Tell me about the latest events! Recently, I went to Hangzhou, and experienced the life of people who lay their head on the river. Recently, I am not in a good mood, and I am quite negative. The only way I can think of is to work harder and study harder. Strive to live, to pursue poetry and distance.

Last time I talked about playing with VUE3.0, but how could you not use vue-devTools when learning vuE3 and typing code? It is said that sharpening knives is not the mistake of cutting wood workers, so I also want to sharpen knives before cutting wood today. But what about suddenly finding my knife? My sword… Aww. My knife is broken. Can I do that?

Sought the net each big elder people conscientious and conscientious arrange the answer, however did not have what to use….

  1. Modify vue.config. devtools = true;
  2. Import Vue plugin is our development version of the plugin (vue.js), do not advocate the introduction of vue.min.js
  3. Enable allow access to file urls and enable both in traceless mode

When I was waiting for joy with all my heart, joy missed you. Alas helpless!

When I started searching for myself, I thought maybe my tool didn’t work, so I had to uninstall it and reinstall it. And then I found the beta in the Google Store when I was reloading it, and WHAT the hell was that, and I googled it, see? For VUe3.0, I hurried to run the original project and found that the knife of the original 2.5 project could be used haha, I used the wrong knife.

Download the beta version of the vue-devtools-beta tool, enable it, and restart the browser. My vue-DevTools is up and running. Do not need other configuration, restart the browser, direct F12 can see the new version of vue-devtool if not, it means you installed the wrong, not configuration problem! Remember, it’s not a configuration issue. See what many people are talking about on the Internet. It’s a mandatory 2.0 configuration.

Ps: If you need a ladder in the Google Store, go to Github and download it without a ladder