The dynamic

Angular 11.2.9 Releases the Web front-end framework

Angular 11.2.9 is now available with the following updates: Bug fixes

  • Bazel: Add missing dependency on tslib (# 41480) (8d005e5)
  • Compiler-cli: allows parsing of invalid style URLS (# 41403) (# 41489) (07131FA)
  • Compiler-cli: Fix extending angularCompilerOptions from non-extended TypeScript configuration files (# 41349) (e0165fd)
  • . (Details:…

WebStorm 2021.1 stable released

WebStorm 2021.1 stable has been released. It is the first major update of the year. Major changes include: Smarter JavaScript and TypeScript code completions, improved support for Stylelint, built-in HTML previews, new Settings for editor font size selection, and enhancements to Pull Request-related operations. (Details:…

Good article recommendation

Build efficiency significantly improved, Webpack5 in penguin tutorial upgrade practice

On October 10, 2020, webpack5 was officially released, bringing many significant changes that will greatly improve the efficiency and quality of front-end construction. In fact, there have been a lot of articles about Webpack5 on various blog sites, but there are not many real business practices and first-hand data, so today I will introduce the upgrade and practice of Webpack5 in penguin tutoring business.

How to design and implement the Micro front-end framework

“I” now work as a front-end engineer in the Experience Technology department of Ant Financial, working with Youzhi to maintain and iterate Qiankun. It is also working on a new generation of front end runtime platform within Ant, which is based on micro front end technology.

A step-by-step guide to deploying front-end projects using Github Actions

We all know that front-end deployment is nothing more than throwing packaged code into an Nginx HTML directory, but every time the product changes its requirements frequently, or even just asks you to change a word on the line, you have to repeat the following actions: modify, package, log in to the server, upload the code, and restart the server. Over time, not to mention you can’t stand it, beside me to look at it. At this time, have you ever thought there is a robot, can help us complete the above repeated and no technical content of the work. Yes, you guessed it, Github Actions is the robot we need.

H5 page list caching scheme

In the daily development of H5, we often encounter the situation of clicking the list to enter the details page and then returning the list, especially for e-commerce platforms, such as Taobao and JINGdong, which we usually use, all do cache, and not only the list, but also many places use cache.

This article shows you how to troubleshoot memory leak caused page lag

Has anyone here ever been asked the question: If your page freezes, what do you think might be causing it? Is there any way to pinpoint the cause and fix it? This is a very broad and in-depth question, which involves a lot of page performance optimization issues. I vaguely remember my answer when asked this question in the interview:

  1. Check whether there are too many network requests, resulting in a slow data return, you can do some caching
  2. It is also possible that the bundle of a resource is too large, and you can consider splitting it
  3. Then check the JS code to see if there are too many loops somewhere that are taking too long on the main thread
  4. The browser rendered too many things in one frame, causing a lag
  5. There can be a lot of repeated rearranging and redrawing during page rendering
  6. emmmmmm…. I don’t know the

It was later learned that the sensory lag of long-running pages could also be caused by a memory leak

The team honor

Congratulations to [Xiao Front-end team] for winning the title of “Nuggets 2020 Popular Creative Team”

In February 2021, the Nuggets officially launched the “2020 Popular Creators List”, a week-long voting process for individual and team authors. The event attracted nearly 2,000 teams, including front-end teams from first-tier manufacturers such as Alibaba, Tencent, Bytedance, Baidu, 360, Huawei and netease. Within 7 days of voting, “Xiao Front-end Team” has been ranked among the top 30, and finally won the 27th place with 525 votes, and won the title of “2020 Popular Creative Team”!

About us: We are the big teaching front end team of Xiao Education Group, which is a young team. We support almost all of the group’s teaching business. Now with the rapid development of the business group, the team is also expanding rapidly, welcome you to join us ~ we hope you are: solid technical foundation, in-depth in a certain field; Good at precipitation and continuous learning in learning; Optimistic and outgoing personality. If you are interested in joining us, please send your resume to: