
I have been feeling a lot lately, because it has been nearly 2 months since I began to prepare for the interview in the middle of April and went to meet with various small and medium-sized companies and big factories. Experienced a lot of things during the period, but also brought some growth.

This article is mainly to explain some of my feelings when I met companies of different sizes during this period of time, as well as the learning and review methods during this period. I will also stand in the perspective of a third party and list out my own advantages and disadvantages, hoping to map some current situation of front-end job hunting through me.

There are more than 13 companies of different sizes, including YY, CVTE, Didi, Ali, Programmable Cat and other small and medium-sized companies in Shenzhen. Interviews can also include phone interviews, video interviews, and in-person interviews.

Article suitable crowd:

  • Intermediate front end
  • Dissatisfied with the status quo and wanting to get out of your comfort zone
  • Usually have in the study, but very scattered
  • Have your own goals and have made up your mind

So why is it appropriate for this kind of people, because dullness itself is an instance of the above:

  • Graduated in 18 years engaged in front-end work for 2 years
  • The development of the former company is not consistent with my career plan
  • I would study almost every day after work, and I would also study on weekends, but the contents of my study were very scattered. If I saw this for fun today, I would learn that tomorrow. I didn’t have my own knowledge system
  • This year, I have my own goal: to enter a large and medium-sized company and challenge the annual salary of 30W +; Make up your mind to drop everything that doesn’t matter and concentrate on studying for an interview

Of course, you must be more concerned about the results of the role, well, dull results and did not like other big guy’s article “has taken byte Ali Tencent factory offer”, can say big factory basic failure, like Baidu Tencent even if the internal push is also directly card resume. However, I have finally achieved my goal and got my favorite offer, and will soon join CVTE.

By reading this article you can learn:

  • About job Seekers
  • Interview record and salary package
  • Big factory interview questions summary
  • How do I prepare for an interview
  • YY, CVTE, Programming Cat, Didi, Ali interview questions and insights (not including answers)
  • A thank-you note

About job Seekers

In order to give you a better comparison, let’s first introduce the information about the dull candidate.

The basic information

  • 18 years undergraduate, major in software engineering
  • Working experience: 2 years


  • Gold mining excellent author
  • Bpmn.js Chinese community maintainer (shameless wave)


  • General Undergraduate, non-985/211
  • Working experience: 2 years
  • Once a year, but the reasons for leaving are acceptable
  • The companies I have been to are not big, even I am the only one in front

You may have noticed that nerds categorized two years of work as a disadvantage for two reasons:

  1. The post requirements of small and medium-sized companies are3 ~ 5Working years, not to say that there is no small and medium-sized companies1 ~ 3Year’s post, but stupid think oneself have such ability to be able to try (overtime add, ha ha ha 😂)
  2. Some positions in big factories require more than 3 years of work experience, so if a person with 2 years of work experience applies for the job, the requirements for the interviewees will be more demanding

OK👌, above is the basic information and the advantages and disadvantages of dullness, let’s take a look at such a job seeker his recent job search process is how a situation?

Interview record and salary package

Thanks to the habit of keeping records, let’s go straight to the picture:

Through the interview record, we can find that for such a front end child with 2 years of work experience, we assume that his accuracy of answering the interview questions of companies of different sizes in Guangzhou and Shenzhen is:

  • 0-449.People, the interview answer accuracy rate is70% ~ 90%
  • 1000-9999.People, the interview answer accuracy rate is50% ~ 80%

The accuracy rate here is a percentage of what you said at the end of each interview, taking notes of the following questions, and then looking for the right answer later. Of course, this percentage may not be very accurate, since many of the answers are open-ended and related to one’s own project, but it can be used as a general reference.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the maximum and minimum salaries available at companies of all sizes:

  • 0-449.People, minimum13 x 13 kA maximum,16K x 13 plus
  • 1000-9999.People, minimum16K x 14 plusA maximum,Salary + 30 w

The above salary package is a recent record of the applicant. I can’t guarantee that this is the case for all applicants. All I do is to guarantee authenticity and integrity. (how good the flavour of the ternary god brother 😂, ha, ha, ha, because he is the tone of this article is such “2020 yuan 3 tao for ali, ali cloud, bytes to beat surface after & personal growth experience sharing | the nuggets technology essay”)

Everyone can according to the dull job seeker brief introduction, do a addition and subtraction with oneself circumstance, as to what kind of addition and subtraction, I believe that everyone has his own set of rules in the heart, dull here also not good to do too much.

Big factory interview questions summary

For each interview, dull will record the following questions, and then do some summary, there has been a post before, I believe you have seen, is this: Gawk recent interview 128 summary (more detailed answer) | the nuggets technical essay, ha ha 😄, speaking to thank you for your help gawk won the third of the essay competition, successfully got the Tmall elves, well, such as Tmall elves to this is the time I seek hegemony square ~

(I promised you all the benefits if you did win the award, hahaha, hence this article.)

👆 above this article are mainly small and medium-sized company, for some gawk recently also in the end of the metal finishing, because there are too many topics 😂, haven’t completely, so at the back of this article will first with the topic of the interview and every interview comprehension, I promise, such as arrange the answer will be issued a detailed surface.

(Well, if you really can’t wait to see the answer, you can first check out this article on GitHub: Lin stupid recent interview summary (including super detailed answers), the finishing is not very complete, but you remember to give a Star ah ~ good life safe)

Of course, if you’re interested in how you’ve been reviewing and studying lately, you can check out the next section, “How I Prepared for an interview.”

How do I prepare for an interview

Before the interview began in earnest, I wrote this to myself:

In fact, I did everything except the first one, “Please open this plan every day and look at this preface,” because if I did everything else, then the first one wouldn’t matter.

One, clear goals

So I think it’s really important that you figure out what you want at this point, why do you want to move? Whether it’s a higher salary, a better platform, or a less stressful job. It is very important to know your goals clearly. Only on this basis can you make a better study or interview plan for yourself.

As gawk personally, because the two companies of scale is not large, also have mentioned before, the second company even I was the only a front end, so I haven’t experienced a relatively complete project development process, both companies are no UI designers, so sometimes I have to do some other job in addition to the front thought. After thinking about it for a while, I also saw several big drawbacks:

  • Teams are small, and front-end development is not standardized
  • I am not familiar with the whole development system of D&C
  • Lack of experience in front end team development
  • Projects are based onToBMainly, mobile terminal development is less

Therefore, after knowing my shortcomings, I also made clear my goal, determined to change my job, and prioritized the requirements of my next job:

  1. Team, Platform (big team, big platform)
  2. Region (Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou)
  3. salary

For the first point, the first two jobs are basically a jump a year, so for the third job, I hope to stay for a long time, and also want to enter a big platform, not necessarily to say that BATJ such a super large company, but at least there must be more than 1,000 people.

The second point, personal preference in guangdong side development (because in 2020 I hope you can treat her like treat program | Denver annual essay “this article also talked about, ha ha, I like this side of the climate), but hangzhou is also very good, because gawk itself is jiangxi shangrao, so near home 😊.

Third, a very realistic point, that life can still do something in the world, stupid is also an ordinary person.

Of course, it does not mean that the above 👆 is not a bad situation, there are a lot of small partners may like the team size of the company, the company atmosphere is very good, but also can get what they want. Each to his own, being here is just a personal point of view.

2. Build a knowledge system

After knowing what you want, you should make an analysis of your own knowledge. I think it can be divided into three points to build a knowledge system of your own:

  • Knowledge that has already been mastered
  • Previous knowledge but not proficiency
  • Knowledge that you do not possess, but that you know is the knowledge that you must possess

In the process of analysis, you can learn from the knowledge system of various excellent bloggers, such as Mu Yiyang, Shen Sanyuan, Tong Oba and other excellent bloggers I know, who have a set of their own knowledge system mind map on GitHub.

Stupidly drew on various gods to create a mind map:

After having an understanding of their own knowledge, we need to do supplementary learning for each piece of knowledge content, just like stupid is to do this:

  • In the process of learning Webpack, I found myself unfamiliar with Babel, so I wrote this article: after reading this article, if you don’t understand Babel, I will send you a mask
  • I realized that I didn’t have a good grasp of the Promise, so I wrote this article: [Advice Stars] To complete 45 Promise interview questions at once.
  • I found myself still confused about several “this” questions, so I wrote this article: [Recommended 👍] 40 more “this” interview questions continue (1.2w words by hand)
  • Found that their JS object-oriented three elements are not very clear, so write down this series: [why not three consecutive] finish this 48 questions thoroughly understand JS inheritance (1.7W word including xin collation – return to simplicity)
  • 【 真 题 】 This is the first time that a data type can be converted into a data type. 【 真 题 】 This is the first time that a data type can be converted into a data type.
  • I found myself knowing too little about HTTP, so I wrote this series: [1] ShutdownHTTP Series – Basics
  • I haven’t really played Webpack yet, so I wrote this series: Learn Webpack with “Dumb Girls” (Basics)


Of course, you may not have to write an essay on each topic like I did, but you should make sure that you master each topic and make it your own. Take notes when appropriate.

Because it takes a lot of time and energy to write a good article that pleases you…

For each knowledge point, whether through books, articles, videos can be studied, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Just like through books, we know that it must be the most comprehensive and systematic, but also the most time-consuming and tedious.

When I want to learn a knowledge point, I will first check whether my favorite bloggers have articles on this aspect. If so, I will read all the articles of these bloggers, and then EXTRACT some things from them and turn them into my own. For example, 🌰. When I was learning HTTPS, I found that Lang Ge, Xiao Sheng Fang Qin, and SAN Yuan all had articles on this aspect, so I was very happy. By integrating the articles of the three, and combining the content of “Illustrated HTTP”, I finally understood HTTPS.

3. Learn about yourself through your resume

Another way to learn about yourself is through a resume. Since there is an interview, there is no resume. We often hear a sentence:

"Everything on your resume has to be something that you know very well."

This point is very much agreed with by dullness, because you can see by dullness below 👇 factory interview questions, interviewers after examining your basic knowledge will be based on your resume to dig deep into your project. So the process of writing a resume is also an analysis of what you know and what you’ve done.

(If you’re still employed, take your job seriously, both from a business perspective and an optimization perspective, trust me, or you’ll end up paying for your tech debt when you’re looking for a new job…)

And how to write a resume, I believe that we see a lot of. Here are some good articles to look for while you’re looking for work:

  • Jsliang-2019 Interview Series – Resume
  • Axuebin – Teach you how to write an initial/advanced resume

4. Make plans

I think most job seekers fall into one of two categories:

  1. “You have more time” : you are still working or in school, so you don’t need to change jobs in a hurry. It may be a few months before you decide to change your job. For example, you are preparing for autumn recruitment in September
  2. The “non-generous” : You’ve left your job or are looking for a new job right away and need to solve problems in a short period of time

For both cases, I believe you can also feel that the first in time is very loose, it sounds as if there can be a long time to prepare, but also poses a problem, is easy to cause you a lazy psychological activities: anyway, I have such a long time can learn to review, then I just take your time, don’t rush to this moment.

The second is relatively tight in time, and it is because they are eager to solve the problem of work (especially if you have a mortgage car loan wife and children), so easy to cause a lot of psychological burden to themselves, since the confusion.

No matter what kind of situation you are in, stupidly thinks that you should have a good plan for your study, review and interview.

Time is generous

For example, in the first case, you have about 3 months to prepare for the interview. At this time, you can do systematic learning step by step according to the knowledge system built above 👆. You can arrange a study schedule like this for yourself according to each knowledge point:

(The figure above is for case reference only)

Of course, the above situation is only aimed at some fresh graduates or have left at home friends, they can guarantee at least 8 hours a day to use the time to study. However, I believe that most of us are still working, and we spend most of our time on work. Maybe two or three hours of study time after work is very good.

But for this kind of working friend also don’t be impatient, think of the first kind of circumstance, they are eight hours a day of learning time, but time can really make a commitment to learning, I think is in need of a discount, because the person’s energy is limited after all, here is the vast majority of people). At least I can’t guarantee that I can be very focused on learning for these 8 hours. Therefore, for working partners, this 2 ~ 3 hours if you can use good words, I think it will have a miraculous effect, you do not have to belittle yourself. Of course, it is said that everyone knows that the most important thing is action and persistence. (give oneself dozen chicken blood ~ refueling! Ollie!)

Gawk KuanYuXing itself to locate their own really belongs to the time and non KuanYuXing hybrid job situation, from the end of January to early April KuanYuXing this paragraph of time is the time, because the cause of the outbreak of this year, the company did not start so early, so the whole I was at home during the Spring Festival to improve their own knowledge system, as well as do some summary, start a blog. So I’m well aware of some of the pain points of homeschooling:

  • You can’t concentrate all the time, and your mind may suddenly wander
  • In the search for information was suddenly attracted by the title of a what article, and then point in 😂
  • "Busy business", can not help but want to read wechat messages, and then go to the major technology exchange group paddling
  • You’ve been learning all day, but you feel like you haven’t learned anything, panic, and start to doubt yourself

I think these psychological activities are not only for our front children’s shoes, for the entrance examination of postgraduate, civil servant and other children’s shoes also exist, so stupid want to say, these situations are normal, the key is how we overcome these bad points.

emmmmm…… I can only share some of my own practices here, which may not be the best practices, for reference only 😊.

Resolve mental inability to focus

For the first mental inability to focus, I do this: set a period of time for myself to focus on learning, after completing this “small task”, I will “reward” myself. For example: concentrate for 50 minutes, then have 10 minutes to get tea, walk around the living room, eat some fruit or something, then beat yourself up and move on to the next round.

Solutions are attracted to other things

For the second item, it’s really on your own. If this article really appeals to you, you can bookmark it in your browser and read it at another time… (Well, for example, it’s hard to stop yourself when you run into the “stupid” clickbait. I understand.)

Solve can not help but see wechat messages

For the third, stupid practice is more ruthless, directly quit wechat, only log in twice a day, and then at the same time to reply to the message. Some people may brag: “Hey, what if I have some important news?” . Oh, wake up, seriously, for most people, there is no need for you to reply to the message, especially for the single person who is stupid, have a partner. I think you and the partner carefully communicate, I believe she will understand. At the same time, I changed the wechat signature to this:

The automatic reply of the public number has also been changed to this above.

“Q” : “dull, see you this appearance, be not to plan to seek object?”

“Dumb” : “Yes, but one must understand what is most needed at this stage.”

I believe that even if you reply the message late, after you explain the situation to the other party, the other party should be understandable.

Dealing with self-doubt

For number four, this is especially true right before bed, while lying in bed: “What did My Tim do today? !” Ha ha ha, true.

Stupor is like this. If I study all day, and then I can’t see anything after learning, I will have this kind of panic. If I study all day today, I will feel satisfied with having solid notes or articles here… Very substantial… So I solved this by taking a few condensed notes. Review is also important, so you can simply review what you’ve learned today before you take a break. In addition, I have a habit of taking time every few days to review all the knowledge I learned in the previous days to make sure THAT I can remember it.

(For example, when I was learning some handwritten apis, I would go over them again every once in a while and record how long it took to rewrite them.)

The KuanYuXing

Another type of job seeker is the one who has left or wants to change jobs immediately and needs to solve work problems in a short period of time. This kind of friends do not have so much time to allow us to blog, to systematic learning. You need to make sure that you can find a job quickly. Learning and blogging are things you can do on an ongoing basis, even after you get a job.

Brush gluten

So I think this stage can brush others more good interview experience (referred to as gluten… Someone asked me what gluten is), because it’s one of the things that people like you are asked in actual interviews, and you can find out what companies focus on in each “era”.

It’s pretty obvious. Remember two years ago when you first started interviewing, most companies would ask,

  • Compatibility related issues, or the kernel of each browser
  • JQuery
  • What tags or apis have been added to HTML5


That’s not to say these questions won’t be asked anymore, but if you look at the hundreds of recent interview questions you’ll see that they are less likely to be asked, or at least JQuery (no disrespect to JQuery).

Now most people are asked:

  • Webpack related
  • Vue source related
  • Nodejs related
  • Front end safety correlation


Of course, the basics, such as Event Loop, this, inheritance, Promise, AND HTTP, are all part of the “era” of knowledge.

So if you’re still carrying a gluten brush from two years ago, you might be missing a lot of new information.

Give yourself highlights

Light brush gluten, cope with the interview of some small and medium-sized companies may not have a problem, but if it is encountered some slightly larger companies, or a little stricter companies, ask a little deeper, we “show the truth”. So you have to give yourself some highlights during this period.

For example, if you are using Vue, you will have to look at the Vue source code, at least the basic bidirectional binding, Computed, nextTick principles (most companies won’t ask too hard, just to see if you have really seen it, but for some big companies this is not enough).

He mentioned before when he was playing with gluten. Although he did not answer a lot of questions in the interview with Ali, he answered the Vue source code very well and passed it successfully. Therefore, it is essential to prepare some highlights for yourself according to your own situation.

What? Not enough time, you say? Brothers/sisters, be hard on yourself, time is all squeezed out…

Progress while interviewing

In you brush some gluten, and have some knowledge of yourself, you can begin to deliver some don’t want to go to the company try water, which I believe each gluten’s bloggers will say so, but it also is such, theory is far from real gun combat more feeling, so this is also what I want to say the fifth – limited time.

Five, limited time

Having done the above four steps, bah, the one I’m about to talk about should fall under “Making a plan” above, but it’s so important that I’ll mention it separately.

This step is to give yourself a limited time to send out the resume. This point is I ask god during the job three elder brother he told me. Because during the review period, we always feel that we are not ready, and want to learn this again, or want to learn that again, for fear of being asked in the interview. And then they’re afraid to send out their resume.

So we can give ourselves a limited time, after that time must send out the resume, even some companies do not want to go to, at least take this step, take this step is very important. Because knowledge is never finished, you can ensure that some of the knowledge you must master after mastering, and then learn while interviewing, do incremental above this, their self-confidence will also increase.

Sixth, do the interview summary and record

The sixth point, which is also considered very important by Dumbhead, is that after every interview, take notes of the interview questions and go back to find and digest the answers.

That is, you in the first time after the meeting, it is best to be able to just record those questions, rather than immediately run to the wechat group to blow water “ah ah, I just face XXX again, really fun”. Of course, being stupid is not against this practice. I just think you should do more important things when your memory is most deep, otherwise you may forget it again later.

If it is a phone face, it is ok, basically at home, after hanging up, you can immediately use the computer, or notebook record the following questions. On the other hand, if it’s a live event, and you don’t want to carry a notebook with you, you can use your phone to remember. For example, I have downloaded a software called Markdown on my mobile phone, which allows us to view and edit Markdown files on the phone, but there are many other similar software that can be discovered by yourself.

In addition, if you have energy, you can also keep a record of the time of each interview and the salary. On the one hand, having a bottom for yourself, on the other hand, isn’t that a very fulfilling thing? Ha ha ha, watching myself win so many offers, can also give myself a boost in confidence.

Seven, learn to share, but also to calm down

Ha ha ha, the title of this section, in fact, I want to express: “quiet as a virgin, move as a rabbit”.

“Static” means that you have to be calm and focused on some knowledge points, to understand these points by yourself, and make it your own.

And “move” means that if you encounter a problem that has not been solved for a long time, you might as well ask others to see how the boss is better than yourself to look at this problem, or can provide you with a good plan. Because sometimes you find that the problem itself is not difficult, but you are stuck in a dead end, which can be solved immediately if someone gives you a warning.

Another point, some of the insights of a dull individual, is to learn to share. Whether it’s sharing your interview questions, or your learning methods, or how you’re interviewing, I think it’s great. Because I think our business as programmers, compared to other industries, is really very pure, there’s not so much cheating, there’s not so much scheming, there’s not so much scheming, we’re all working together to accomplish a task or implement a feature. Therefore, we will also find some great people, or big factories, who are willing to share some of their team’s technical solutions and make some contributions to the development of this industry.

When it comes to sharing, it comes to blogging, which is a very, very, very meaningful thing. Not only do you strengthen yourself, you help others, and you build your community. We must not underestimate this point, just think, if you go to the interview, the interviewer happened to read your article or know you, that benefit don’t have to be dull said it, goodwill degree dawdling to rise.

Of course, there are many benefits to blogging, including an interview bonus. But the truth is, when you’re interviewing, not all interviewers are going to buy your blog. They may simply ignore your articles, ignore your open source project, and instead examine your basics, dig deep into your project, etc. So we still have to understand that the strength of our own strength is the most important.

Eight, efforts and persistence

After accomplishing these steps above 👆, it is necessary to work hard and insist.

During job hunting, it is inevitable that there will be times when you feel overwhelmed, and there will be times when you are dull. What impressed me most was that I spent a whole night at a real estate company in Shenzhen. Ali P6 Summary of those problems have seen, but I did not pay too much attention to that time, only then there was the tragedy. When I began to pay attention to cross-domain and front-end securety-related knowledge, I could face the questions calmly when I was interviewed by “a domestic live broadcasting company in Shenzhen”. It’s obviously a growing process.

So the requirement of being dull to yourself is: allow yourself to have a short stay, but do not allow yourself to give up.

In addition, before each important interview, I will set aside a day to review the interview questions I have brush or notes I have made, so as to avoid forgetting what I have mastered during the interview and cause regret.

When it comes to job hunting:

  • “Write code like CAI xu based gleanings of 90-20000 words | front-end asked” I brush for at least 4 times
  • “Zi Yi – Interview share: Two years of work experience successful interview Ali P6 summary” I have at least 4 times
  • Tong Oba – “interview questions” 20+Vue interview questionsAnd his pieceWebpackI must have done it five times
  • I can’t remember my previous interview questions and notes several times

(MY own positioning is really a very stupid person 😂, all by hard work)

I believe that after each interview and summary, you will see your growth ⛽️, and you just need to do is to work hard and insist.


On May 14

Interview department: some department in Guangzhou

One side

Interview format: video interview

Interview duration: 50 minutes

Insight from the interview: YY and CVTE were both found and pushed by friends of Tuoshu Jiang’s brother. In addition, YY was the first to meet with a relatively large factory. It was the first time for YY to have a video interview on Niuke online, so I was a little excited. The interviewer was a little late by two minutes, but that was fine. I like to listen to some of my favorite songs before the interview, so as to relax myself. The whole interview process was not as stressful as I thought before. Although I answered most of the questions asked, the interviewer did not tell me whether I was correct or not.

Talk about your project’s implementation of dynamic forms

Talk about the implementation of dynamic tables

Where is your JSON tree generated, and will the front end generate it?

Have you learned about micro front end?

Know what compatibility issues your browser has

Said the EventLoop

Have you ever used Node in a project

How do I implement a findIndex

What are the mobile layout options?

What would you do if a mobile project wanted to be displayed on PC to ensure structure stability?

What webPack optimizations have you done in your own projects

Let’s talk about splitChunksPlugin

Have you written your own WebPack plugin

Differences between HTTP3.0.1 and HTTP3.0.2

Let’s talk about how vue-Router works

When does vue-Router initialization take place

What questions do you think I haven’t asked, so you can say your bonus points


On May 14

Interview department: Sivo Future Education Department (Guangzhou)

One side

Interview format: on the phone

Interview duration: 1 hour and 6 minutes

The interviewer was very nice. He would say “um” the whole time, he would joke with you, and then when I couldn’t answer, he would say, “Um, that’s ok, that’s not a problem.” You may have been interrupted twice or three times by the interviewer because you were too busy with some questions, so it’s important to keep your answers focused and not to deviate from the direction of the questions.

Leaving reason

What are you looking for in your new job?

First, tell me your salary expectations

Why do you think you can get such a big raise with this new job

What will you do if you don’t get your salary expectations

Talk about your project’s implementation of dynamic forms

You walk through the JSON tree

The WebPack build process

How webPack plug-ins work

Have you used any plug-ins for project analysis

Have you done any WebPack optimizations

Have you ever written your own plugin

Can you build a WebPack project from scratch

The process from entering the URL to rendering the page

Why does TCP have three handshakes instead of two

Differences between HTTP and TCP

How do you do caching in your projects

What will block page loading

Does the script in the body header necessarily block

What happens when the DOM node is added or removed? (back)

Changing the left and right of the transform in JS compares to changing the transform in CSS

What is GPU acceleration

The difference between processes and threads

Have you done the H5 page? How do you adapt to mobile

Contrast HTTP1.1 HTTP / 2

How does HTTP/2 solve queue header blocking

How does HTTP/2 compress headers

Why is HTTPS safer than HTTP

Let’s talk about symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption

When is the HTTP request encrypted symmetrically and when is it encrypted asymmetrically

Symmetric encryption principle

What would you do if you were asked to implement a CSRF attack?

Do you know of any other attacks?

Function of key in Vue

Is it ok if I set the key to a math.random ()

If you had to design a two-way binding how would you design it

If (a===1&&a===2&&a===3)

Have you seen this problem? That’s a quick answer

What questions do you think I haven’t asked, so you can say your bonus points

On May 16

Second interview

Interview format: on the phone

Interview duration: 46 minutes

Interview insight: the interviewer will be more serious than one side of the interviewer, the overall atmosphere of the interview is also ok. There were a lot of questions, such as ngnix or Node, but I did not ask again after I indicated that I was unfamiliar. Face to the back of the interviewer’s tone is also a lot of amiable, I think the same side is a better interview experience.

Talk about your permissions, routing permissions and button permissions

Button permissions Can you think of a better way to do it than the way you’re doing it? For example, encapsulate a component

Where do you usually keep your tokens

Is there any difference between placing a token in a Cookie and a localStorage or sessionStorage

What are the security issues with cookies? How to prevent it?

How do you control the sending of cookies after setting SameSite to LAX

Will it be sent if the top-level domain is different

What are the front-end security issues

Are there any security issues if you use JSONP?

Have you ever done single sign-on

Have you ever used Ngnix? What have you done with it?

Have you ever used Node? Let’s say I use it to write some middle layers

What optimizations have been made in the project?

What do you think is the best part of your project

Technical difficulties encountered in the project

What motivated you to write bPMN.js

Have seen what source code

Have you ever mentioned pull to a good git project

If YOU were given a React project right now how long do you think you’d be able to do it

What are your career plans

What about your salary expectations?

Have you compared the salary in Shenzhen and Guangzhou?

After the second technical interview, there was actually another programming question, but the interviewer sent me a separate email and asked me to reply the result to him within the specified time. That program the question is dull did not make 😂, realized a function only, thank the interviewer small elder brother is merciful.

On May 18th

HR side

Interview format: wechat video

Interview duration: 50 minutes

Interview insight: HR sister is very beautiful. Then asked me if I was single, there are also a lot of single sister. I said if there is a chance to introduce a wave to me. The atmosphere is more relaxed. A lot of questions, and I’m just going to pick a few of them, but other questions have been asked by other interviewers and I won’t repeat them. In addition, after the interview, she told me that HR would have a second interview, please wait for the notification…

Have you heard about our company?

Wasn’t it in Shenzhen before? Why are you going to Guangzhou?

Have you ever experienced anything in your life that has touched you a lot?

What do your parents think of your job?

Are you single now?

Hobbies and interests outside of work

What if you don’t get your expected salary

On May 23

HR 2 face

Interview format: wechat video

Interview duration: 58 minutes

Interview insight: the HR sister of the second interview is also very beautiful 😂… The HR sister in the beginning did not cheat me, ha ha ha, just kidding, close. At this point in the interview, the company basically wants you, so the questions are always about your own opinion of the company, and your future life or career plan. With regard to these questions, stupidly assume that you can answer truthfully. For example, HR asks you: do you plan to work in Guangzhou for a long time? Will you quit after one year? And so on.

Programming the cat

On May 20

Programming Cat is from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m., a total of four rounds of interviews, five interviewers (second interview, two interviewers together), after the second interview, I was too tired to speak… I still don’t feel good about my body. I need more exercise. Overall efficiency is very high, 2 hours to get it done.

One side

(Front End spirit Boy)

Interview format: on-site interview

Interview duration: 50 minutes

Insight from the interview: Because the interviewer’s age should be similar to me, so it is still good to talk. After introducing myself, I asked some questions related to the project, and then I still tried to ask the basic knowledge. During the interview, I was asked to talk about the data conversion type (I suspect he didn’t read it carefully). Finally, he is still very awkward 😅 when talking about welfare treatment, because it is not so good as expected.

Implementation of dynamic forms

Control of permissions

How do you do caching in your projects

How are environment variables controlled in a project?

Let’s say I have two subprojects and they need to share the same user system how do I make sure that when I close the page and open the other project the user is still logged in?

How to optimize the project

Optimized the first screen loading

Use scenarios of SSR


Does requestAnimationFrame belong to a macro task or a microtask

Enter the URL to render the page

Script and CSS and the rendering order of the page

When is the async of the script tag loaded

Let’s talk about the == conversion

Talk about Vue’s Diff algorithm

Disadvantages of diff algorithm

Second interview


Interview format: on-site interview

Interview duration: about 30 minutes

Interview insight: this second interview is the only time that I was interviewed by two interviewers at the same time. It’s funny when one interviewer asks a question and then looks at the other (inner activity: it’s your turn, what do you have to ask). And the architect, when I say, “Um,” he says, “Let the nerd go…” I can’t get it back. But you can see that at their level they still see a lot of things that I don’t see, and they ask questions that are more construction-oriented.

Tell me the highlights of your project

How does your UI component library implement on-demand import?

How Webpack packaging works

What optimizations Webpack packaging has

HTTP / 2 HTTP / 1.1

What do you think of the projects you’ve done

There are a lot of questions… At that time, my brain was a little hazy, and I forgot after finishing my noodle.

On three sides

(Project Leader)

Interview format: on-site interview

Interview length: about 10 minutes

Interview insight: the project leader of the elder brother is quiet, speak or quite humorous, but feel to bring aura, caused a certain pressure to the dull.

Project window

What were you responsible for in the project

Project the difficulty

Your advantages

Is there anything else you want to ask?

The project leader is always asking questions about the project, and about yourself.

HR side

Interview format: on-site interview

Interview duration: about 15 minutes

HR sister: you must be very tired after three interviews. Let’s have a simple chat (I have to praise this sister gentle and considerate 😝). Then I gave a general introduction of the company and its advantages.

Non-technical self-introduction


Hobbies outside of work

Everything else is salary at last company, salary expectation, anything else you want to know…


On May 20

Interview department: hangzhou department

One side

Interview format: Video interview

Interview duration: 50 minutes

The feeling of the interviewer… Well… Harmless? Hahaha, very nice. But the questions are very regular, for example, after asking about the project, say I see you can use Vue, then I ask about Vue, then two-way binding principle, nextTick principle, virtual DOM and so on; Then I asked about HTTP. And finally, he said that they are now working on projects related to dynamic forms, so look at how we designed them… Dull self feeling didi surface is still good, but without follow-up… Later, my elder brother helped me find out the reason, but there was no reply… After careful thought, maybe the project is not hard enough, because the contrast is not bright enough.

Tell me about your first project

Tell me about your UI component library

Dynamic table implementation

What do you do if you have a component that needs to be associated with a previous component

Tell me about your workflow

Describe the difficulties you encountered in the project

Bidirectional binding principle of Vue

What are the disadvantages of object.defineProperty ()? Why does Vue3 use Proxy?

Implementation principle of nextTick

When does waiting in nextTick become true

Let’s talk about what the virtual DOM does and how it works

What new apis or enhancements have been made to Vue3?

A word about the header field of the HTTP cache

What about keep-alive in HTTP?

How does it guarantee the order of each packet in a transmission?

Have you read about HTTP/2?

Let’s talk specifically about multiplexing in HTTP/2

What do you consider to be your strengths?


On May 21

Interview department: Financial nail

One side

Interview format: telephone interview

Interview duration: 30 minutes

Interview comprehension: Ali’s interview is son yi jun to help push (hard 😊), stupid is put in the last, and before understand the same, the interviewer may be in view of what you say and then dig deep, so every word you say must consider clearly just good. Dull is a side to hang up, in the final analysis, the reason is not explained, technology is not home, the understanding of some knowledge points is not deep enough. However, aside from the reasons other than technology, I think the poor interview condition is also one of the reasons that lead to the failure of this interview. I had a phone interview at 7 o ‘clock in the evening. I was busy reviewing all day and had a hasty dinner. As a result, MY mental state was very bad at the time of the interview, so I did not have any mental energy during the interview. For example, the first question the interviewer asked me, can you tell me what the position attribute is? I repeated the word position several times and my mind went blank. Then I said, “Excuse me, would you spell that for me? “…

Don’t say being stupid is cool… I swear to myself. A drink.

This may sound particularly funny 🤭, but it is true in the dull body, so I also want to tell you that the preparation before the interview is indeed full, but their state and state of mind is also very important, do not because of some non-technical reasons for their regret…

The values of position are described

Relative’s positioning rules

What does it look like out of the document stream?

What is the permutation of the general flow (document flow)

Usage scenarios of inline-block

Difference between GET and POST

Why does GET leave a history?

Can GET upload pictures?

Security issues with GET and POST Why is POST relatively safe

Does GET have to be idempotent?

Describe the caching schemes you know

Why are you doing this dynamic form? (Business pain points)

What exactly is difficult about dynamic forms?

Do you know other dynamic forms in the industry this piece

Is there anything else you want to ask me?

Shenzhen open,

On May 25

Interview department: a business department

One side

Interview format: on-site interview

Interview duration: 40 minutes

Interview insight: Before the start of the interview, see the interviewer in front of another boy, vaguely hear the boy was told off by the interviewer. So the interview before the heart is still a little bumpy. But when I actually went to the interview, the interviewer didn’t seem so fierce, and even felt that his eyes were hostile to me… Originally he said that he had read my article, said to think of some I do not know the test me… 😅

Let’s talk about prototype chains

Why is null judged as ‘object’ by typeof error?

Say a few of these

What should I notice when I use the arrow function?

Let’s talk about JS built-in objects

Describe the scope chain

Usage scenarios for closures

What do I need to be aware of with closures


What ES6 features have you used

Talk about your understanding of modules

Second interview

(Project Leader)

Interviewer: Hello, you can take off your mask and have a face-to-face communication with us.

I:… Does appearance score points? Then I can start tomorrow…

Project related questions, and then:

  • Previous team assignments
  • Career planning
  • Expected salary
  • Any questions

HR side

The general problem… Similar to what was asked above…

Open thought is a bigger auto financing company in shenzhen, gawk here are 3 ~ 5 years post below, actually from the side after gawk had a feeling each other is very like me, but they may also feel at the end of the HR to reach my expected salary, so after I go home and I telephone communication, If you want to continue to stay in Shenzhen in the future, you can reconsider. I’d say it was a little bit of a friendship.

A thank-you note

At the end of this article, I would like to write a thank-you note that is not related to this issue, because I don’t know how to express my gratitude to the people who have helped me during this period of time, so I have to use words (it won’t sell me, ha ha ha).

First of all, I would like to thank those who helped me to push and clarify my doubts. Ground, axuebin, child, tree sauce, Obama shanyue, when dawn dream of xi, if chuan, hand painting dapeng, three yuan god, baby front end, a beautiful forest hin, netease yan – FuChao, oneself still lucky, can through the blog know so many good bosses, and are very keen to help me, some bosses have even been gawk excuse me several times, Ha ha, fortunately the dull skin is thicker, also thank you for your magnanimity, really thank you very much.

Hahaha, and then I want to thank the other three very nice friends: Mr. Yiming, TerryLife, LINGLONG. I would say that a big part of the reason I’ve been able to get through this period of time is because of the encouragement and support of the three of you. During the interview, I set up a wechat group of just four people and found three like-minded friends who were trying to survive like me. The purpose of this group is very simple, is to share with each other, encourage each other, progress. I mentioned before that I log on wechat twice a day. In addition to dealing with some messages and replies, I share what I learned today and what I was asked in the interview in this group, and then encourage myself and stick to it.

So sometimes it’s nice to have a group of people that you can work with and stick with at a certain stage. Forget it, don’t say too much, understand the line, ha ha ha.

In addition, I would like to thank my good roommates in Shenzhen 😂 for their generous care for me during my job search, and even for the sake of keeping me in good health, running with me 😂. It is really hard for you 😂.

I also want to thank all the friends who support Lin to be dull. I have a good look at your comments and suggestions. Thank you for your encouragement, ha ha 😄.

Finally, I would like to present you a song “Fly” by Wang Enxin Est/ Two fat U. I hope that in this era of rapid development, everyone can be the unruly and energetic self.

After the language

You hope the world, I hope you have no bugs. That’s all for this article.

Dull recently also established two wechat communication groups, one for reader communication, one for good posts push, interested partners can scan (if expired, you can scan the dull public QR code, and then send me a message: “readers”, I pull you into the group yo 😄) :

The guy who likes “Lin Dandy” also hopes to follow Lin Dandy’s public account LinDaiDai or scan the qr code below 👇👇👇.

I will not regularly update some front-end knowledge content and their own original article 🎉

Your encouragement is the main motivation for my continuous creation 😊.

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