
It has been a long time since I have shared some articles about learning methods. From this issue, we will create a new section, the purpose is to share learning methods and experience, interested partners remember to come to check it out often. Today’s topic is: how to break through their own technical bottlenecks.


In front of 3 years or so, most will have professional first bottleneck, this time, what will be a bit, and as if what all can’t, can’t see the future development direction, is in front of the new bosses, bosses in front is the younger brother, despise the simple knowledge, want to learn the advanced knowledge in not, heart blundering and anxiety. So in this case, how do you go about solving it?

When the bottleneck appears, most of the following phenomenon: feel boring work, all day long business are familiar, code is CV, idle on the fish chat; Do not know how their current technical level, the mastery of their front-end knowledge of the boundary is ambiguous; You know you should study hard, you want to study, but you don’t know where to start. Knowledge structure is not clear, unable to form a knowledge network; Often anxious technology, thinking lazy;

Finish this kind of situation, like the university entrance exam, has guaranteed the target suddenly disappeared, don’t know what to do all day, think back to the stage of how you spend, if you still remember and now but learned in those days, you could try and find the same feeling again, to readjust themselves, find the learning motivation; If you are wasted at the end of the college entrance examination, and you still can’t find a solution when you encounter a bottleneck, you might as well calm down and read on slowly. In the article, I will mention some tips to help you get out of the current predicament.

Step 1: Get your mind right

Taoists say: calm mind is clear, clear heart is clear. The more confused and difficult, the more we need to find a way to settle down as soon as possible. Do not look up high, envy will produce inferiority and self-abandonment; Do not look down, superior heart will produce impetuous and narrow; Superior envy of heart, heart, no good but harm to themselves, but increases its own rage, see the strong and jealous heart, inspect and contempt for the weak heart, so a vicious circle, accumulate over a long period, by association, it is not just their own knowledge level, may exert a subtle influence on changed its character, become a harsh, sensitive, more competitive. Here are some tips to help you regain your balance:

1. Go to the library and read quietly or share your reading experience with strangers in the book exchange area for at least 3 days.

Quiet, comfortable in the outside world will begin to dialogue with his heart and the realization of the library is an ideal environment of himself and his dialogue, the people here, you rarely feel the utilitarian heart, most people have wisdom and culture extremely, even read not bottom go to, communicate with people, they talk of accomplishment, also can let you have a refreshing feeling, to refresh your mood. This technique will allow you to reconnect with yourself and experience a clear sense of comfort and relaxation.

2. Ask a good friend for an outdoor run.

Remember, only one appointment, many people will form a variety of opinions, also more likely to form instability; Being outdoors is about getting away from where you’ve been for a long time and getting rid of the fatigue of familiarity; Running can not only accelerate the blood circulation, accelerate the metabolism of the body, so as to use the physiological comfort to drive the psychological relief, but also not too difficult and high intensity.

3. Reduce your dependence on your phone.

Mobile phone mute, important information special remind, special plans to set the alarm clock, get rid of the short video this strong dependence on visual and psychological impact, the publisher of video purpose is to use their own words and deeds, fluctuations in your heart, so as to achieve communication effect, they would not consider this behavior will impact to you in any way, but for myself, emotions are video into the scene. What you can do with a computer, you don’t need a phone. The purpose of setting the alarm clock is two: one is to get rid of procrastination, so as to ease the guilt caused by the delay in the heart, and the other is to prevent addiction, to a certain point, you need to get out of the current thing as soon as possible, so as to form a sense of time and work efficiently good habits.

The above three points, from their own point of view, through changing themselves, to straighten out the mentality, and to really change the status quo, but also need other conditions to cooperate:

Step 2: Create a suitable environment

To create an environment means to minimize the adverse factors surrounding oneself.

Junior high school physics, there are three ways to prevent noise transmission: in the sound source, in the transmission path, in the ear noise reduction. The same goes for creating an environment, all three of these ideas, and of course, the environment is not just about reducing noise.

1. Disconnect from the sound source and unload TIMI.

Get rid of relationships that don’t mean anything to you or are negatively affecting you. This can include obsessing over an event or a grudge or a relationship. Uninstall demon TIMI devour you sleep late at night time, lack of sleep can make your little head speed slow, at the same time, the game of real-time incentives will get into the psychology of short-term to return, and this study for the front end of the long road to have side effects, you may be a long time can’t experience with learning returns, and the process is painful, this time, You will miss the joy TIMI brings you, which choice, the result, can be imagined. Of course, if you can control how much you send, that’s another story.

2. From the way of transmission – simplifying lifestyles and reducing unintentional participation.

Be distracted, avoid heavy rituals, save life details that can be simplified, and reduce meaningless arguments. With the simplicity of life, send a message to the heart, and then with the inner simplicity, feedback to life, forming a virtuous cycle.

3. In the ear – you can’t change the outside world, you can change yourself

If you can’t stop the sound of the upstairs decoration, wear headphones. Unable to prevent the outside world, let oneself only immersed in the atmosphere of learning, keep their own one mu three points of land not fall, two ears do not hear things outside the window, this peace of mind is my hometown.

Step 3: See the situation

Mentality and external environment are ready, the rest, is how to learn.

Learn not to be blind, not to be needy, not to be needy. In the first three years, most of them are still in the first-line development. At this time, it is most important to hold the rice bowl, especially in the winter of capital and the special year of 2020. Interests and hobbies can be put on hold temporarily. Try to look at the big picture at the front, predict the future according to your knowledge pattern, and then adjust the direction of your work skills to avoid being caught up in the trend or being left behind by the wave.

In recent years, especially after 2017, the front end began to enter the deep water area, the front end is short of people, but the lack of high, fine, sharp developers, the salary level polarization is increasingly serious, strong ability to find success on both sides, weak ability is still everywhere. In the last few years, JavaScript has continued to dominate, blossoming across PC, mobile, and miniprograms, Node.js has started to make its mark on the server side, PWA has begun to challenge native apps, and Electron has thrived on desktop development. The prospect of front-end development is immeasurable at present, but which way is the one you like and the one you want to go in the future. Try to learn more about the ecology and trends at the front end and then decide where to go. Although a person can choose many roads, but can not take two roads at the same time, bite off more than one can chew, must have the current level of the main direction of attack.

Step 4: Build your own knowledge framework

Stuck in a dry well, surrounded by a pile of materials, do not know how to riveting ladder, never out of trouble. Working for 1-3 years, we have a lot of knowledge, how to organize and form their own unique structure, is a subject of learning. In the interview, there is a point of assessment, is to test the ability of the candidate’s knowledge reconstruction, the interviewer will deliberately interrupt you when you are talking with gusto, diverting the topic to ask you a question, after a few questions, and then return to let you continue to say, so that one is to test your ability to respond on the spot, One is to determine whether a candidate is offended by an unconscious interruption, and the other is to determine how good you are at reorganizing, whether you’re actually reorganizing or reciting.

Knowledge architecture form, not happen overnight, it is a long process, summary and induction, rich, correct all need to do, and our brains like most vivid memory, so the best way is to write head read architecture, deepen memory and brain figure, is a good choice, through sketch brain figure, combing knowledge details, thus in the back, Even if you leave the brain map, you can form a picture. How to divide the topic, mainly according to the current cognitive level, contact knowledge depth to determine, there is no optimal form, can achieve the effect, that is the best.

Step 5: Make a plan

This step, which I’m sure you’re tired of hearing, is brought up here because it’s really important in the breakthrough process. How to make, how many plans to make, how to implement, we are all expert hands, do not repeat, only to mention a point: to adhere to the implementation.

It is easier to make a plan, but it is easier to give up. We should set a reward mechanism in the plan like playing a game, and make ourselves complete it. In addition, we should not set too hard a plan.

Step 6: Review summary

This step is especially important, and there are many examples to prove it: elementary school error books, middle and high school test papers corrected and handed in for teachers to correct, to daily, weekly and monthly reviews at work, and the ancient saying that you should never stumble over the same hurdle twice. These are talking about the importance of the disc. If you don’t do it again, working for five years may not be worth working for two years. If you do something wrong next time, you will still do it wrong. If you don’t know anything, you will always go the same way. Therefore, often conveniently record their own ideas and thinking jam, regularly answer and modify their own cognition, conquer the knowledge that they do not know, the rest is you can, and only in this way, in order to unknowingly progress, really master the knowledge, only belong to their own. If you haven’t systematically embraced this idea before, be sure to look at the methods and practices involved. No one can get to the top in one step, but there must be a way to save energy and cost less, find the right way, less detours, do not go wrong, it has been faster than many people.

To teach fishing is better than teach them to fish, to speak through a far less knowledge sharing a set of learning methods yield, to break through the bottleneck, the article described in less than one thousand, but I can think for you, but can’t do for you, so, if you have a better idea and opinion, welcome direct messages to communication with me, I was in the front end advanced guide the public, waiting for you back.

All of the above methods have their costs, but some are tangible and some are intangible, just as in “The Alchemy of Steel” : a man who wants something must give something equivalent in exchange. To get something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.

Finally, I want to give you one of my favorite words:

“The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is now.

I am pattern, take you to see the front-end world with depth, build your own knowledge structure, pay attention to me, run a little faster.

After reading this article, remember to like it and pass the knowledge to where it is really needed.