Git commands

1. The commonly used

Git remote add origin [email protected]: yeszao/dofiler git # configure the remote git repository git pull origin master # download code and fast merge git push origin Git branch # checkout git branch # checkout git branch -b dev Git config --global core.editor vim Git config --global user. Name "YOUR name "# git config --global user Git config --global "YOUR email ADDRESSCopy the code

2. Alias alias

Git config --global"checkout" git config --global Git config --global"commit "# Commit git config --global"status" # Git config --global alias.pushm="push origin master" # git config --global alias.push origin master # Git config --global alias.log="git log --oneline --graph --decorate --color=always --global alias.logg="git log --graph --all --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(bold white) -- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relativeCopy the code

3. Create a version library

Git clone <urlCopy the code

4. Modify and submit

Git add. Git add <file> # git mv <old> <new Git commit -m "commit message" # Commit all the updated files git commit --amend # Modify last commitCopy the code

5. View history

Git log -p <file> # check the git commit history of the specified fileCopy the code

6. Cancel

Git reset --hard <version> # Git checkout HEAD <file> # Git checkout -- <file> # git revert <commit> # Undo the specified commit branchCopy the code

7. Branches and tags

Git branch -d <branch> # Git tag -a "v1.0" -m" Git tag -d <tagname> # git checkout dev # git cherry-pick 62ecb3Copy the code

8. Merger and derivatives

Git merge dev-xtheirs # Merge the dev branch into the current branch. Git rebase <branch> # derivatives specifies a branch to the current branchCopy the code

9. Remote operation

Git remote add <remote> <url Git pull <remote> <branch> Git push :<branch/tag-nameCopy the code

Pack 10.

git archive --format=zip --output .. Git archive --format=zip --output... git archive --format=zip --output... Git archive --format=zip v1.2 >.. git archive --format=zip v1.2 >.. / # does the same as the previous commandCopy the code

11. Configure global and local configurations

The global configuration is saved at: $Home/.gitconfig. The local repository configuration is saved at:.git/configCopy the code

12. Remote and local merge

Git commit -m "add local source" # git pull origin master # Git push -u origin masterCopy the code

NPM common commands

1. The commonly used

Installation package, the latest version will be installed by default

npm install gulp
Copy the code

Install the specified version

NPM install [email protected]Copy the code

-s, –save Add installation package information to Dependencies

NPM install gulp --save or NPM install gulp -sCopy the code

-d, –save-dev the installation package information is added to devDependencies, so it is generally used during development

NPM install gulp --save-dev or NPM install gulp -dCopy the code

NPM uninstall Uninstalls modules

Basic grammar

npm uninstall [<@scope>/]<pkg>[@<version>]... [-S|--save|-D|--save-dev|-O|--save-optional]
aliases: remove, rm, r, un, unlink
Copy the code

NPM update Updates the module

npm update [-g] [<pkg>...]
Copy the code

NPM ls View the installed modules

npm ls [[<@scope>/]<pkg> ...]  aliases: list, la, llCopy the code

View globally installed modules and dependencies

npm ls -g 
Copy the code

NPM init bootstrapping creates a package.json file in your project

npm init [-f|--force|-y|--yes]
Copy the code

NPM help Displays the detailed help information about a command

npm help <term> [<terms..>]
Copy the code

npm rootView the installation path of the package

npm root [-g]
Copy the code

NPM start Starts the module

Basic grammar

npm start [-- <args>]
Copy the code

NPM stop Stops the module

npm stop [-- <args>]
Copy the code

Yarn Common commands

Yarn Common commands

NPM install === yarn -- install Install is the default behavior. NPM install taco --save === yarn add taco -- The taco package is immediately saved to package.json. npm uninstall taco --save === yarn remove taco npm install taco --save-dev === yarn add taco --dev npm update --save === Yarn upgrade NPM install taco@latest --save === yarn add taco NPM install taco --global === yarn global add taco -- As always, use the global tag with caution.Copy the code

This command is unique to Yarn

Yarn licenses licenses generate - Yarn licenses why Taco - Check why taco is installed Yarn WHY Vuepress -- Check why vuepress is installed and list all other packages that depend on itCopy the code