enumerable: // Enumerable writable: true, // writable, any different device: // The property descriptor can be changed and deleted from the corresponding object only if and if the property is configured with true, any additional information can be configured without any additional control. The default is false. }})}Copy the code


function Child() {;
inherits(Child, Parent); = ...

Copy the code

Es6 inheritance

Class and extends provide an intuitive way to show the inheritance relationship between Child and Parent. The key is the use of constructor and super

Constructor is mandatory in every class, and an empty constructor method is automatically added if not defined at first, which is automatically called when new is used

Super is a method written in the constructor of a subclass, and this super calls the constructor of the parent class, and this super here is also mandatory and can only be written in the constructor of a subclass

Class Parent {// contructor constructor(name) { = name} // Other private methods say () {console.log(' my name is ${} ');  } } class Child extends Parent { constructor(name, age) { super(name); this.age = age; } getAge() {console.log(' I call ${} this year ${this.age} age '); } } let p = new Child("child", 18); console.log(p); p.say(); p.getAge();Copy the code