Android JNI QQ voice combat

  • Inheritance of c + + library
  • Configure Fmod in Android C++ environment
  • QQ voice actual combat ideas

Other articles:

Introduction to Android JNI

Android JNI Advanced (full Demo)

Inheritance of c + + library

To change the audio, call the C++ audio library Fmod

The Fmod opening screen looks like this:


Then register and download:

  • Red box: I was a MAC at the time of the download, so download the MAC, this is Fmod’s own audio adjustment software
  • Green box: is the Android platform. So file and so on

The red box will look like this:


Then you can turn it on. When you turn it on, the system has some audio:


Select this to open:


It opens like this: some simple Settings just look at the text

Configure Fmod in Android C++ environment

Step 1: Inc folder import

Open the downloaded Fmod engine

MAC path for: fmodstudioapi20109android API. Core. Inc Windows have similar pathCopy the code

Import the Inc folder:

Step 2: cmakelists. TXT file configuration

Copy the code

Step 3: Import the library file

# CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR cmakelists. TXT # /.. # CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI gets the current phone CPU architectureset(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -L${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.. /jniLibs/${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}")
Copy the code

Step 4: Import the jniLibs file

Step 5: Import the JAR file

Remember to add dependencies:

 implementation files("libs\\fmod.jar")
Copy the code

Step 6: Configure the SO dynamic library file and link to our SO library

The last step

  • Yellow box: Specifies the CPU architecture CMake local library
  • Red box: Specify CPU architecture and type in APK file

Bonus: can you use adb to see what CPU architecture your phone is using

adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
Copy the code

Effect picture:

At this point the Fmod configuration is complete!

QQ voice actual combat ideas

  • It is used by the message engine System
  • Configure the Sound progress by Sound
  • Through the sound track (Channel) to integrate a variety of sound mix
  • Finally, the voice is processed by DSP(Digital Signal Process)

Here only provides the idea, if has another idea please download the complete code


If the so library returns an error, comment out the other two

In the same way, if you want to see JNI basic use (native simp-lib.cpp) code, then JNI advanced and QQ voice practice code comment out!

Only one CPP file can now exist

The complete code

Other JNI articles:

Introduction to Android JNI

Android JNI Advanced (full Demo)

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