Java Payment Bucket: a one-stop solution for all kinds of payment methods at the enterprise level. If you have studied chapters 1-10 in the first two articles, you will learn chapters 11-17 today. Conditional can go to the official website to find courses to study. No condition can find the author to video and source code, author VX (cmL46679910).

Chapter 11 as long as you learn the following content: Alipay payment code module, scan code payment process description, encapsulation scan code payment WEB method, scan code payment implementation.

@RequestMapping("/sys/log") public class SysLogController { @Autowired private SysLogService sysLogService; @responseBody@getMapping ("/list") @requirespermissions ("sys:log:list") public R list(@requestParam) Map<String, Object> params){ PageUtils page = sysLogService.queryPage(params); return R.ok().put("page", page); }}Copy the code

Chapter 12 Just learn the following: Vx (cmL46679910) UnionPay payment module of Android APP, Opening UnionPay payment service, UnionPay payment process of Android APP, encapsulating and creating payment order method, caching HTML code, receiving back-end notification messages, front-end callback page, Android APP applying and creating payment order, realizing UnionPay payment function, Refresh the order list page.

/** * According to the parent menu, Query submenu * @param parentId Parent menu ID * @param menuIdList User menu ID */ List<SysMenuEntity> queryListParentId(Long parentId, List<Long> menuIdList); @param parentId Parent menu ID */ List<SysMenuEntity> queryListParentId(Long parentId); /** * Get menu List without buttons */ List<SysMenuEntity> queryNotButtonList(); /** * getUserMenuList */ List<SysMenuEntity> getUserMenuList(Long userId); /** * delete */ void delete(Long menuId); }Copy the code

Chapter 13 As long as you have learned the following contents: UnionPay payment module of PC website, UnionPay payment of e-commerce website, creation of Native payment order, writing front-end callback Web method, writing front-end payment code.

/** * createToken * @param userId userId */ R createToken(long userId); @param userId userId */ void logout(long userId); }Copy the code

Chapter 14 As long as you have learned the following contents: UnionPay payment code module, UnionPay payment code payment process, create payment order, complete scanning code payment.

public class OAuth2Token implements AuthenticationToken { private String token; public OAuth2Token(String token){ this.token = token; } @Override public String getPrincipal() { return token; } @Override public Object getCredentials() { return token; }}Copy the code

Chapter 15 just learn the following content: VX (cmL46679910) converged payment and converged payment, what is converged payment? , what is convergence payment? · Reformed the project for fusion payment, displayed the balance on the order page, paid with the balance, created the fusion payment order, received the recharge result, initiated the fusion payment request.

@Data @TableName("sys_user_token") public class SysUserTokenEntity implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // userId @tableId (type = idtype.input) private Long userId; //token private String token; Private Date expireTime; // updateTime private Date updateTime; }Copy the code

In chapter 16, you only need to learn the following: demo monitor large screen program, record user IP and region, implement a table for region payment data, implement map control, implement other controls. Chapter 17 is just a summary of what chapters 1 through 16 are all about and the direction of future study.