Event capture and event bubbling
Grandpa => Dad => son looks for a listener function from the outside in, called event capture
Son => dad => Grandpa looks inside out for a listener function called event bubbling
Instead of avoiding repeated calls, the developer can choose to place event listeners in the capture phase or in the bubbling phase
Event binding API
IE5: xx.attachEvent(‘onclick’, fn) / / the bubblingNetscape: xx.addeventListener (' click ', fn)/ / capture
W3C: xx addEventListener (' click ', fn, Boolean)// This bool is used to select bubble/capture.
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- if
Is empty or forfalsy
, that is to useThe bubbling; - if
Use thecapture.
Either way, the capture and bubbling phases are bound to finish the process. It’s just a matter of which side of the listener is executed.
Capture first and bubble later, this is fixed.
Code sample
target V.S. currentTarget
The difference between:
E. target Elements that the user operates on
E.currenttarget The element that the programmer listens for
This is the e.c. with our fabrication: urrentTarget.
For example:
<span>The text</span>
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Let’s say we’re listening for a DIV element, but the user clicks on text, then
E. arget is a span
E.c. with our fabrication: urrentTarget is div
Cancel the bubbling
Capture cannot be cancelled, but bubbling can be.
E.toppropagation () can interrupt bubble propagation and the browser will no longer go up. Generally used to encapsulate some independent components.
You cannot block the default action
The default actions can be cancelled or cannot be cancelled
The way to view this information is to search for keyword + event in MDN, such as “Scroll event”.
Bubbles means whether the event Bubbles
Cancelable means whether the developer can block the default action, regardless of bubbling
How do I prevent page scrolling
The Scroll event cannot block the default action
Preventing the default scroll action won’t work because scroll events occur first.
To prevent scrolling, block the default actions of wheel and TouchStart
Be careful to locate the element in which the scroll bar is located
The scrollbar will work, however. You can use CSS to make the scrollbar width: 0 or overflow: Hidden to cancel the scrollbar directly. However, JS can still modify scrollTop.
Prevents mouse wheel events
X.a ddEventListener (" wheel ",(e) = >{
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Blocking the mobile phone touch screen scrolling event:
X.a ddEventListener (' touchstart ',(e) = >{
Copy the code
Hide scrollbars with CSS:
:: -webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0! important }Copy the code
Custom events
Browser events: MDN event reference
The CustomEvent event is created by the program, and the developer can have any CustomEvent in addition to the CustomEvent.
Custom events can use bubbles: true or prevent bubbles cancelable: false
Event delegation
- When listening for N events, memory consumption can be saved.
Code Example 100 buttons add click events that only need to listen for the ancestors of 100 buttons
- Listen for click events for elements that do not currently exist (that is, listen for dynamic elements)
The code example listens for the ancestor, waiting to see if it is the element we want to listen for when clicked.
Encapsulating event delegate
Write a function on(‘click’, ‘#div’, ‘button’, ‘fn’)
The fn function is called when the user clicks on the ‘button’ element in ‘#div’
Code sample
Does JS support events?
Yes and no. JS itself has no events, just calls the addEventListener provided by the DOM. DOM and JS are both browser functions and are in a parallel relationship