One, foreword

Git Gitlab shell is used in this process

Contents that need to be prepared in advance

  • A projectmyweb
  • Install Git locally
  • A Gitlab warehouse
  • Docker private repository
  • gitlab runner(Gitlab-runner)

The company’s code is typically stored in a privatized deployment of Gitlab. To use Gitlab’S CI/CD, Gitlab version >8.0.0 is required

Although CI/CD is not difficult, there are many pits in the configuration process, and some concepts to understand are also more, can be divided into multiple steps, one by one.

Ii. Introduction of CI combat

1. Install and register Gitlab-Runner

Gitlab-runner requires pre-installation and registration, details

Enter Gitlab->CICD->Runner There are currently available runners

As shown, the project is available to runner

  • The left runner can only be used for the current project, but needs to be activated.
  • On the right is the shared runner, which can be used directly
  • .gitlab-ci. yML is associated with tags of Runner

2. Run CI first

First create.gitlab-ci.yml in the root directory of the project, then configure pipeline tasks in this file, which will run in gitlab-runner.

One of the simplest. Gitlab-ci. yml files, CI_COMMIT_BRANCH and GITLAB_USER_LOGIN are gitLab-defined variables that can be used directly or you can define your own

image: "node"

  - BuildImage

  - echo "before_script"
  - echo "This job deploys something from the $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH branch."
  - echo "Hello, $GITLAB_USER_LOGIN!"

    - test
  stage: BuildImage
  image: "node"
    - node -v
Copy the code

Push Git repository

git add .gitlab-ci.yml
git commit -m "commit ci"
git push
Copy the code

Go to the Gitlab- > CI/CD page and you can see that a pipeline state is STUCK because there is no Gitlab-runner.

3. Use Gitlab-Runner to execute pipeline

Modified. Gitlab-ci.yml, showing only part of it

Uaek-c1 tags: -uaek-c1 stage: BuildImage image: "node" script: -node -vCopy the code

Submit the code, enter CI/CD page to see a new pipeline execution completed

Click on the new record to see the corresponding Stage, and click on the current task

You can see the details of gitlab-runner execution. Gitlab-ci.yml.

So far, you’ve seen.gitlab-ci.yml trigger to execute. Now, how to run ci specifically for this project

Iii. Actual combat configuration of the project

Build Docker image reference details

1. Add the Dockerfile and Nginx configuration file to the project

Add configuration file Dockerfile to the root directory

FROM node:10-alpine as builder
WORKDIR /data/myweb
RUN npm install --registry= --no-package-lock --no-save
RUN yarn publish:prod

FROM nginx:alpine as myweb
RUN cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime \
    && echo "Asia/Shanghai" > /etc/timezone 
WORKDIR /data/production
COPY ./nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d
COPY  --from=builder /data/myweb/build /data/production
EXPOSE 80.443
Copy the code

(2) Create a new nginx/default.conf file in the root directory of the project. We overwrite the configuration file in the original Nginx image with the external nginx configuration file

server {
    listen 80;
    listen[: :] :80;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
        root /data/production;
        index index.html;
        try_files $uri /index.html;

    error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
    location = /50x.html {
    	root/usr/share/nginx/html; }}Copy the code

2. Configuration files

Define global variables, mirror name, namespace, mirror pull password variable name
  IMAGE_HUB: "lvpf/myweb" 

# Print some variables here, just for demonstration, look at these gitlab default variable values, can be removed

# Stages Runs sequentially. All jobs on the same stage run in parallel
  - BuildImage

# Task 1, build the Docker image
  # use the Gitlab Runner tag
    - uaek-c1
  # task name
  stage: BuildImage
  Since the current runner is built for K8S, the implementation of docker build and upload requires kaniko image. For details, please see the following reference document ().
    First we need to generate a git tag for our image. The rule is: if you have a Git tag, use git tag; if not, use Git commit SHA
    - echo $IMAGE_HUB:$IMAGE_TAG
    - mkdir -p /kaniko/.docker
    - echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
    - /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/Dockerfile --destination $DOCKER_HUB_URL:$IMAGE_TAG
  The job will trigger a CI only when a new tag is created. If a new tag is created, the job will trigger a CI every time it is pushed
    - tags
Copy the code

3. Precautions

  • Generally, the company does not push the image to the hub for security reasons, and the internal network of the company is usually disconnected. Therefore, it is necessary to build a private image warehouse
  • Gitlab-runner can use many types of host machines, including cloud host, Docker, K8S, etc. The solution of image construction is slightly different, you can refer to the documents
  • Some of these involve password variables that can be passedGitlab->Setting->CI/CD->VariablesTo be used directly in.gitlab-ci.yml

Iv. Reference documents

  • Gitlab CI starts fast
  • Build image-docs in gitlab-Runner built by K8S
  • Build image in Gitlab-Runner built by K8S