1. Axios concept
Axios: Ajax library based on Promise encapsulation (core or Ajax four steps)
- Ajax requests are generally asynchronous
- Ajax serialization: the first interface request succeeds before proceeding to the second request…
- Ajax parallelism: Sending multiple interface requests at the same time, and then executing something when all interface requests are successful => Promise.all
- Manages ajax asynchronous operations based on promises
Fetch: New API for the browser that is promise-based by default (not XMLHttpRequest at its core)
// The traditional scenario causes callback hell
url: ''.success: result= > {
url: ''.success: result= >{... }})}})Copy the code
// Return a PROMISE instance
axios.get('').then(response= > {
return axios.get('');
}).then(response= >{... })Copy the code
2. Axios Learning directory
Basic use of Axios
Secondary encapsulation of Axios
- The interceptor
- Some general configurations
1. Basic use of Axios
// All Promise instances are returned
axios([url], [config])
axios.get/head/delete/options([url], [config])
axios.post/put([url], [data], [config])
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/ / axios. Get use
let baseUrl = '';
axios.get('/api1', {
baseUrl, // The public part of the requested address: the last requested address baseUrl + URL
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application-www-form-urlencoded'
}, // Customize the request header
timeout: 0.// Whether to allow resource credentials in CORS cross-domain requests
responseType: 'json'.// Set the data content to return from the server: what or what the server should return (the format is determined in the background),
// The default means to process the result returned by the server into the desired data format. Supported formats are: 'arrayBuffer ',' blob','document','json','text','stream')
validateStatus: function(status){
return status >= 200 && status <= 300;
}, // It specifies which status code in the result of a request represents success and which represents failure, thus determining whether to execute then or catch
params: {
name: 'luban'.age: 4
}// Get requests pass parameters, which are concatenated to the end of the URL (must be a plain object or URLSearchParams object).
}).then(response= > {
// The object was successfully obtained from the server
//status/statusText: description of the status code
// Request: native XHR object
//headers: Stores partial response headers
//config: we send the configuration item for the request
//data: the server responds to the body (the data we get)
return response.data;
}).catch(reason= > {
// Obtain the failed data from the server
// Return an instance of the ERROR class
//message: error message
// Request: native XHR object
//config: we send the configuration item for the request
//response: response is equivalent to a successful response, but there may be no response. If you send a request to the server, the server receives it, but returns a status code that does not start with 2 (although it failed, but at least tells us the specific result), this is a response. If the request does not reach the server (for example, the network is disconnected), there is no response
return Promise.reject(reason.message);
}).then(result= > {
//result = response.data
console.log('Response body information', result);
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axios.post('/user/update', {
userId: 1.desc: 'Lu Ban is so cute'
}, {
// Post is based on the information passed to the server by the request body
/* Format: form-data/x-www-from-urlencoded/raw/binary/GraphQL form-data: content-type: multipart/form-data x-www-from-urlencoded: xxx=xxx&xxx=xxx application/x-www-from-urlencoded raw: Text format: "plain text" "JSON string Application /json" Binary: Application /octet-stream */
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/x-www-from-urlencoded"
//transformRequest: Transform the message sent by the request body into the format we want before sending it to the server
transformRequest: data= > {
// Data is the object we configure
returnQs.stringify(data); }})Copy the code
2. Axios’s secondary encapsulation
/* - Axios library default configuration - extracted public parameter configuration axios.defaults - sent request write configuration separately, axios.get([url], [config]) priority bottom up */
// Requirement 1: In a real project, we might control the address prefixes differently based on environment variables (start/test/production)
let env = process.env.NODE_ENV; // Get the environment variable configured in webpack/package.json
switch(env) {
case "production":
axios.defaults.baseURL = "http://xxx.x.x.x/xxxx";
case "test":
axios.defaults.baseURL = "http://xxx.x.x.x/xxxx";
axios.defaults.baseURL = "http://xxx.x.x.x/xxxx";
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axios.defaults.baseURL = "";
axios.defaults.timeout = 10000;
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;
axios.defaults.headers = {
"Content-type": "application/x-www-from-urlencoded"
axios.defaults.transformRequest = data= > Qs.stringify(data);
axios.defaults.validateStatus = status= > (status >= 200 && status <= 300);
// Request interceptor: intercepts the config we set and reconfigures it before we send the data to the server
axios.interceptors.request.use(config= > {
//config: stores existing configuration items
/ / carry a token
let token = localStorage.getItem('token');
token && (config.headers.Authorization = token);
return config;
// Respond to interceptors
axios.interceptors.response.use(response= > {
//response: the result returned successfully
return response.data;
}, reason= > {
// Failed to return the information
// For the result of failure to do different prompt for the latter processing
if (reason.response) {
// The server returns a message, except that the status code does not start with 2
switch(reason.response.status) {
case 401:
// Permission issues
case 403:
/ / Token expired
case 404:
// The address is incorrect
break; }}else {
// Check whether the network is disconnected
if(! navigator.onLine) { } }return Promise.reject(reason.message);
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