Abstract: the original source www.iocoder.cn/Jenkins/ins… “Taro source” welcome to reprint, keep the summary, thank you!
- An overview of the
- Quick start
- Email notification
- Nailing notice
- The following Jenkins article is recommended: “Introduction to Spring Boot Continuous Delivery Jenkins” “Introduction to Spring Cloud Continuous Delivery Jenkins” corresponding to labX-16
- An overview of the
At present, the vast majority of domestic teams use Jenkins to realize continuous integration and continuous release. So what is Jenkins? Jenkins is an open source CI&CD software for automating a variety of tasks, including building, testing, and deploying software. Jenkins supports a variety of operations, either through system packages, Docker, or through a standalone Java program. The Jenkins user Documentation Center has provided a detailed tutorial, and has provided Chinese translation, very friendly. However, considering that chubby friends may want a more convenient and quick start tutorial, So Nai Nai wrote this article. 2. Quick start
In this section, we will set up a Jenkins service together and deploy a Spring Boot application to a remote server. The whole steps are as follows: 1. Build a Jenkins service; 2. Configure the Jenkins global tool; 3. This task obtains the project from Git, builds it using Maven, and copies the jar package to the remote server. Finally, the Spring Boot application is started. Friendship tip: the following necessary software, fat friends need to install their own. Remote server: JDK 8+ 2.1 Jenkins
2.1 Download Open the Jenkins download page and select the Jenkins version you want. Here, we choose the Jenkins. War package, which is universal for all operating systems and cut version 2.204.1.
$mkdir -p /Users/yunai/ Jenkins $CD /Users/yunai/ Jenkins http://mirrors.jenkins.io/war-stable/latest/jenkins.war 123456Copy the code
2.1.2 Starting the Jenkins Service Run the nohup Java -jar Jenkins. War & command to start the Jenkins service in the background. Since Jenkins. war has a built-in Jetty server, it can be started directly without dropping it into a Tomcat or other container. Run the tail -f nohup. Out command to view the startup logs. If the following log is displayed, the startup is successful:
Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
Please use the following password to proceed to installation:
This may also be found at: /Users/yunai/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Copy the code
By default, Jenkins has an administrator user built in. The user name is admin and the password is randomly generated. Here, we can see a bunch of e24a2134060f4604b45708904a4f7a25 is password. 2.2 Jenkins configuration
2.2.1 Getting Started
By default, Jenkins starts on port 8080. So, we can use the browser, accesshttp://, go to Jenkins home page. Since we have not finished Jenkins’ getting started at this point, we are redirected to the “Getting Started” page. As shown below:
Enter the administrator password, we enter the “beginner” page. As shown below:
As a Jenkins newbie, of course we chose to “install the recommended plugin”. All we need to do is wait patiently for Jenkins to download the plugin automatically. As shown below:
Because the plug-in is downloaded from abroad, so the download speed may be slow, you can open B station to brush the video, ha ha ha. Of course, there may be plug-in download failure, just click retry, remain calm.
2.2.2 Administrator Configuration
After the plug-in is installed, the Create Your First Administrator page is displayed. As shown below:
Click “Save and Finish” button to complete the creation of an administrator account.
2.2.3 Example Configuration
After you create an administrator account, you are required to log in again. After you log in to the system using the new administrator account, the Instance Configuration page is displayed. As shown below:
Click the “Save and Finish” button to complete the configuration of the instance. At this point, click the “Reset” button to complete Jenkins’ restart. After that, wait patiently for Jenkins to complete the reboot and we will go to the Jenkins home page. As shown below:
2.2.4 Security other plug-ins
Although we have installed some plugins recommended by Jenkins in “2.2.1 Getting Started”, we still need to install the following plugins:
Maven Integration
Maven Info
Publish Over SSH
Extended Choice Parameter
Git Parameter
From the Jenkins home page, follow the order of “Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins” to enter the “Plug-in Management” screen. As shown below:
Secure other plug-ins – Step 1
Secure other plug-ins – Step 2
Select the plug-ins you want to install above, and then click the “Install Directly” button. The Install/Update Plug-in screen is displayed. As shown below:
After that, wait patiently for the plug-in installation to complete…
2.2.4 JDK configuration
From the Jenkins home page, enter the Global Tool Configuration screen in the sequence of Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration. As shown below:
Click the Add JDK button and uninstall Automatically option. After that, enter the local JAVA_HOME. As shown below:
When the configuration is complete, click the “Save” button at the bottom.
2.2.5 Maven configuration
From the Jenkins home page, enter the Global Tool Configuration screen in the sequence of Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration. As shown below:
Click the Add Maven button and uninstall Automatically option. After that, enter the local MAVEN_HOME. As shown below:
When the configuration is complete, click the “Save” button at the bottom.
2.2.6 SSH configuration
Since we are SSH copying the built JAR packages to the remote server, we need SSH configuration. Here, we use the authentication mode of account and password to achieve SSH connection to the remote server.
From the Jenkins home page, go to the “Configure” screen in the order of “Manage Jenkins -> Configure System”, then drop down to the bottom. As shown below:
Click the “Add” button and click the “Advanced” button. Then, configure SSH information for the remote server. As shown below:
When the configuration is complete, click the “Save” button at the bottom. 2.3 Configuring the Remote Server
On the remote server, we need to create the directory where the Java project will be deployed. Each company makes different catalog specifications, here Nai nai shares his own. Fixed in the /work/projects directory, create a deployment directory for each project. In addition, each project has a separate subdirectory. For example:
$ pwd
$ ls
ls -ls
total 18852
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 13 21:21 backup
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 13 21:14 build
18840 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19288579 Jan 13 21:21 lab-41-demo01.jar
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 13 21:16 shell
Copy the code
Lab-41-demo01 directory, which will place all of a project. Each subdirectory is divided into the following files/directories: lab-41-demo01.jar: Jar package of the project. Build directory: Upload the new JAR package after Jenkins builds the project to the build directory, so as to avoid overwriting the original JAR package and failing to shut down the Java service. Backup directory: backup directory for historical JAR packages. Each time a new JAR is used to start the service, the old jar is moved to the backup directory for backup. Shell directory: script directory. The only script currently available is deploy.sh, so let’s take a look. The entire deploy.sh script has less than 200 lines, so let’s take a look at the whole thing first. Later, chubby friends can click on the portal for a full view. The core code is as follows:
#! / bin/bash the set - based # # e export JAVA_HOME = / work/designed/JDK/jdk1.8.0 _181 # export PATH = PATH = $PATH: $JAVA_HOME/bin # export Jar :$JAVA_HOME/ jre/lib/rt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar DATE=$(DATE +%Y%m%d%H% m) # BASE_PATH=/work/projects/lab-41-demo01 When deploying, Jenkins will upload the JAR package to the directory SOURCE_PATH=$BASE_PATH/build # service name. It is also the name of the jar package used by the convention to deploy the service. SERVER_NAME = lab - 41 - demo01 PROFILES_ACTIVE = prod # # environment health inspection HEALTH_CHECK_URL URL = #JVM parameter JAVA_OPS=" -xMS1024m -xmx1024m + HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError - - XX: XX: HeapDumpPath = $HEAP_ERROR_PATH "# JavaAgent parameters. JAVA_AGENT= function backup() {//... Function transfer() {//... Function stop() {//... Function start() {//... Function healthCheck() {//... } # deploy() {CD $BASE_PATH # backup jar backup # stop # deploy jar transfer # start # HealthCheck healthCheck} deploy 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646 5666768Copy the code
At the beginning, we’ve defined a bunch of variables that fat people can understand based on the comments on them. At the end, we can see the deployment of the project to the #deploy() method. The whole step is divided into 5 steps, corresponding to 5 methods respectively. Let’s look at it method by method. The jar package will be stored in the backup directory. The code is as follows:
If [! -f "$BASE_PATH/$server_name.jar "]; Then echo "[backup] $BASE_PATH/$SERVER_NAME. Jar" Else echo "[backup] $SERVER_NAME..." Jar $BASE_PATH/backup/$SERVER_NAME-$date. jar echo "[backup]" 1234567891011Copy the code
② stop #stop() to gracefully close the Java process corresponding to the original JAR package. The code is as follows:
The function the stop () {echo "[stop] began to stop $BASE_PATH / $SERVER_NAME" PID = $(ps - ef | grep $BASE_PATH / $SERVER_NAME | grep -v "Grep" | awk '{print $2}') # if Java service start to close the if [-n "$PID"]; Kill [$PID]" kill -15 $PID # Wait a maximum of 60 seconds until the shutdown is complete. for ((i = 0; i < 60; i++)) do sleep 1 PID=$(ps -ef | grep $BASE_PATH/$SERVER_NAME | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "$PID" ]; Then echo -e ".\c" else echo '[stop] stop $BASE_PATH/$SERVER_NAME ' If [-n "$PID"]; Then echo "[stop] $BASE_PATH/$SERVER_NAME "kill -9 $PID" kill -9 $PID You do not need to shut down the else echo "[stop] $BASE_PATH / $SERVER_NAME did not start, not to stop" fi} 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Copy the code
First, the PID process number corresponding to the Java service is obtained. Then, kill the process first and try to shut down the Java service normally. Given that the shutdown is a process, we need to wait for a while until the Java service is properly shut down.
Friendly reminder: 60 seconds defined here, if fat friends need shorter or longer, you can modify. Of course, you can also make variables, hey, hey.
Finally, if the Java service cannot be shut down, kill -9 to forcibly shut down the Java service.
Note: If you do not want to forcibly shut down the Java service, you can perform exit 1 here to abnormally exit the deployment, and then manually intervene to troubleshoot the problem.
Transfer #transfer(); transfer #transfer(); The code is as follows:
If [! -f "$BASE_PATH/$server_name.jar "]; Then echo "[transfer] $BASE_PATH/$SERVER_NAME. Jar" Elseecho [transfer] remove $BASE_PATH/$server_name. jar from rm $BASE_PATH/$server_name. jar "[Transfer] get $SERVER_NAME. Jar from $SOURCE_PATH and migrate to $BASE_PATH...." Cp $SOURCE_PATH / $SERVER_NAME. Jar $BASE_PATH echo "[transfer] transfer $SERVER_NAME. Jar to complete"} 1234567891011121314151617Copy the code
Here, we are not directly overwriting, because when cp command overwriting, the system will prompt you whether to overwrite with all your heart, and you need to manually input Y command, which obviously cannot meet the needs of our automatic deployment. The start #start() method uses the new JAR package to start the Java service. The code is as follows:
$BASE_PATH/$SERVER_NAME" echo "[start] JAVA_OPS: $BASE_PATH/$SERVER_NAME" echo" $JAVA_OPS" echo "[start] JAVA_AGENT: $JAVA_AGENT" echo "[start] PROFILES: BUILD_ID=dontKillMe nohup java-server $JAVA_OPS $javA_agent-jar $BASE_PATH/$server_name.jar Active =$PROFILES_ACTIVE & echo "[start] start $BASE_PATH/$SERVER_NAME done "} 1234567891011Copy the code
Relatively simple, the core is through the java-jar command, through the JAR package to start the Java service. ④ healthCheck #healthCheck() to check whether the Java service is successfully started by checking the URL. The code is as follows:
Function healthCheck() {# if [-n "$HEALTH_CHECK_URL"]; $HEALTH_CHECK_URL $HEALTH_CHECK_URL $HEALTH_CHECK_URL $HEALTH_CHECK_URL $HEALTH_CHECK_URL for ((i = 0; i < 60; I++)) do # request health check address, only get the status code. Result = ` curl - I - 10 - o m/dev/null - s - w % {http_code} $HEALTH_CHECK_URL | | echo "000" ` # if a status code of 200, If ["$result" == "200"]; Then echo "[healthCheck] healthCheck passed "; Break # If the status code is not 200, it indicates failure. Else echo -e ".\c" sleep 1 fi done # If the health check fails, the shell script is abnormal and the deployment does not continue. if [ ! "$result" == "200" ]; Then echo "[healthCheck] if the healthCheck fails, the deployment may fail. View logs and determine whether the startup is successful. tail -n 10 nohup.out exit 1; # Health check passed, print the last 10 lines of log, possible deployment people want to see the log. Else tail -n 10 nohup. Out fi # If no health check is configured, slepp 60 seconds, manually check whether the log is successfully deployed. Else echo "[healthCheck] HEALTH_CHECK_URL not configured, start sleep 60 seconds "; Sleep 60 echo "[healthCheck] Sleep 60 seconds, view logs, and determine whether the startup is successful "; tail -n 50 nohup.out fi } 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637Copy the code
Like the shutdown of a Java service, the startup of a Java service is a process. Here, we provide two strategies: 1) Automatically determine whether the application is successfully started through the health check URL. 2) If the URL of the health check is not configured, we sleep for 60 seconds and then check the log to manually judge whether the startup is successful. For the URL of health check, we use the health endpoint provided by the Spring Boot Actuator to check whether the status code returned by the request is 200. If yes, the application is healthy and the startup is complete. For those who are not familiar with Spring Boot, check out “4. Health Endpoints” in “Introduction to Spring Boot Monitoring EndPoints”. For now, fat friends can just know this setting. Of course, in order to meet the fat friend’s “curiosity”, Nai Nai finally printed the N line log to meet the fat friend’s demand to see the start-up log, ha ha ha. Even though it has 5 steps and less than 200 lines of Shell code, it’s actually quite simple. 2.4 Jenkins deployment task configuration
From the Jenkins home page, click “New Item” button to enter the Jenkins task creation interface. Enter the task name and select build a Maven project. As shown below:
Click ok to go to the task configuration interface. There are many configuration items, as shown in the following figure:
2.4.1 Detailed Configuration
Let’s take a look at the configuration items one by one.
(1) General
Relatively simple, just need to configure the description.
② Maven Info Plugin Configuration
Maven Info Plugin Configuration
Discard old Builds Configuration item: Sets reserved builds. Since we’re constantly rebuilding the project, if we don’t set it up, the Jenkins server may run out of disk.
This project is parameterized configuration item: Parameterized build. Here, we use the Git Parameter plug-in to create a BRANCH /Tag for your Git project with a Parameter named BRANCH. In this way, we can choose the branch/tag of the Git project to build later in the project build.
③ Source code management
Source code management
Select Git, thus selecting the Git repository.
Configuration item: Set up the Git repository to use. You can use it directly hereGithub.com/YunaiV/Spri…The warehouse, Nai – Chi has already prepared the sample project.
Branches to Build Configuration item: Set Git Branches/labels used. Here, we use the build parameter BRANCH configured in “② Maven Info Plugin Configuration”.
④ Build trigger
Build trigger
Do not need to configure for the moment, can ignore ha.
⑤ Build environment
Do not need to configure for the moment, can ignore ha.
6. The Pre Steps
Pre Steps
Do not need to configure for the moment, can ignore ha.
All landowners Build
Root POM configuration item: Sets the Root pom. XML configuration file. In general, you can set pom.xml.
Goals and Options: Sets Maven build commands.
Here, since we only want to build lab-41/ lab-41-DEMO01 child Maven modules, we use the -pl lab-41/ lab-41-DEMO01 parameter. Other Maven parameters, if you do not know, search ha.
If you want to build the entire project, consider using the clean package-dmaven.test.skip =true command.
Today the Post Steps
Do not need to configure for the moment, can ignore ha.
⑧ Build Settings
Build Settings
Do not need to configure for the moment, can ignore ha.
⑨ Operation after construction
Click Add Post-Build Procedures, select Send Build Artifacts over SSH, configure the JAR packages constructed by Maven, Send them to the remote server over SSH, and run the corresponding scripts to start the Java service. As shown below:
Name: Select the remote server to be deployed. Here, we select the server in “2.3 Remote Server Configuration”. Transfer Set Sources Files Configuration item: Sets the files to be transferred. Jar = lab-41/lab-41-demo01/target/*.jar = lab-41/lab-41-demo01/target/*.jar The reason to use Lab-41 / Lab-41-Demo01 at the beginning is because we are building the lab-41/ lab-41-Demo01 sub-maven module. The reason for using target in the middle is that the Maven build results in the target directory. use
The reason.jar ends is that we only transfer jar packages built by Maven. If the clean install -dmaven.test. skip=true command is used, set target/
The jar. Remove prefix Configuration item: Sets the file to be transferred and the prefix to be removed. Here, we enter lab-41/lab-41-demo01/target/ address, which means that the file name is only *.jar when transferring to remote. Remote Directory configuration item: Directory to be transferred to the Remote server. Here, we enter /work/projects/lab-41-demo01/build, which represents the build directory of the lab-41-Demo01 project transferred to the remote server. Exec Command configures Shell commands to be executed after file transmission. Sh /work/projects/lab-41-demo01/shell &&./deploy.sh to execute the deployment script and start the Java service. Exec in PTY: This parameter must be selected to simulate a terminal execution script. cough cough cough, if it is not checked, the execution of the command will time out. The specific reason, Nai nai did not find the reason, anyway, so used to finish.
Note: To display this configuration item, click the “advanced” button on the form.
Add Server button: If you want to deploy multiple nodes to more remote servers, you can click to configure it.
After that, click the “advanced” button below and select the option “Fail the build if an error Occurs”. As shown below:
With this option, we can mark every deployment of a deployment task as a Failure if a Shell command fails. We will demonstrate this in section 2.4.3 Failed Deployment Examples.
So far, we have completed the configuration of Jenkins deployment task. Click the “Save” button at the bottom to save the configuration. A fun ~
2.4.2 Example of Successful Deployment
Clicking the “Save” button takes you to the details page of the deployment task we configured. As shown below:
Click “Build with Parameters” menu on the left to carry out parametric construction and deployment of the project. As shown below:
Because of ourGithub.com/YunaiV/Spri…The repository has only one master BRANCH, so we have only one choice in the BRANCH parameter. Click the “Start Building” button to begin deployment. As shown below:
Click the red circle in Build History to view this Build. After that, click the Console Output menu to see the entire build process, and you’ll see a lot of logs. As shown below:
If the following log is displayed, the deployment is successful. As shown below:
At this point, we go back to Jenkins home page and can see that the execution result of the deployment task is successful. As shown below:
2.4.3 Failed Deployment Example To simulate a failed deployment, modify the deploy.sh script on the remote server and change the URL of the health check to the following to achieve the result of the health check failure. The code is as follows:
# 12. Health check HEALTH_CHECK_URL URL = the code
As a result, the health check is bound to fail because the modified health check URL does not exist. In this case, the deploy.sh script ends with exit 1, indicating an error.
After the modification, re-build the deployment task. However, the construction fails. The console output log is as follows:
At this point, we go back to the Jenkins home page, and we can see that the execution result of the deployment task is a failure. As shown below:
2.5 summary
At this point, we have completed a configuration study of the Jenkins deployment task. Although said, the whole process may be a little long, and Nai is a long-winded person, but as a “configuration engineer”, two back to cooked. Since Jenkins is the focus of this article, Java project packaging and so on are not covered. For those of you who are looking forward to Spring Boot’s continued Delivery of Jenkins, Check out this post where Nai nai will share more on how to package Spring Boot and how to better integrate Nginx health checks throughout the deployment process. Must, must, must see it, hahaha. 3. Email notification
Jenkins supports email notification when a build is successful, failed, or Unstable. Next, we configure the email notification function based on “2. Quick Start”. 3.1 Global Mailbox Configuration
① From the Jenkins home page, go to the Configure screen in the sequence of Manage Jenkins -> Configure System, and then drop down to Email Notification to Configure the mailbox for sending notifications. As shown below:
② However, it should be noted that some mailbox services require the user name for SMTP authentication to be consistent with the sender mailbox, such as netease 163 mailbox. Therefore, we pulled up to the “Jenkins Location” Location and configured the sender mailbox. As shown below:
3. After the configuration is complete, click Test Configuration in the Email Notification area to Test the email sending function. If the test succeeds, the message “Email was successfully sent” is displayed on the interface. At the same time, when we open the received mail, we will see the test mail, as shown below:
test pass, remember to click “save” button ah! 3.2 Mailbox Configuration for a Deployment Task
On the basis of “2.4 Jenkins Deployment Task Configuration”, we modified the mail configuration. There are two configuration items, let’s take a look at each one.
① Build Settings
Build Settings
This is mainly to configure the mailbox notification configuration in case of build failure and build instability. Generally, the configuration is as shown in the figure.
② Operation after construction
Click Add Post-Build Procedure and select Editable Email Notification to configure Email Notification if the build is successful. As shown below:
The Project Recipient List configuration item: Configure the Recipient List, one for each row. here, we configured a mailbox, heh heh.
Other configuration items, we can temporarily not configure, fat friends need, you can configure. In addition, the variables DEFAULTRECIPIENTS, DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS, DEFAULTRECIPIENTS, DEFAULT_REPLYTO, Provided by the Extended E-mail Notification plug-in, you can go to the Configuration screen in the order of “Manage Jenkins -> Configure System”. Then drop down to Extended E-mail Notification and configure it. As shown below:
Here we don’t use the configuration, use the default configuration, heh heh.
③ Simple test
test pass, remember to click “save” button ah! You can then do a deployment test to see the effect of mail notifications.
Here is an example of a successful build, as shown in the figure below:
Here is an example of a build failure, as shown below:
- Nailing notice
Jenkins supports configuration of pin notifications to send emails when a build is successful, failed, or Unstable. Next, we configure the email notification function based on “2. Quick Start”. 4.1 Installing plug-ins
By default, the Jenkins Plugin Dingding Notification Plugin that provides pin notifications is not secure, so we need to install it. Installation steps are very simple, and 2.2.4 security other plug-ins section is the same, fat friends to install oh. As shown below:
As always, installing plug-ins is slow, so let’s move on. 4.2 Create a group of robots
See section Creating a Pin Swarm Robot in the Impression Prometheus + Grafana + Alertmanager Minimalist Introduction article to create a Pin Swarm robot. However, it should be noted that Jenkins’ currently configured pin notification mode does not support the ** “encryption” security mode of pin group robots for the time being, so please use the security setting of “IP address (segment)” ** and check your external IP address at IP138.com/. 4.3 Pinning Configuration for deployment Tasks
On the basis of “2.4 Jenkins Deployment Task Configuration”, we modified the pin configuration. Just change one configuration item. Wahaha.
① Operation after construction
Click the “Add Post-Build steps” button and select the “Pin notifier Configuration” option to configure the pin notification configuration in the case of a successful build. As shown below:
Specific choice what option, fat friend can need according to oneself ha.
② Simple test
after configuration, remember to click “save” button ah! You can then do a deployment test to see the effect of the pin notifications.
Here is an example of a successful build, as shown in the figure below:
We currently mainly use pin notifications instead of email notifications. 666. The eggs
Jenkins offers a wide range of features, so you can read the following article: “Jenkins book list” “Jenkins + Git + Maven + Shell + Tomcat Continuous Integration” classic tutorial will be supplemented by the following contents, which are also more commonly used by us in Jenkins: Permission management Jenkins Backup Jenkins Pipeline Jenkins Slave Agent