Documentation or WIKI systems, what open source components do you use?

It’s a pretty basic question, but I don’t know how many organizations still use MediaWiki. And a lot of companies are still using WordPress.

In fact, it’s fashionable to create directly with MardDown. MardDown grammar, after all, can be learned in three minutes.

The sad thing is, in this world, there are always a lot of people, based on past experience. They think that the product manual will be printed in the future, so MS Word is better. They think, MardDown for operation and product people, they do not understand. MediaWiki, they say, is the industry leader. But, but, that was a year ago. MediaWiki was the biggest player in the industry almost 20 years ago. WordPress? That was over 10 years ago. Also, it’s harder to learn MediaWiki syntax than it is to learn MardDown. And in WordPress, the web editor, you have to upload the file, you have to manually click on the definition, this is the title, this is the text, this is the image, if it’s an image, you have to upload it. And, also, for WordPress to be a documentation or WIKI system, you have to install plug-ins. And most of them are limited and you have to pay for the full version. Unfortunately, there are those who always take the past experience to measure the present. When the rice is cooked and then stir-fried, I’m really drunk. We could have done it in three days, but not in nine to 15 days. Perhaps, money can be capricious. The reason is also very sufficient, need Word format, need PDF format, but I do not know how convenient HTML to Word D, how convenient to PDF. On the other hand, even if you save Word as HTML, it’s not a document-mode site.

I finally understand why many companies don’t want programmers over 35. Many of these programmers have really accumulated a heap of experience or knowledge. Digress.

In fact, if you’re doing a single product document right now, the best choice is Docify. This micro JS open source, almost do the industry first, of course, let everyone like is that you can only type the keyboard to complete the document, because, with MardDown.

Recommended docify template,…

Second, if you want to put together a bunch of documents, or create an in-company WIKI, it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Name a few open source things I like. SmartWiki, called wiki, is essentially a MardDown documentation system. Based on PHP, LARAVEL, however, this project has stopped updating. Because there’s a GO rewrite of this project called MinDoc.……

The other one is BookStack, which is amazing, needless to say, number one, based on PHP, LARAVEL, and number two, BookStack is this program. (Never clear if this is the open source of bookstack)

In both cases, different projects can be created, and each project can be a document for a product. It works pretty well.…

In fact, there are a lot of them now. For example, there are python based ones. But all I like now are Docify, MinDoc and BookStack.