Rados error

cmd = json.dumps({“prefix”: “osd pool ls detail”,”format”: “json”}) r = cluster.mon_command(cmd,b””)

err: (-22, ”, u’command not known’)

The story started

One afternoon, K was debugging the Cinder project. The Ceph Rados interface is called. It is ok to run ceph OSD pool ls detail on the command line. But there is an error in calling detail from the Rades Command interface.

cmd = json.dumps({"prefix": "osd pool ls detail"."format": "json"})
r = cluster.mon_command(cmd,b"detail") 

python learn_rados.py 
(-22, ' ', u'command not known')

Copy the code

However, the OSD Pool LS can be successfully executed.

cmd = json.dumps({"prefix": "osd pool ls detail"."format": "json"})
r = cluster.mon_command(cmd,b"detail") 

python learn_rados.py 
(0, '["volumes","backups","nvme","rados_create_pool"]', u' ')

Copy the code


Can’t handle, beg the boss, funny. My bosses are all code farmers.

/usr/bin/ceph can run ceph osd pool ls detail

You can debug the Python code.

Debug Python from the command line

python -m pdb  /root/codes/ceph.py osd pool ls detail
Copy the code

Vscode interface debugging

Remember to set command parameters in debug Settings

cd/root/codes ; /usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python / root/vscode - server/extensions/ms - python. Python - 2020.12.424452561 / pythonFiles/lib/python/debugpy / 14937 - the launcher /root/codes/ceph.py osd pool ls detailCopy the code

To solve the problem

cmd = json.dumps({"prefix": "osd pool ls"."detail":"detail"."format": "json"})
r = cluster.mon_command(cmd,b"") 

python learn_rados.py 
(0, '[{"pool_id":1,"pool_name":"volumes","create_time":"2020-12-16 21:02:52. 159080 ", "flags" : 8193, "flags_names" : "hashpspool, selfmanaged_snaps", "type" : 1, size: 2,Copy the code

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